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New member
Oh I've done a lot of reading I think I am quite caught up now ...its hard to admit when you are wrong but I now have come to realise just what kind of person she is and how I've been on the wrong side too long .I've seen the light now ha ha ...I just hope a few more saw the link i posted before it was deleted and start to realise Jo is not the person they think she is
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I was sadly one of the delusional followers, until she did a few things which made me think hhhmmmm not sure about that, then I came here and sat on the fence for a while I'm going back abit now, then I genuinely was concerned for lowen one day and she turned into the most sarcastic nasty person which I'd never seen before, because like you say she has her say then quickly deletes and blocks so people see the perfect imagine which she isn't. Then I started to comment here not because I'm a troll but because I don't want her to treat someone like she treated me and this other lady at the time. I've bought her merchandise and subscribed but believe me people will slowly realise that she's not as nice as people think, she's only nice because you agree with her the second you give an opinion she doesn't agree with your gone and that's her problem she is always right, a very dangerous personally trait and I'm for one was glad to be blocked. Heres to people finally figuring her out x
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And all the minions saying how sorry for her they are and in the next sentence asking each other for the link to the news articles!😂
Obviously Julia says out of respect for jo she will wait for jo to update....don't bother Julia it's all on Cornwall live love!
Trash is of course telling everyone it's been such a shock for jo because she had no idea until Wednesday....I say bollocks to that Trash! She's known for months just like she clearly knows something about him being involved with drugs given that that was her first thought when he got arrested.
So you don't know him well....or at all but you think he's innocent...why not just come right out and say because the victim is a sex worker so is obviously lying.
Or maybe read the actual news article . Twat.


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I’m actually on the verge of unsubscribing I thought I was going to be seeing/paying for horses and animals all it’s been this week is pervert sex pest Pete and his call girl drama .eye hoods treatment and Botox so frozen I think that’s why she looks so fake and uncaring she can’t move her face and now the poor horse had been sold up the river I hope others see this and get some back bone and take there money to a more deserving course then her eyes lids I’d rather give it to the horse charity’s if everyone done the same it would make such a difference to there lives them paying for needless beauty treatment
Nah rarely get horse / animal content these days, it's all her and the kid, I get he's obviously a big part of her life but most people started following her because of the horses but as we mentioned the other day she's changed so much much in the last three years or so, now it's all about money and her lives are just full of her moaning, crying, telling lies and getting attention and sympathy for her fake stories.
Her minions are too stupid to realise that she moans about how expensive horse feed/electric/hay is etc but is quite happy to spend hundreds of pounds on botox, a holiday and her eyelids in a month!
I'd definitely unsubscribe and cancel your payment, don't give her your money, she doesn't deserve it.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Wait, what's this? Open "honest never tells lies" Jo Solomon getting caught out lying about her lorry insurance??? *Gasps* But how could that possibly be? And yet....there it is, the proof that Jo Solomon is indeed a liar, well who'd of thought it (well us Tattlers obviously, we've said it for months) well you could knock me down with a feather...sorry fevver!

Yes minions it's true, open honest lovely law abiding JoJo did indeed take her child and her horse on a long journey knowing full well that her lorry was not insured and that it had at least one dodgy tyre.
She put their lives at risk as well as those of other road users. What a wonderful person she is!
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
I watch and enjoy so many FB pages and not one other page begs like Jo, not any other page have a wish list begging for people to buy them anything, ( and pay there way in life the household items are the worst who asks people to buy there washing powder) no other page I watch constantly slags people off and blocks them, if they get a negative comment!!

And all the ones I watch with young children well there’s a few with 2 year olds that speak better, have been better brought up then poor L

The pages I watch that have horses, everyday post 3/4 times and show them being looked after, not well horses don’t want anything they just want to be free, I bet not one of hers got a brush put to them when she took there rugs off let then roll in mud ( which absolutely horses ❤ It) but I bet they didn’t enjoy a rug getting chucked back on with mud underneath 😕

Your negativity towards the world, your constant crap you talk your woes and poor me, your constant money grabbing and begging, is what will end you on SM

And that’s why Jo they have looks of views, lots of people that enjoy there pages and earn a lot from that on FB, when you have just your obsessed minions and even there going by the day.

Then you can go back to your sad life, which poor L doesn’t stand a chance in poor child.

I will be watching and waiting for that day when your toxic mouth is no longer watched or listened too, and you can no longer afford your horses and they go to decent homes that will give them a real home of ❤ and attention that you do not provide for them.

And your words if you can only put certain videos up for your minion subscribers, because otherwise you get negative comments then surly that should raise alarm bells on how badly and wrongly you do things 🙄🙄 you know how you look after your animals is shit hence why you only put the lovely nice happy face ones on the public page. Try to show yourself or happy and content, then get to the subscribers lives and oh F me your the nastiest person to everyone you know have known and even your own family, you have a new friend for 5 minutes you find something to slag them off about and lose another friend you are just a horrible person inside and out ( unless it involves £££ then your lovely )
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New member
I simply can not understand how Jo and her followers are standing by him and supporting her .I until recently was a supporter but I can not support anymore ,her morals are so out of wack ,Rose tinted glasses well and truly taken off now
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Those comments are absolutely a dig at you Jo, you hated Ginnie, you spoke to her and treated her like shit, the majority of attention she got from you was negative, screeching and shouting at her, calling her a bitch or dick, dogs chasing and snapping at her.
You pay your phone way more attention than your animals, you are constantly on it, your child doesn't know what it's like to not have it thrust in his face every day.
You could barely do anything with Ginnie, couldn't get a rug on her without her doing her best to get away from you just like Seven now.
You have advertised your horses for sale and loan several times, including trying to sell Jack twice, you put ads for Ginnie on several sites as well as your own pages.
None of your horses get your individual attention unless you can film it for content/make money out of them.
Beth has had Ginnie for less than a week and has shown her more love attention and compassion than you did in five years, it's so obvious, that's why people have made the comments they have, no one has ever seen Ginnie look so relaxed and happy, you wouldn't have been able to walk up to her and sit on the ground with her like Beth did.
I don't give a fuck how hard it is for you, just like you didn't give a fuck about Ginnie, you still don't give a fuck about her, yet again this is all about you. Well boo fucking hoo Jo, tell you what why don't you invite your closest mate over for a cuppa and a chin wag, you know, the one who was recently convicted of a violent crime and got away with not serving time for the other vile disgusting things he did.
Fuck off Jo and when you get there fuck off some more.
Ooh here's an idea Jo, why don't you tell your supporters to stop sharing posts about Ginnie or asking how she is just like you told them to stop asking about Piotr your "closest mate" and convicted criminal, the one who got away with rape and robbery.
That way you can just forget all about Ginnie and you won't have to pretend to give a shit about what's she's getting up to.
How's it going with moving on from the Piotr situation by the way? If only some fucker would stop reminding you of him every day eh!


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Maybe you should actually buy decent quality rugs for them instead of spending your money on nights out and botox and only buying cheap rugs when they are on sale.
Maybe you should make the fields safer, get rid of all the crap lying around, all the barbed wire, bits of wood etc all of which they can catch their rugs on.
Maybe you should get rid of some of the horses instead of squeezing seven of them into too small an area where they have nothing to do because you never ride them and only interact with them when you need video content. If you actually gave them some mental stimulation they wouldn't be so bored.
Maybe Jo YOU should just fuck off yourself.


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Yep aside from trying to earn money, suprise suprise, she's only doing videos to try and detract from the fact her closest friend is now a known violent evil convicted criminal. Obviously hoping people will forget and move on although of course she never actually told main page what was happening only supporters, main page didn't really see much of Piotr but I'm sure many of them would be unimpressed to hear shes supporting him and is happy to stay friends with him after what he did.
Let's just hope this doesn't happen to a family member of hers. Rape is unacceptable regardless of the situation. He is gutter trash . People like him keep her in work. Just like all Jo's her to support this scumbag. So they are all as guilty as him. Still got a criminal record, and hopefully no one employs him to do work for them as he is obviously an evil man that only wanted his own gratification!! ( Jo Google that word as I know it doesn't fall into your vocabulary). He needs a tattoo on his head letting the world know that he is dangerous!
I I knew I had seen Jo,s new look somewhere.. Worzel !!
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If you haven't already.. go and read above about this dirty filthy rat.
If you believe the jury of 5 men and 7 woman sat laughing in a court room , you are totally disillusioned!! That just would not happen.

He was only cleared of 3 of the offences ! But still found guilty hence his time in prison.
He will still have a criminal record, so why are those Muppets trying to do a go fund page, Amazon wishlist etc. If he ban afford to pay £80 for his own gratification, he can afford to support himself !
On release from prison all his personal items, including the clothes he " found in the street that just happened to be his size" so he could "repair his car", the gaffa tape he just happened to have in his car, and the gloves and hat ( to hide all evidence although caught on CCTV footage), all would have been returned on release. His car would have been released from the compound, and part of his release would be to provide a fixed abode as part of his release. So was that Jo's shite hole?? I guess not his son's family home!!
Jo had all his furniture from when she emptied his caravan upon his sentencing.
As he "worked" while in prison, he would have been released with any wages earned.. maybe enough for a well over due BJ and anal sex!!
Please remember, he went and sourced this woman, obviously can't pull a woman, is this because of his violent aggressive mannerism??
Jo and minions support this sex predator, well let's just hope one day , the tables don't turn, and you find yourself being tortured by a sex predator that tortured this woman not once, but twice!!

I am sure had it been the woman jo was friends with, everyone would want pedalo Pitor as far away as possible.

Has he learnt his lesson?? No, he just learnt not to get caught. I did laugh at the big tough bastard "crying into his tissue" , tears of relief because the poor woman spoke little if any English so probably had little or no representation in court.
And before anyone states " she is a sex worker" please remember, if it wasn't for the oldest profession, their would be more perverts out there abusing woman because a w"""k and tissue doesn't have the same effect as over powering a woman that didn't start a chance against this filthy animal.

Maybe Jo might be his next victim, if not already obliged. any hole a goal, and desperate for another baby!!
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I'm going to say this and say this once my daughter was raped and just because he was found not guilty doesn't mean it didn't happen, my daughters rapest also got away with it. These type of men make my blood boil. If he didn't do it why would the girl bring shame on herself like that, what she was doing for a living, putting herself at risk with the law being a sex worker other than if she was the victim of rape, he lied numerous times about things, tried to worm his way out in everyway there was. I liked him before I got blocked but just because your found not guilty doesn't mean you are, people also get charged with things they haven't done. The justice system for rape is shocking
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Fuck me I should get a bloody medal for sitting through her shite! Two fucking hours of her mostly repeating the same shit she has talked about multiple times before! No wonder it rapidly dropped from 122 to 85 people watching within half an hour, she's just soooo boring.
She's moving her furniture again because she's sold the chair and dresser and bought a TV unit and new sofa, started painting things again but will probably get bored half way through as she always does.
Moaned it cost £112 at the vets for the cat, vet says it's a flea allergy but Jo doesn't believe it because obviously she knows more than a vet. Trolls will say she's a dirty bitch with a filthy house..... Well yes Jo because you are and it is!
She then goes on an almighty rant about Tattle that she never reads and isn't bovvered by.... Her friend Abby came to see if we had been nasty about her child because he's disabled, well obviously we weren't because unlike Jo and Abby we aren't cunts, it was those two who stuck their tongues behind their lips and had a conversation as if they were suffering with a disability and thought it was hysterical.
She says she never reads it but could tell Abby what we say because we are so predictable, then goes on about how we say she was lying about the thing with the train loo, that it never happened because there's no loo on that train, she's so obsessed with insisting that there is a loo she forgets that actually our main point was she was lying about the actual situation, it didn't happen, she made it up because she had seen it on fb a few days previously. She is so incensed that she is actually going to make a video proving that the train has a toilet! 😂
Says we post about her every single day.... But she doesn't come on here so how would she know??! 😂 Says one of them.... then tries to pretend she can't remember my name but thinks it's possibly Pepperpot 🤔 is obsessed but she isn't sure because she actually gets bored reading it..... But she doesn't read here!! 😂
Says we go on about her having botox but
She's never claimed to be on the breadline, if she wants to treat herself to botox she will... But she moans about money constantly, tells everybody how much everything is costing her, said she couldn't afford to heat every room etc!
Yes she sometimes shares her links for supporters etc but that's because it's her job and how she earns her income but anyway she's not bovvered what we say on here, she rents a space in our heads for free, we are so obsessed wiv her... To be fair Jo you get everything else for free so why change the habit of a lifetime eh?
She's got a fick skin and she likes herself and likes who she is as a person so she's not bovvered and she never reads here anyway! 😂 Apparently she is too busy to read Tattle, even too busy to look at fb... And then goes on to talk about love island, married at first sight, Katie Price and being obsessed with fb marketplace! 😂
Somehow ends up talking about shaving etc and she says she gets thrush all the time since having lowen 🤢🤢🤢 and gets hairy nipples 🤢🤢🤢
Then says she hasn't got time for a man and can't be arsed to make an effort she just wants to be fed, massaged and left the fuck alone.... Don't worry Jo, with thrush and hairy nipples I'd say that's a given! 😂
She's awful in a relationship, really insecure and jealous, checks their phones etc.
Lowen slept late again the other day and she refuses to wake him up for preschool, rang and said she would bring him in a bit later and they told her she would have to wait for the afternoon session because it disrupts the other kids, she said fair enough but then moans that she still has to pay even if she is late taking him in or he doesn't go at all.
Then repeats all the stuff she'd already said about Girlcat and the vet earlier almost word for word, it's fucking deja vu 🙄
She won't let preschool take the credit for him, everything he knows is because of her not them, she's so proud of herself, she's responsible for it all, he amazes her, it's not just leg, head and arms he knows but fingers, toes, knees, EVERYFINK, it's incredible!!! 😂
Even her mum said he's a credit to her which she thought was lovely even though she knew it anyway.
Then she talks about Adrian, goes on and on about him gaslighting her, cheating etc and about other blokes who had cheated.
I was then on the phone for 20 minutes so not listening but when I came off the phone she was still going and carried on for another half hour about all the things men said and did, how Adrian left her and she had a breakdown, how the issue with mishearing the woman about her driving awareness course bought back her ptsd because it reminded her of how Adrian made her doubt herself, she literally repeats EVERYTHING she has already told us multiple times before, goes on about the CSA again and how she had to let them get the money he owed etc etc
She says he begs her to take him back every weekend and even threatened to turn up at 9pm tonight.
Finally changes the subject and says how lowen loves her mum so much and when she is with them she feels left out because he wants nanny to everything instead of her. It's really obvious that she is actually very jealous, she even says she thought that he shouldn't see nanny again because when she dies he will be so upset. Seriously she is sick in the head.
Claims she stopped taking her antidepressants June last year, then tries to be Dr Jo and explain how depression works etc, says she is absolutely fine now but is very aware of how she feels and would go back on them if she felt she needed to...... Or she is desperate for sympathy and attention eh Jo?
Starts telling yet another story which basically ends up with her moaning that she lost £10 because she had it between her legs and then she couldn't find it.... I'll let you come up with your own thrush based jokes! 😂
And thank fuck for that it was over! And obviously obsessed Pepperpot had to rush over here to fill you all in because I'm sooo obsessed.
Jo says she will watch the live back later although she usually falls asleep just like when she is reading Tattle because it's so boring...... Not that she ever reads here.... Hi Jo! 😘
Oh yeah and Jo who never reads tattle because she's too busy was watching Katie Price who she admires as a mum and someone commented that Jo reminds them of Katie and Jo said she would take that as a compliment!😂
I've always said that Jo is trying to be a Cornish Katie Price especially with the way she speaks, compare that video of her with the posh voice the other day and how she speaks on her lives it's ridiculous. Also the original video of JB in the feed store where there's no swearing, just a giggling well spoken Jo calling him a sausage.
It's obvious she over exaggerates the way she talks now and she even speaks differently on videos for the main page and for supporters sometimes.
Nuffink, sumfink, bovvered, ain't, then there's brought instead of bought and trildren instead of children ...yet she can say child perfectly!😂
Does she honestly think talking thick as shit is going to get her picked up by a TV company? Is that why she does it, so desperate to be known, well I hate to tell you this Jo but Katie Price has quite a lot of things you will never have and unlike you even though she talks like she's fick she actually isn't!
Katie Price's Mucky Mansion .... Skanky Solomon's Crudavan, just doesn't have the same ring to it somehow!😂 Dream on you sad fucker, the way your supporters are dropping you will disappear off social media quicker than Katie books her next boob job! 😂
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I've just caught up with it all.
Jo will be absolutely raging that things are going so well and people are seeing that actually Ginny isn't a problem pony.
Beth knows her stuff doesn't she and can see through all of this as I'm sure she is very sensible with what she gets her son to do with the ponies and would absolutely not put him in any danger. Good to see he was wearing a hat too throughout.
Did you spot the terrier in the field mooching about minding his own ?
Thats how your kids and dogs should behave around horses .
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Update on garage phonecall I made this morning, spoke to a very nice guy the manager who when I told him people had screenshots of the garage scenario he asked if anybody that has them could they send them to his email is “[email protected]” the impression he gave me was that he is taking the matter further 🤗 so Rentagob Jo might think twice about trying to ruining a business that doesn’t deserve it, also what was the name of the nightclub and where was it that the drug dealers were talking to them I’m sure crime stoppers would be interested as clubs have CCTV also probably Jo may have some of there phone numbers (no good deleting them jo police can retreive things u think are gone) so anybody with screenshots plz send them to the garage email and also if anyone has screenshots of what she said about the drug dealers hold on to them you never know when they might be needed 🤔, so maybe this year might get even more interesting lol 😂 and she gets what she deserve
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
A message for Charlotte Trash
My dear Charlotte, how awful for you having to read all the nasty wasty things the horrible people are saying about your fake bestie Jo frozen face Solomon, I saw your pathetic attempts to stick up for her, I honestly don't know why you bother, she wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire love. Anyway just to let you know that it wasn't Miss P saying those things, I absolutely agree with what was said but it wasn't me writing them, I prefer to stick to Tattle because it's much more fun knowing that Jo hasn't got a clue who I am, and believe me she'd be surprised! I don't comment anywhere else on social media but that doesn't mean I don't read what is said. So I'm afraid you've put two and two together and come up with five, soz about that, must be quite a disappointment for you as I'm sure you were falling over yourself to inform jo that you had discovered who Miss P was, just have to keep on guessing I'm afraid, Miss P ain't stupid, she isn't going to give herself away that easily....or ever!
Have fun reading hun 😘
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
She is such a joke it’s not even funny anymore, and the only single person to bring up a child, I brought up 2 on my own, work a full time job and still have always had time to look after my horses, ride them.

considering she has been moaning about Bellas weight, ( feed her better she would have been fine) but if your going away in March which isn’t too far away that’s fine she can just go without feed 🤐 why do these idiots listen to her horse advice because she is a bloody idiot.
We all know here she only bothers to feed them when she can be arsed to do a video, I bet they never get two feeds a day.
And L is what you have made him a spoilt brat that gets his own way all the time, 🤣🤣 we all knew he would start being difficult as he got older so reep what you sow good luck with him, and as for you still can’t potty train him it’s because he is as lazy as you are in spending time doing it properly
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So here’s the latest result of her poor horse management. She says bella has “mild” sycamore poisoning. Well that’s shite she either has it or not! Although doubt she will have had any blood results back yet or knowing her wouldn’t pay for bloods so assumes it’s sycamore poisoning! That’s serious it has a high fatality rate! People saying she should pick the saplings now! Er no she should have done it weeks ago when everyone else was if she knew she had any! The vet will have advised to remove all horses off her pasture now til it’s sorted and they will all need blood testing but of course skin flint won’t do that. One involves work the other involves spending money. 2 things she is very reluctant to do!


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Stormy skies

Well-known member
I knew she'd backtrack saying she didnt want people leaving them reviews what a load of bollocks she knew they'd run to her defense like they do every single time she has a problem. Bit like the trolls video she made, she knew they'd all share it and get her attention she desperately craves. If she was simply warning people to take pictures of their vehicles before leaving them somewhere and collecting afterwards she could have simply put that but she didnt, she PUBLICLY named the garage and provided a link to their page knowing her trolls would do her dirty work then she could play the innocent later on saying she never asked them to post reviews it was blatantly fucking obvious jo you thick cow, if you think people believe that you are even more stupid than you look. As for divvy amy on supporters still digging the hole deeper yes she did publicly name them on the main page, it wasnt a rant or a post on supporters she went with the biggest audience she could. Atleast out of all this a few more people can see what a 'wonderfully friendly group' of people supporters group is!! Brainwashed sheep is all the majority are, i say majority because a few have talked sense and said she shouldnt have named them or supporters shouldnt have left reviews on her behalf
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