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Suicide Rambling and Personal Experience

For anyone worried about the girls if she has died by suicide (which we have absolutely no idea about) I promise you they will be fine. Not fine how they were before, but they will grow to be fine. Life will be harder for them and they will have different realisations over the years and likely need therapy to understand it was not their fault and it wasn’t because she didn’t love them but children are amazing at just carrying on. They have loving family who will do what is best for them I’m sure. They will have a lot of feelings and those feelings will need to be heard but if there’s one thing kids do better than adults it’s resilience. Their lives will always be a bit sadder and a bit harder than everyone else’s and they will likely feel some resentment for that at various points in their lives but they will be ok. The most important thing for them is the adults around them, not just showing strength but showing weakness too, they will want to know that people around them miss and grieve her too and that it’s ok to feel sad. But that it’s also ok to wake up in the morning and feel fine. The feelings they feel will come in waves and children grieve differently to adults. Sorry this really is a ramble but what I’m trying to say is, people can build themselves back up from awful tragedies. These girls have what I never had: each other.
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Michael Barrymore would be ringing alarm bells for me ! how anyone can follow him after what happened to Stuart Lubbock at his house is beyond me..even if he didn't personally have anything to do with his death, he must know what happened and has covered for those that are guilty
That's what's fucking creepy! If this is Paul's real account, he follows Michael Barrymore, a man implicated in the death of a man by drowning, and a fan page for Caroline Flack, a woman who killed herself after being investigated by police.
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Unfortunately as a 42 year old single woman who dates from time to time, Paul's online follows are depressingly common in men that age. It doesn't make him controlling, a narc, responsible for destroying Nikki's reputation or a murderer. Just makes him weak and stupid.
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Can we all agree Paul is a creep?
I feel more like that now than I ever have before. I was on the fence but with the new findings my skin is crawling.

I’ve been out today with the kids so just sat reading and catching up on all at once and I don’t know what to think any more.
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I decided I’d make a list of the strange things Paul follows on TikTok that I’ve found so far:

• a 17 year old who wears revealing clothes
• an American high school cheerleader
• a Caroline Flack fanpage
• Michael Barrymore 🤣
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I think this is one of the first really public tests of people’s trust in the police generally. I know every force is different, not all have scandals and there are many, many hard working and genuinely decent police officers out there.

But all the shit that’s come out over the last few years about some forces has, in my opinion, dented confidence in the police’s ability to keep us all safe. And I think that goes some way to explain why this has played out the way it has. I think some of the general public have lost a lot of faith and won’t have believed a lot of what this police force said they were doing.

I mentioned my own experiences before in another thread about a similar experience with my own parent and it’s hard when you’re distraught to accept that the police are doing all they can. And if I’m honest if it happened to me again now after what we’ve learned about some forces I think I’d have struggled to trust what the police were telling me. So I can see why the family were reluctant to accept what they were told. Again, incredibly sad for all involved. The scum media will have played their part and probably were about to break this information so the family had to do it first. Awful. My heart breaks for this poor woman.
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As we’re sharing our menopause experiences…

My Mum started the menopause at 39 and she was a absolute nightmare, she would just leave the house walk for miles we would drive around the streets looking for her. She was angry shouted constantly at us really nastily! I need to add she’s wasnt like this before she was calm and rational she was a serving Policewoman it totally changed her personality for a couple of years 😢.

I on the other hand had a period just before my 40th birthday and never anything again menopause done , no hot flushes, no mood swings, nothing!

Anyway back on track MTW has a lot to answer for!
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Also it's Tattle, not Mumsnet.

A certain member got all dramatically forthright earlier and when I looked at their discussion history they refer to a person (on another thread) as 'Windowlickers'...vile. As a parent of a child with SN i find that a disgusting slur...But we all have different standards don't we.

And I 100% guarantee. Absolutely 100% of posters of this thread has a smelly poo. Yup your shit stinks 😆💕
Had to leave the Stacey Solomon threads yesterday as someone used the term Solomong. I also have SEN kids. Disgusting that other parents use that term. I know it’s a site for people to say things they can’t do openly on social media, but really? Is that kind of language acceptable to mods?
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I‘m sorry but I do think you should stop trying to sell yourself as an adult mental health expert, it’s concerning, especially with some of the comments and accusations you’ve made on these threads. It’s also not about scaremongering it‘s about being honest. If anything you’re trying to belittle menopause concerns saying it’s rare symptoms are severe, making it more difficult for women to speak out. Many women suffer from insomnia/sleep deprivation, that in itself is severe for many, as it makes it difficult to function. As for ‘menopause specialists’ lucky you if you’ve managed to find one, the reality is it’s not as easy as you imply and I’m a little surprised in your line of work you don’t know that. I have had to do a lot of research myself (much science based) online and with the help of a male GP to find a better way through the menopause as I was told to avoid HRT, which thankfully has made a big difference but I was really struggling to cope.

Edit And it’s important for women to know even if their symptoms are severe they can be much improved.
Luckily it hasn't happened to me, when I started in my new workplace, I was alongside women who are a little older than me. No joke, 6 members of staff were going through it at the same time. Our managers had to go to their boss for training as all of them were struggling to manage and understand. Sometimes their HRT wasn't working or they had to try something else. One of my colleagues had to go private for a specific medication they were being refused on NHS and it's changed her life. In November, our work place brought in menopause support which entitles women to 5 paid days off, which is better than nothing.

Hormones impact EVERYTHING.

Seeing what they have went through, mood swings, soaked through hot flushes, no sleep, anxieties and depression, crazy periods and total brain fog - they are warriors and sometimes I really wish I wasn't a woman because medicine is biased to men and every single one of them has had to fight for their support to be in place.
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Remember on the ch5 interview Paul said it was a ‘normal ‘ morning when Nicola got the girls ready for breakfast I would load up the car but she was organised and did the dog as well that morning - to be honest I think she did every thing every morning - but my point is - It was HIS turn that morning, so really HE should have been on the cctv bell cam . I’m just thinking couldn’t he have fiddle with footage and given another days video of Nicola loading up the car???
You know what I took from what he said, he's one of those partners who is quite happy to turn a blind eye to the morning chaos instead of pulling his weight. Then he went into say he has a wee hour to himself that he looks forward to...

Maybe I'm wrong, but I've got some friends with partners like that who have no idea of the mental loads.
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Thats a section here where he talks about himself. The website was created in 2015 and he said he was 36 which would now make him 43/44. I don't know how old he is but assuming he's around the same age as Nicola so I really do think its him. Fancy having a link to his website on his pinterest that talks about bettering yourself, scattered amongst hundreds of photos of women with their tits out.
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It's actually quite bloody scary tbh, a woman's disappearance completely hijacked by a bunch weirdos and amateur sleuths.
I feel the police were damned whichever route they went down. I think all the parties involved should have just released that Nicola was a vulnerable person and it should have been left like that. I'm guessing the family wanted it kept quiet and possibly pressured the partner because of that slight chance that she'd just taken herself off and didn't want people to stop looking out for her. Just my thoughts.
I do think that the police/family could have said there was a concern due to mental health issues I would hope that would have been enough to prevent the poor woman’s HRT withdrawal being discussed all over the media by a bunch of fat pompous pricks who really have no idea.
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The latest statement from Nicolas family saying about people trying to sell stories - I don't think the police had a choice in releasing these details. It was either that or some sicko would make money selling gossip about the poor woman. And their plea to her to get in touch💔 can't begin to imagine what they're going through.
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Yes absolutely. I’d eventually like to add sections on
Peri Menopause
Alcohol use - personal and family support
Mental health support
Missing persons

If others are in agreement?
And of course anything else deemed appropriate ❤

I have littlest at home now until Tuesday but I will definitely be able to get it done properly next week.

I think regardless of what happens with the search for Nicola, the wiki can remain as a source of info for anyone who needs it x
I honestly think that would be fantastic. Let's try to make this into a positive and provide much needed info for anyone who is triggered by this emotive subject.

Well done're a diamond! X
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Am I the only one old enough to remember the countdown in the Soopa Soaraway Sun to Samantha Fox being ‘legal’ (with parental consent) at 16 for page 3 photos?
Or Chris Moyles counting down to Charlotte Church turning 16 so he could take her virginity?
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If Nicola is out there and did decide to come forward I’ve got no doubt she would be sectioned or detained in some manor at a priory.

I don’t think she’s coming home sadly.
I don’t know how you intended that to sound, so I am sorry if I’ve got this wrong, but - to me - it sounded like you meant it as the worst thing in the world that could happen.

I haven’t ever been sectioned, and haven’t had an inpatient stay, but I’m very lucky that I have private healthcare (through work) which means that my therapy and my psychiatrist are both at a Priory location.

They are without doubt the best thing I could have hoped for. They have been a lifeline when things have felt like there’s no way to keep going.

Mental health treatment isn’t something to be ashamed of, or scared of, but it carries such a stigma. And those of us who need it are often afraid of admitting that we need the help because of all the irrational thoughts that take over.

The help is there.
The work is hard.
But it’s worth it.
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I’m only in my early thirties and I had no idea the menopause could be like this I just expected it to be like a bad period (I have hot flushes when I’m on), so thank you to everyone that’s shared bits of information I appreciate it x
It's not like that for everyone and it's not as soon for everyone ❤
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