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It says in the blurb it ends May 2nd, so she's got a bit more time.
Oh, so maybe that guy did 200 hours and Niomi is doing 300.
To be honest, I'm mentally preparing for a jumpscare from the creepiness of depths of hell, since we know she is only taking the shittiest decision in her life 😝
It doesn't matter as long as she knows she is where she is meant to be. 🧚‍♀️ Just call it a dark night of the soul if it didn't work out, and move on. 🤷‍♀️
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The worse was that they tried to get into some fancy restaurant and got turned away because they were fulled. Donkey didn't bother to book a restaurant on his gf's birthday 🤦‍♀️(there was some sort of event that day, with lots of tourists, so he should have known it would be safer to book). He also told her to take a passport (making her believe they were going abroad) and then took her on a car trip not super far away from Dublin... It's hard not to compare to him to Dreamy Joe who was always extra for her birthday/christmas

I haven't read her thread since January! Can't believe she has a second failed engagement! (I thought lOvE aLwAyS wIn, Nimbot 🤔) And she is on substack! Wtf, I didn't think she knew it existed lol

Edit: Also, she is in a yoga course... Are we in 2020 again? Was the last four years a fever dream (with Lordon as our night paralysis demon)?
I saw an article on some pretentious site how Substack is the next Instagram and I laughed, they said it was the next hot thing so of course Nimbobses of the world are slowly infiltrating the next cash cow. Good luck!

Yes Jamie White Dublin Life Coach got told off in comments that he should have known about some bike thing was happening as it was quite famous ordeal every year, what a total tool, and once they split he's working extra hard on IG and YT as in posting nonsense all day long after a 2 year break.

Feels like Niomi is scared of being real, she knows her money making ways are limited, they are lucrative I guess but limited and she knows it and how does she break through that? She surrounds herself with these fake people and accounts, they are all faking it and she thinks its reality and how does she get there... girl is being played as she plays others to make a buck. A circle of life.
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I have a theory that they are legally married. They started calling each other husband and wife which was odd and an odd switch from fiancé/fiancée. Then they went to the resort that had a big happy honeymoon display for them on the bed. This never made sense as “congratulations on your engagement” is just as easy to celebrate. It would not surprise me if there’s a lot they have to sort out with the split, aside from just returning their star. My guess is the trip related to this. I don’t see a reconnection as deleting someone’s entire existence from your socials is not an easy feat and wouldn’t have been done on a whim.
Ah, this does make total sense and I also found that “honeymoon” thing strange.

I got married last year and still refer to my husband as my boyfriend most of the time (mainly because it hasn’t sunk in) but I’d never dream of calling him my husband before we were married (each to their own though!)

I’m really hoping your theory is right 🤞🏼🤞🏼
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There is a Sampoorna yoga school in Bali. I wonder if Niomi would go there to continue her training or even to work as an instructor? It would be really bizarre to see her pursue something for more than a few weeks, or actually work, but who knows, she might surprise us. Her desperation must be at peak level, she needs something to ground her and give her life structure.
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The way she uses ‘manifesting’ so flippantly. 🤣 Like, ‘Yesterday while walking,’ or ‘Yesterday while taking a dump.’ And let’s not even talk about what a fucken creep Donkey was to see his then-fiancée crying, then thinking, ‘Yeah, this is something I should film.’
Right?? She looks distressed, she's crying, let me whip out my phone and film her face. WHO dose that..
Was this real? or is this a photoshopped image+text to make fun of how ridiculous she is?. I almost beleive is real, but there is something in my brain that doesn't allow me to understand how someone her age can be so stupid.
@ElenaK took a screen shot of her stories, this shiz is real girl!


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London for Wimbledon, maybe a brief giggly girlie holiday with Caggie and those mates?

If she doesn't have a man she will be dating a lot. Would she go for a divorcee like Carlo though? Rich he may be but she probably wants to be someone's first wife when it's her first marriage.

Do I see a band on the ring finger of her left hand here???
Don't you scare me like that cause I think I see it too.

Since Niomi is working with the moon now, I wonder if she's aware that we're finally seeing the other side. Also no alien colony hiding there, bummer.

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Niomi needs to get a new boyfriend fast.This thread is dryer than Big Tezza's 🐱 right now.That bald Italian guy will do.
Knowing Niomi she will attract some barnacle soon enough, those pictures and videos of her won't take themselves.
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I’m placing bets on either
1) Niomi has conceded
2) They haven’t actually agreed (again) and they’ll just prance around Bali ignoring the issue until their visas run out again

If Lordon has agreed to move to London I will be VERY surprised

Also, I was watching her Shed on Rightmove and she took it off the market about 4 weeks ago 👀 I forgot to say!
I wondered if it was still on the market. She'll probably be renting it out in order to fund her and Donkey's constant holidays.
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At least she found someone to take pictures of her on the beach. #winning in her eyes 🥴
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Is she single again? Not caught up with her in a while .. what happened thought they were so inlove?! 🤣
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Joe and his journey to the cupboard of the forbidden peanut butter !!!! Will he make it????
Ahaha its like some MS-DOS game from the 90's that I wish I could still play, yes, Will he make it??? The Smart Peanut Butter Maze is quite the challenge.
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She got engaged to Joey in December 2019 and he broke it off at the end of July 2020, so actually around 7 months and she got engaged to Lordon in May 2023 (oh the flashbacks to that proposal :oops:) and that ended towards the end of December 2023, so again the engagement lasted around 7 months. I think I commented before here about the 7 month itch.😅
Oh snap so same amount of time haha, wow! Thanks :D
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