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I’m not a fan of her but I wouldn’t wish her bad either. There’s a reason that there’s saying “be careful what you wish for”.
anyway, she reminds me of myself around 14-15. I would exercise hour daily, eat very little and be “productive “. I was every day tired, to the point I had to take naps. People would say but how you’re tired if you’re so young and don’t work 8-12 hours? Well, turns out being tired is relevant.If she’s exhausted thats most likely how she feels at the moment. I don’t understand people trying to say she’s making up stuff like that
I think some people are saying that & others are saying it’s inappropriate to discuss her exhaustion as she’s so privileged.
I agree with you. I’d say she is exhausted from being emotionally frazzled if nothing else.
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I think it depends how you see her. Some people clearly connected with this video or related to it, that’s totally fine. For myself, I just always find her inauthentic and cringey, and this video didn’t detract from that, in fact it amplified those traits so that it was nearly unwatchable. She just comes off as someone who has a defined persona they put on for videos like this and I feel as though she ‘acts’ all her moments, in the exact same way, nearly every time.

I get that people think she is being ‘honest’, and that is totally fair to feel that way, but personally I can’t buy that every single situation is always somehow exactly what she wanted and just perfect for her. First Joe was perfect, now Joe leaving her is wonderful— I mean only now she admits perfect Joe and her fairytale life were delusions, in part because she’s a perfectionist who has to have that perfect facade— and yet she only admits as much while simultaneously insisting how great this is. YES she admits she was devastated but she literally said at the end “I’m so happy this has happened to me” with the requisite sweet chuckle and head shake.
Look, I’ve been through hard times and I understand exactly what it is to talk yourself through it and see the positives and be grateful in a way for the growth it gave you. But you also need to sit with and accept the negatives of it, and forcing yourself to say after just a few months you’re happy that your four year relationship ended with being abruptly dumped after booking the entire wedding? To me that just says your issues with deluding yourself and others that your life is amazing and just what you wanted are still thriving.
Fair enough, I can see where you are coming from.

I was more referring to people who insist she’s a narc or sociopathic etc.
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I wonder if the video was a change in tact on Niomi's part, since the "I'm living my best life finally have time for me!" vibe wasn't working in terms of possibly winning Joeyyy back. Not that I think she has any chance.

I also wonder what was the decision making process in terms of making Joe look bad in a video (this recent one was the most damning in terms of being blindsided by someone who turned out to "not be her person". Like were her friends and family supportive of that? Does she feel bad about putting more tea on the internet? If I were Joe I'd be a little annoyed. But if he was a total jerk maybe she sees it as him deserving it or something
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I don't think her vlogmasses are memorable or fun. The only thing I remember is that her and Joe explored Bruges, because I thought Bruges looked so cosy and christmasy.

I think somewhere along the line she only cared to do vlogmas to show off Joe and the *magical* activities they would do together.
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Niomi’s mom still follows Joe... and so does her best friend Charlotte... I think that’s weirder than his still following her tbh.
maybe she asked them to do that in case he makes his profile private
anyway, i have been trying to keep up with this but i just didn't have enough focus to read through everything
i just watched the video and i have to say that for the first time since the breakup i do feel for her
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No vlogmas? She has nothing to offer without vlogs and vlogmas. Good luck with that 🤷🏼‍♀️
bu tthen what would she film for vlogmas? not like she will have loads of in person events, what would it be, just online events and buying things/getting things free in the post?
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Oh please, she would withhold her child from social media. Her sister is different, that’s not really HER child. She treats her sister just like she treats the dog, awkward posing and giggles, then returns them quickly to mom.
confused about what you meant? I comes across as very aggressive. my first thought was "is this drunk niomi"?
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I'm just so not interested anymore in the break up and who has done wrong and who's better or worse etc and her narrative that she's created surrounding it all. I'm just finding the whole fake happy thing so draining. And honestly I just don't give a fuck anymore.

She is so boring this thread just ends up in a loop of debating who did what etc. And I feel like it's all been said so many times.

I almost want her to still be shagging Dettol Daddy because it would be something interesting.
Well, she won't be live streaming that if she was 🤣🤣
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$800k is equity guys. She didn't make $800k in a year (excuse the dollar symbols). But yeah it's still quite a lot of net worth.
She has massively increased cash in the bank though to over £300k. It's different in the UK in terms of tax returns (I also have a Ltd company). It shows income from people paying her and also debtors, people that still owe the business payment. What else do you think the equity is?

Edit: Is fishlo Niomi? ;)
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It’s not about blame. One person clearly wanted out and we are speculating why he wanted out. If she broke up with him, we would be speculating why and I’m gonna go out on another limb and say people here would be making guesses like, he’s gay!
That's true. Also maybe this is just a trash Niomi AND trash Joe thread now :ROFLMAO: It's all for fun but I do feel bad putting all the blame on a woman who was dumped when we clearly don't know everything that happened
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I find those follows of Joe... really bizarre. Like sure they're funny and maybe he shares with his mates, but to actually FOLLOW the page on a public account?? It doesn't really make any sense
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Guys, the blog post about the MUSES is finally available! Spoiler: it is just a bunch of quotes without any social media handles for the poor ladies...
Wow!! Inspirational-pass the bucket 🍯
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Hi, popping in here again! I can't believe that a week or two ago I unfollowed Niomi and checked out of this and... there have been so many posts! It seems like not much has changed with her. Again, who knows what is going on behind the scenes but I just find my major breakups have led to this period of either self-reflection or dramatic change in my life/schedule. How does she do it! Anywho, I am a big fan of Brittany Bathgate's videos (she put so much effort into titles, editing, music... almost as if this was her job, cough!) and she recently announced her own separation from her long time (12 year) partner. Just a year or two older than Nims but light years ahead in communication, thought and emotion. At least on camera. Do watch her announcement, first 10 mins of this. I found it really mature and a great direction for her viewers, it was honest and she spoke about what she will not discuss and also boundaries!!! It is so healthy sounding esp. when compared to others... cough cough cough hack cough. Also she reads a ton, she shares a lot of her book recommendations in this vid and others. And it's almost as if reading more than one book a year improves your vocabulary.

I’ve never come across her before so thank you so much for sharing! Didn’t expect the video to resonate with me so much.
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I've got to agree with @Callan on this. Multiple people on here have said Niomi made them feel shit about their own life. Because she admittedly wants to show people she lives a perfect life, which to most is unattainable. I get that the likes of Fleur also live a 'charmed' life, but Fleur is also very honest about the shit things she deals with on a day to day basis (she takes the piss out of Mike a lot and was open about her miscarriage without making it a huge deal). Niomi used to come across in a way that she WANTED people to be jealous of her. She's a typical mean girl at school, bragging about everything.
He could be curious enough to see which way she's playing it- I would be!!
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May be an unpopular opinion but I don't think any of the who is/isn't following who means anything, really. In my own experience friends have never unfollowed exes etc. I usually unfollow my exes because I just like a clean break but most people I know don't unfollow on social media unless, like me, they are actively trying to prevent themselves from having the option to stalk.

Idk, I can't imagine Joe putting much thought into social media and whether he follows her etc. He seems the type to not even watch her videos.

Does anyone else feel like watching Niomi's social media posting after the breakup has made them more self-aware? Like if I ever go through a breakup in the future and feel tempted to post a selfie or weird story of me trying to be sexy, I'll soon remember Niomi's posts and realise how embarrassing it looks to everyone else lmao
I think it depends on how the breakup was, I have been asked to unfollow ex's of friends when the breakup has been particularly bad
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I find it really fascinating that people are willing to read so much into tiny snippets of what we see of Joe, but happy to totally overlook huge amounts of video evidence of Niomi's behaviour. Like, I don't get the feeling Joe is vapid at all, but shy. He even said himself he is more shy than Freddie and Freddie is the outgoing one. Yeah he didn't say much on camera - I think it's pretty obvious he wasn't comfortable being filmed so much actually - but we know for a fact he has a good degree and solid interests evidenced by his Instagram follows and stories. No such thing from Niomi. If he wanted a trophy wife so badly he would've just married Niomi, no? She's perfect for that. But he didn't, and chose to break up with her when already engaged. If he wanted the easy path to a trophy wife, he turned it down. To me that indicates he does want more from a relationship actually.

Sorry if I'm lawyering this up too much but I just don't think there's much, if any, evidence for a lot of the things people criticise Joe for, unlike Niomi. Which is prob why people are more sympathetic towards him.

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I mean ok but it’s Friday - most of us normies are working, Dimbobs 😒
This is her 'work' -apparently-and pets can be very beneficial for mental health. Maybe Noodle can do do some magic.🧙‍♂️
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Just had a look at Venetia's instagram for the first time, much more appealing than Niomi's. I'm sure she's sent her candle though!
Probably working her way through the latest pile of freebies. Sure we'll get a simpering post, eventually 🕯🕯🕯
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