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Her dress is too tight around her belly. She needs more space in it so shes left it at the seamstress.

Her belly in her maid of honour dress. Its too
Oh. It would be something totally shallow. I did wonder at her needing 'space' because she spends a lot of the day alone, it seems!
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Off a bit of a tangent , my daughter who has 2 young daughters is awaiting biopsy results from a mammogram .I’m beside myself with worry, but as most parents we keep our fears to ourselves, love to all my tattlers 💗
Sending a 🫂 and best wishes ❤
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I know I’m older and crabbier but when did bachelorette parties turn into arts & crafts snooze fests? Flower crowns?!
In my day (shakes fist like Dame Edna) we went to a bar in jeans and sneakers - no glue guns, ballons, Regretsy bags or sashes.
Harrumph 😂
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Does anyone know if she has (one of)/ the largest following(s) of cancer "influencers"? And if so...does anyone understand her popularity? Did she have an IG account pre-cancer?
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I have a neighbour who uses a stick as ans when it suits! Can spend hours gardening and moving heavy things about. Yet when she goes to the chemist uses her stick, knows the housing officer is about uses it, picks up her grandchildren from school she needs it! Walks her dogs without and goes for long walks! Whenever she has to make a phone call she does the “fake sick” voice especially if it’s to with money! She has fibromyalgia so has fares up but only when it suits! I was even there when pip come for the assement….she could have got an Oscar! Even had another neighbour play carer! I’m my husbands carer so to see this was a massive pisstake! She made herself more disabled than him n his paralysed lol
Report her and take photos to back it up. I would without a doubt.
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That sounds horrible, melfish, and yes of course you can ask. I'm 16 weeks post-Covid, so a bit further down the line. I've got strange neurological issues that prevent me falling asleep at night - very stressful, exhausting. Like electric shocks. Also an increased startle-reflex so that the slightest little thing gives me an unpleasant jolt. Oh, and vertigo, but that may be just coincidental. I hope that you start to recover soon - it's really horrible.
@melfish i had covid November last year. I’m still having what I’m calling covid flashback days and episodes. My body has days where it has all the covid symptoms I had, so much so I have tested myself twice just incase I’ve caught it again (both negative). There are days I can’t smell anything. Days I smell things not there. My taste and smell is off too, nowhere near as keen as it used to be. Almost every day I have an attack of coughing, which I thought was allergy but it doesn’t respond to taking an antihistamine. And @ginnyw I am having regular attacks of vertigo, some days so severe all I can do is lay still until it passes. My memory is appalling, some days I can’t remember from one minute to the next what I’m doing or was about to do. Plus, my Fitbit and my Ōura ring keep telling me I have a temperature again, which I shouldn’t have because I take CoCodamol, for pain, daily.
There’s so much more I could add but on top of the severe ME/CFS I already had I can’t give my attention to anything as I’m just so exhausted and unfocused.
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When she tags Tesco (it looks to be like a Kohl’s store here in the states) does she get any sort of payment? Not sure which links earn her money or if it’s engagement.
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Except she really doesn't fit the definition of somebody who suffers from anxiety or depression in my opinion - just look at the latest reel of her being wheeled into the hospice building with a massive grin on her face.
She does mention suffering from anxiety though, doesn’t she? (Although, of course, that could be made up, but I’m sure I’d be pretty anxious a lot of the time if I was in her shoes). But the line that says ‘mental disorders’ was what struck me.
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