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I’ve had friends who get engaged but don’t actually plan the wedding until a year or two in, either for financial reasons, time constraints, or whatever it may be. If one of their partners broke up with them during that “waiting” period, are they entitled to less sympathy than Niomi, just because she ran out to London to admire herself wearing a wedding dress?
They would all deserve the same sympathy! I can’t imagine how traumatic it is to have a partner break off an engagement. Though I think the wedding-vs-child thing was like comparing apples and oranges
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Chatty Member
Whenever you search her and Joes name this forum comes up. I defo think she reads through these comments incognito but I wonder if he does
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In the next day's video she is visibly upset because he left home super early and was going to stay late at the office again. They were supposed to go ice skating, he cancels, she cannot find any friend available to go with her and ends up going to bed. She's clearly super sad at the end of the video. I don't know why she shared it to be honest.

Wow is she different in this video than from the way she is now.
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Do you think it depends on who broke up with who? When I have broken up with people in the past I've not removed them or their family / friends from my social media as I checked out a long time ago. Whereas when I am the person being broken up with I find it hard to stay friends with someone I have feelings for so I unfollow them, and their family as inevitably you'll see photos of them tagged with someone new after some time.
Yeah this for me too. After I saw people on here saying they’d delete their exes immediately from all social media etc if they were dumped, I realised I had a photo on my Instagram of an ex of mine from 8 years ago 😳 but if someone was posting about me like Niomi is I would def unfollow....and equally if I wanted to post stuff about them I’d remove them from my followers first if not 😂
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Jackie Daytona

Chatty Member
She was. However the comment I responded to was saying if Joe used the same argument & says he's on the wrong path, the she can't be upset about it.
She would have pushed the same bullshit if she were the one doing the breaking up. So I think it’s just a, Niomi gets to do it, thing.
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Chatty Member
Good point. Also I'm now a bit confused about Joe, why did she say he was a good guy a few videos ago, when he shat on her life and clearly she resents him for it?
I think he might have been suffering from a mental breakdown or something so she was trying to protect him. Who knows but I agree this was defo ok pizza night.
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VIP Member
Equity = Asset - Debt

It's a balance sheet item not an income statement item. Same in every country.

Increase in cash increases equity, yes, but some are saying she "made" £800k in a year, which is what I tried to explain to be incorrect.
Wait until you check her other companies ;). Although the accounts on Sourced Box Ltd were due back in March....

She's just thanked the mysmartskin team for the hard work that has gone into the products, including managers running it day to day, factory packers, etc. Id probably be running it myself to be honest - not just shilling!
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Holy fuck let’s add to that every gifted item she received and it’s quite a paaahfect life. And I’m working 9 to 5 like a complete dumbass.
How did she earn that much? I thought that her boots range was a complete flop?
People who work normal 9 to 5 jobs are important as well.

Here more information:
The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where NIOMI holds a current appointment equals £454.7k, a combined total current assets value of £924.7k with a total current liabilities of £237.8k and a total current net worth of £713.2k.

Very mediocre people making a ton of money and getting a lot of free stuff. It's sickening really.
Yes, but the free stuff I don't care much about only if it's something one would really like. I can imagine I only like 10% of the stuff I will get sent if I were an influencer.
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Not so much #smartskin# as #you'rehavingalarfskin# .... either that or Naomi's having a touch of the Joan of Arc's. Empowering women by getting a stack of overpriced shenanigans, whilst showing us how to have the "perfect break-up." Competitive streak I sense going on here. Plus furious little girl simmering away underneath.
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I’m curious about the ring too. I noticed in her IG photos from July 24- August 6 she’s wearing a thin band on her ring finger. So I’m wondering if maybe it was just coincidentally getting serviced around the time of the split, and she was wearing that band as a replacement. Weird if the timing was truly that coincidental, though. Maybe she did take off the ring because of their relationship problems and wore that band so people wouldn’t think anything of the engagement ring being gone. Seems weird to do that, though🤷‍♀️
She actually said in one of the vids that the ring setting was loose and needed sorting out. Nothing mysterious.
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I'm just so not interested anymore in the break up and who has done wrong and who's better or worse etc and her narrative that she's created surrounding it all. I'm just finding the whole fake happy thing so draining. And honestly I just don't give a fuck anymore.

She is so boring this thread just ends up in a loop of debating who did what etc. And I feel like it's all been said so many times.

I almost want her to still be shagging Dettol Daddy because it would be something interesting.
I think I might check her social media in a year or so if I don't forget about her, I think nothing much has changed by then, perhaps a new guy in her life that she is happy to show and there probably would be a #30 thread on tattle.
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I know I'm very much speculating here as I know nothing about them and what they do off of social media, but does anyone else get the impression that she literally doesn't give a shit about Dettol Daddy?!
Could she be playing hard to get??🤣🤣
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