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Saw this on Twitter and honestly, it hit hard.
She’s got a nerve. She actively seeks out women and sends abusive and threatening messages online using their mental health struggles as a weapon against them.

She’s purely jumping on the bandwagon for attention.
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Does anybody know for definite if she went to a woman's refuge of some sort, if they'd have to alert the police? Even if she said she was in danger? (No not necesseraily because of Paul) This was something my mum said on the phone tonight.

Frankly I was amazed shed been following the story so closely. It feels like women are really coming together to talk. I wish Nicola knew how cared for she is.
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Yeah, there is no denying that beard shape!

Can you see how long the account hss been open? (I don't have Tiktok)
You can't because he's not actually posted, the police may have been able to and although he's not done anything illegal it adds to the overall picture.

But for me, well he's followed 449 accounts and about 350 of those are young ladies but then there's a splash of normal pages. So like someone's said Michael Barrymore, local singers, some celebs, nice tik toks like a page called Dan and her Nan (a gorgeous older lady with Alzeimers). So there is a normality to it, but then this overwhelming amount of titties.

I'm not sure that can be faked. I genuinely think that's him.

Never mind pissy should be pervy pants 🤯😫
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On the latest update from the family and I’m not sure it’s been mentioned but I can’t keep up with the thread .
“ people are threatening to sell stories about her “

How has this done a complete 360 from a normal nice family … what do they mean threatening to sell stories clearly something has gone on in the family and people have things to say about Nicola .
Not sure if it's her friends/family but I am going to hazard a guess that the media got wind of Nicola's issues and said they were going publish so lancs police decided to damage control the situation?

It doesn't necessarily mean she had any enemies. It could have been as a simple as a journalist could have been in the area, interviewed someone who accidently let slip not thinking
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Shattering. Isn’t it.

I just wonder why the bloody hell they let Faulding off on a wild goose chase for ‘burial sites’. It really led people in the direction of third party involvement and possible abduction/murder when the reality is much more believable and relatable (absconsion/accident/suicide). I know he’s not flavour of the month here for good reason, but I really feel like he has been done a bit dirty too.

I get that they were trying to protect her privacy. Unfortunately the huge media push and disagreement with the direction the police were taking has led all this to come out. I am sure it was all well intentioned. It’s just so sad for all involved.

There has been so much love and support for Nicola. I’d love to hear she has ben in touch with police to say she’s ok and the case gets closed.

I hope everyone here is ok. 💛
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Perimenopause has been brutal for me and I’m not even being slightly dramatic when saying that if it wasn’t for HRT and a private diagnosis and support, I wouldn’t be here. For anyone struggling, give Dr Louise Newson a follow on Instagram. She’s bloody amazing.

On another note, I’ve followed these threads for a while now and found them to be informative and supportive. The care and concern for Nicola and her poor family has been incredible. Until this evening, that is.

It doesn’t sit comfortably with me to read what some users have been sharing in regards to Nicola’s partner. The threads state to be mindful of what we write here as to not add further upset and distress to the family and this is being flouted in a horrifying way. I sincerely hope Nicola’s daughters are never alerted to this. This kind of utter nonsense makes the thread lose a lot of credibility, sadly. I too am now dipping out. I hope with all my heart that Nicola is found safe and well 💗
The profile is public. His girls would be able to search for themselves. All anyone here has really shared is that if it was our partner, we would feel various different levels of upset and also, not that bothered.

I suppose there is nothing inherently wrong with having a bit of titillation in the form of some kind of a wank bank. I think the shade being thrown is because the girls seem quite young and objectified. Who knows if the account is real or not. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe it would be best for one to just do it under a burner account and not your real name and make sure ones privacy settings are ‘private’.

It’s getting disappointing again that people here can’t express their opinions. It’s a discussion forum after all. Most people here have been very mindful and respectful for the most part, even when there are significant differences of opinion.
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Yeah for every 10 posts about Paul Ansell liking big tits there's one about someone whos actually still talking about the facts of Nicola's disappearance .
What Paul chooses to do on social media really has zero to do with this case. Most men look at young women online! It's not news. His age is irrelevant, they will still look at 18 year olds. That's just the way it is. Doesn't mean he doesn't care about Nicola/doesn't respect her etc etc. :confused:
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This story has just consumed me, from the min I wake up in the morn I’m thinking about Nicola and her wee girls. Might sound weird because I don’t post that much in this but I look forward to sitting down in the evenings when I put my wee boy to bed and have a read of these threads. Amongst the sadness I do get a giggle at some of the posts, isn’t jt weird that I look forward to reading it. I’d quicker read here that watch the news.

i wonder if their relationship had genuinely been on the rocks, maybe even spilt up but living together for the sake of the girls but the incident at the start of Jan had really been the final straw for Nicola. Paul might have even been threatening to move out and take the girls away from her. I would like I’m sure many mothers would find that very hard to cope with. Especially with the concern for welfare check.

also I’ve had a look at tik tok, that page if it is paul or not is following some accounts to do with mortgages
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The more time goes on and the more things come to light, I can’t help but think there’s a lot we don’t know about Paul. And not good things either. After seeing his tiktok following list and his Pinterest, and also that website of his I just feel like there’s a lot of arrogance there. Or something. I can’t quite put my thoughts into words with this one, it’s all a bit odd.
I agree. As another Tattler stated, I also didn’t want to project my negative experience with a partner onto N & P’s relationship and excused some of the oddities because of the immense stress he’s under. But I felt really uncomfortable with part of his message on the yellow ribbon he tied on the bridge ‘Come Home Now!‘. As daft as it sounds it was the exclamation mark, it doesn’t come across as caring if anything controlling, there wasn’t even a please.
Saying all that I don’t think PA was physically involved in Nicola’s leaving/disappearance but mentally I’m not so sure. And I really didn’t want to think that about him.
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So Paul thinks the expression “be grateful for what you’ve got” is horrendous but he loves the expression “sometimes it is better to apologise than to ask permission.” 😮

He sounds like the type of entitled person I choose to avoid in life. He comes across as quite unpleasant.
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Tangerine Cat

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The police have handled this poorly.

If they had not done so many press conferences when they had no new information then I believe interest would have died down eventually, the TikTokkers would have found something new to obsess over and the Police could have got on with the job.

Instead they’ve drip fed little bits of information - information that was obviously was going to grab people’s attention in wanting to know more. The press conference yesterday was a mistake.

I feel so sorry for Nicola if she has indeed taken herself off that this very personal information is out there for everyone to see.
Not sure I agree with those thoughts. Wasn’t yesterday only the third press conference? I don’t think that’s excessive.

I think the only thing they could have done more was say Nicola struggled with poor mental health earlier but maybe Paul and her parents didn’t want to say that?

I hope those TikTok idiots and others who have pestered the villagers and family learn that the police always know better!
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I am just going to share a perspective from a DV background and personal experience on this.

I think IF there is foul play involved.. there is a lack of evidence to convict anyone. Like the phill pots it took a long time and the police had to wiretap their house to get a recorded confession.

The drinking and menopause seems to me like with the river and left items and willow is a distraction and everyone is now focused on that now.

I don’t agree with the specific vulnerabilities shared by the police as I think it causes more speculation.

NB isn’t able to defend herself either on this and during the press conference quote it was what Paul told them during the initial call.

So now I am seeing on a lot of social media speculation that NB was drunk during the morning of her disappearance and may of fell in the river, this despite being able to drop her children to a primary school “in a tight knit community, walking her dog, driving, sending emails and messages. As paul saw her that morning and let her take their children in a car driving to school but felt it was relevant during the intitial call to mention alcohol straightaway?

I can only suspect with the disclosure of the “welfare call” that the police go on to say is still under investigation with no arrests. Strikes me as not a standard crisis call.

With his behaviour, his friends wife Tilly Ann’s facebook statuses being edited and stating incorrect information, his other friend Emma whites go fund me on missing day 8 of £100,000, financial issues, amount changing 3 times then closed, and overall how this man fits the narrative every time sending voice notes to journalists, the hello magazine type photo shoot for channel 5. I just find it all very bizarre and have said it from the start. Mirroring the sister at the beginning, Inconsistencies like praising the police in interviews and saying a happy home life, but to Peter faulding and the police, a different opinion.

it just doesn’t make sense to me that there is so much fueling the fire by him or his friends and then they get upset because people then find him suspicious. Maybe stop fueling speculation perhaps? To memory I have never seen so much involvement in a missing persons like this one with the partner and their friends. Not the speculation but the amount of media presence and social media done by them.

Whether there is foul play here, in my opinion he shows a lot of red flags and whether she has disappeared intentionally or not he has something to do with it in my opinion. There are just so many red flags.

I couldn’t feel like the actual family of NBher parents showed nothing but turmoil and heartbreak during their appeal. And have kept a dignified silence
You make some very good points. I actually don’t know what I think about this case anymore, although I don’t see a woman in a loving, respectful and happy relationship turning to alcohol for the fun of it, especially to the point the police and Paul are suggesting. I have never judged Paul on his mannerisms, or behaviour, I put it down to the immense stress he must be under but as other things have come to light and seeing some of his accounts, I don’t think it was just peri affecting Nicola‘s MH, that’s just my thoughts on it.
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Us women eh? Expected to work like we don’t have kids, parent like we don’t have a job, go through multiple bodily life changes but expect it to be hidden, and somehow feel pressured into presenting picture perfect lives and picture perfect bodies. God forbid we start to struggle with any aspect of life in general, or we might end up succumbing to our own downfall 🙄 the British media are absolutely abhorrent and have stamped the shit all over woman’s rights and respect. Massive massive regression right there.
You have literally hit the nail on the head - couldn’t agree with you more ❤
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Who knows what was going on at home but with recent revelations it doesn't sound like it was the perfection that was first painted.

I really hope 'drinking because of the menopause' wasn't put out there by a controlling, manipulating husband rather than, god forbid, any light be shone on him being a dick and making her life unbearable.
Yup this was my concern. I just hope the saying "the truth always comes out" is true here.
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yes I know its just worrying that they feel the need for attention
Social media is good for a few things but for the most part has bred a generation of narcissists (not clinical narcissists) that are addicted to attention and validation. I’m so glad when I was a teenager it was awkward angled selfies on MySpace, leggings and denim skirts and the dreaded top 8 and shitty flip phones. Now it’s a money making machine, that’s designed to keep people depressed and feeling inadequate
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According to the Facebook group his Pinterest also has a similar theme
Yes they’re right. I saw it earlier and was going to share some screen shots here but decided not to as I’m going through my own struggles and just don’t feel up being jumped on by the tattle police (a very small minority I must add; most of you are lovely) Let’s just say, it almost makes the TikTok look tame!
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Sidebar about the bewbs.

My partner (we will go with MrSoupModel) and me would show each other funny TikToks when the kids were in bed and we were winding down. So sometimes he would Whatsapp them to me and I was like, "If you just follow me so you can message them to me on the app, saves time" 🤷‍♀️

He does and all is good. The app though always suggest to follow people that my followers follow (mouthful). So these wee tittytokkers were appearing with "Followed by Mr.SoupModel".

Now if I had been feeling in a bad place or insecure, they would have rattled me. Luckily I wasn't so next time he went to show me videos I was like. "You know the app has asked me to follow your wee tarts, ya perv?" He was MORTIFIED.

I was like actually sort your life out, I don't want to know what you look at online 😂😂

He was like, I'm so sorry but it keeps showing me boobs 🤣 and I was like, aye cause you watch them ya total cretin.

Safe to say he doesn't send me TikToks anymore.
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