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LOL love how people are referring about india as if it’s some unmodernised civilisation. Most young couples live together before marriage. Especially in big cities like mumbai( I’m originally Indian btw)

also to call india a ‘challenging state’ 🤣🤣 your ignorance showing hun. Not everywhere outside of England/ US/ Australia etc is a slum 😇

as if niomi was a matyr and didn’t gain massive popularity and monetise off of the whole india move - it was her most viewed video in a long long time
I thought the challenging state comment was more the overall stress of moving to a new country
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So for 'Bare Minerals read -'Bare Minimum' 🤣🤣🤣
this should be included in the new title!

I think the whole job associated with influencers needs to be axed. Now more than ever when we've had a year full of illness, death, mass unemployment and people working non-stop on the front line/other essential sectors. This pandemic should wake influencers and companies up that we don't want to see these idiots constantly flaunting their endless freebies and sponsorships to make even more money. It just seems so morally wrong that they get away with doing barely any work and yet are given countless freebies when people have been left with no money, loosing their jobs, relying on food banks to feed their families and burying their loved ones. Yet Niomi, Zoe, Tanya, Helen Anderson etc all flog this endless stream of free crap they have received or try to supposedly influence us to buy expensive tat when so many people are struggling to either hold down a full time job, find a job, pay their bills and feed their families. I am so fed up these influencers even exist. What was once fun videos to watch is now so vacuous and enraging that they complain about how hard they have got it to even make or edit videos. They need take their heads out their backsides, get a firm dose of reality and to get in the real world. Rant over.
totally agree, I was imagining by now thye would have started to lose sponsorships/free gifts etc but it doesn't seem to have happened. I think more people are just going to stop buying stuff they advertise tbh (I know I and lots of other people here actively do) and comapnies will start to realise this
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Just like I said, being tired is very subjective and we can’t measure other people by our understanding of this word
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Yeah this for me too. After I saw people on here saying they’d delete their exes immediately from all social media etc if they were dumped, I realised I had a photo on my Instagram of an ex of mine from 8 years ago 😳 but if someone was posting about me like Niomi is I would def unfollow....and equally if I wanted to post stuff about them I’d remove them from my followers first if not 😂
Oh yes, if I wanted to post something about them I'd probably be cautious and remove them from my followers list first. I never really watch stories on Instagram so unless they wrote a whole post dedicated to how much they hated me I'd probably never realise 😂. I don't think I've ever deleted photos from my social media of exes either, I just bury them with lots of recent posts haha.
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Chatty Member
So I rewatched her bridesmaid video again (as you do) and I noticed in the comments someone had commented if were going crazy as they had already watched it. She replied saying she took original post down as it needed ‘censoring’ - does anyone know what she censored?
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Miss Sparkles

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I only watched a few seconds but when she says ‘Joe and I were invited to go ice skating at the museum and for dinner after’ does she mean like a sponsored event by a brand?
Because saying ‘I’ll try to find a friend to come’ makes it seem that what I’m hearing is Joe came home really late from being away from work, then had to get up early again for work and the first thing she wants to do when he’s back is make him do a sponsored trip probably filmed etc for a brand ad? And anyone wonders why they didn’t last 😂😂

I only watched a few seconds but when she says ‘Joe and I were invited to go ice skating at the museum and for dinner after’ does she mean like a sponsored event by a brand?
Because saying ‘I’ll try to find a friend to come’ makes it seem that what I’m hearing is Joe came home really late from being away from work, then had to get up early again for work and the first thing she wants to do when he’s back is make him do a sponsored trip probably filmed etc for a brand ad? And anyone wonders why they didn’t last 😂😂

I’ve seen some of them answer this before - it’s so they have videos running from 1st Dec. I agree though it seems like it should start from 1st Dec with the first video on the 2nd
Further context to this was, they did go ice skating together but it was in the vlogs after this one.

So she got what she wanted it seems, on a different day. Plus he hates ice skating and thinks it is dangerous. It was for a brand deal 100%.
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I've really seen influencers do this or telling the world that they are trying on dresses, some show them and some don't. Just like the TV series Say Yes To The Dress!
Oh wow! I thought it would be all kept hush hush so it is a surprise on the wedding day!

I was going to say maybe she sensed things were not quite right and that's why she kept it on the down low to save face, but then that wouldn't make sense since one of the last videos she posted before the break up was her asking her best friend to be bridesmaid.
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If she’s going to push this “wrong path” mentality without any substance behind that statement, then can she really be upset Joe “blindsided” her? Couldn’t he just have said, I am on the wrong path” and she should have taken that as a sufficient reason to break up?
Can't follow this logic. Your actions upon realizing that you're on the wrong paths have consequences. It might have relieved yourself but caused harm on others. If Joe followed the same mentality, obviously there's nothing she can do about it, but she can still be upset.

Not to say that I don't find this "wrong path right path" thing completely cringy, though.
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Can someone give me a two line catch up? I’m too far behind to catch up with her shite!
  • Haha
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I also wonder if the breakup stress is the cause of her bad skin? Again, might be projecting here, but when I went through a traumatic breakup I developed cystic acne pretty much overnight from the stress, and it didn't go away. I had to go on roaccutane in the end, it was that bad! Had never had acne or spots before and I was in my mid 20s. I think she'd do well to stop trying to blur away her bad skin and promote her skincare, and be more honest that skincare can't solve spots caused by stress etc.

I think she should have launched her skincare as more of a selfcare/luxury product like Jo instead of a solution for problems, IMO.
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I know that it’s totally off topic but anyone watches Allana Davison? She just got engaged. Anyone make a thread on her please? She just started vlogmas
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I notice Venetia sent some of her candles to another influencer friend of hers, I wonder whether she sent them to Niomi and she just hasn't posted, or she just hasn't sent them?
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Errrrr end of vid she says he's back now- late night- so where did he stay the night somewhere else? Next day he went to work at 6am so def busy!
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I wonder if Freddie knew, Joe must have spoken to him about it before he broke it off.
For the record I don't think breaking up with a longterm partner is easy either (presuming no cheating involved). I'm sure he didn't enjoy it, and was likely confused when he started having doubts, so maybe it took a while for him to make that decision. Obviously it was devastating for her, but I don't think he's at fault for ending it even after they're knee deep in wedding planning, feelings can be so complicated.
Or maybe he spoke to other confidants and then he made the decision. And it's true, feelings can be complicated.

Joe was definitely thinking about ending things when he decided to move them in with Freddie rather than get their own place together. He must have spun a fantastic story as to why they moved in with his brother for her to still think things were okay.
I still don't believe that, there could be endless other possibilities.
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It’s really interesting a few of us seem to think he tried to say something/maybe asked for a break on that night and she just ran away to Sussex! Like there’s no evidence for this at all but I get a strong feeling something like that happened too...and maybe they confirmed it over the phone later on.
Yep. I definitely think she's used to her one dimentional view of the pahhhfect scenario. Would be hard to break through that implacable outlook.
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I know it’s been covered multiple times before but these kinky Instagram pages that Joe has followed is bizarre. I know that you can’t read into these follows reflecting anything about their relationship but if lack of passion / intimacy had anything to do with their breakup, I’d feel mortified if I was Niomi. I feel like a twat for even looking but I wondered if Joe was still following Niomi (he is) and his most recent Insta follow was this cracker of a page:
Also sorry if this is too explicit for here! Just thought it was too funny not to share.View attachment 333908
Honestly, he gives me the creeps in general, but this is a huge part of it
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