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It also annoys me when people have chosen to live somewhere and then complain. She didn't move there for economic necessity like so many people do when they have to move. When I lived in Italy I knew lots of people like this and it really annoyed me
She just got lucky with Carlo. I think the viewers only stay because of him.
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Anyone else think she’s actually lost all interest in vlogging but is stuck with it now as her only income and indeed Carlo’s ?
she really is sulky and miserable
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Poor Carlo. Going through the same myself over the last 18 months, it really is cruel to just up and leave his mum right now.
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She really is Queen Bee in her world isn't she. I wonder what she was like as an employee? I can't imagine her taking instruction very well. Or constructive criticism. Wonder how she would take it if one of her brides had dared to say she didn't like the make up? I feel she's actually unemployable. YouTube is the only way for her.
I think a lot of her YouTube ranting indirectly admits this, or at least her mindset. When she moans about trolls she really does see the only option being for them to shut up. At no point does she accept that it's not nice, but it is part of the job that she chooses to do. If she was a cashier and said she's sick of rude customers, she'd simply be told to move jobs. But she doesn't see that as an option at all. So she either has delusional ideas that she's too famous for a job like that (you're no Adele, Nicki), or she knows YouTube is a gravy train. I think both.

And I completely agree with you on her being unemployable anyway - she seems to have that mindset that some who grow up coddled with money do, she flits around part-time jobs with whatever hobby takes her interest at the time. She does a bit of make up (badly), writes a book (badly), but hasn't worked a full day in her life. I don't think she's capable of it, she has no idea what it is like to have to engage at work for set hours.
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I agree @Turaj. It still seems sad to me that Carlo was left in Tuscany to crack on with his task list in the house alone - for god knows how long. He will still be grieving after the recent passing of his father and he's living there alone without anyone close if he has a wobbly emotional moment. Yet Nicki choses to make solo factotum Carlo the subject of this week's vlog intro, emphasising that she was away "having fun with my family".

Her wall painting is like rag rolling on that old 90s TV show Changing Rooms.

She tells us it was the house sellers who came for the tortoises.They also took plants and containers which of course Lady Nicki is hurrumphing about. Presumably the sellers were contractually permitted to take these things, otherwise she should be sueing, not pass-agg moaning - she really needs to get over it.

It appears she's been botoxed in England again, the forehead is completely frozen with an eyebrow recolour as a decoy. She'll be making the mistake of many women her age who treat the upper half of their face but ignore the bottom half which highlights a miserable down-turned mouth and jowls. It was pointed out here that she's had her teeth done, it's a bad job which emphasises the thumber-sucker shape of the front uppers.

The new kitchen is skillfully made from quality materials but design wise it looks like something chosen by a couple who won a modest amount on a scratch card on a Texas episode of My Lottery Dream home. On a practical note there's not enough room to fit knees underneath when sitting on a stool at the, so much for all her measuring.

And boy is she spending!
Yes!!! This. ALL of this. She looks terrible and that kitchen color is awful. I missed last week's vlog, after reading here, I don't think I want to go back and watch.
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Nikki's very obviously come from a posh background and def isn't working class, not that there's anything wrong with being working class at all. If anything I think she tries to play her privilege down, going on about this being the first house she's bought when she owned property in the South East worth a small fortune and sent Skye to a private school that only a very small section of society could afford. A far cry from a normal working British lifestyle.
Having enough money doesn’t make you posh!
She’s not posh from a post background.
Her father just made a decent amount of money .
When he goes though,and his assets are split , she will have a nice amount to spend on the put in Tuscany.
I don’t think Sky went to a very posh private school,her accent tells me that,and there are grades of private schools.
Her choice of friend Celine tells me even more about her.
She’s awful,and the fact they are so close says it all about both of them .
Nicki is eaten up by what is said here because the truth hurts. The high days of the vlog grifts patreon are as over as her make overs , let’s hope the Americans who lap it up soon realise what a crock of 💩 it is .
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She‘s that cold that she even said they’re taking time off from renovating the house, their first break from it in months. Nicki, you’re not working on the house because Carlo isn’t there, that’s the only reason there’s a break. And I’d say he’s the one who needs it more but he’s gone to look after his old father, six hours away. And I bet as soon as he comes back, he has to start working again for Lady Nicki.
I don’t even think that she hasn’t mentioned the father being ill for privacy reasons. She knows that she looks bad in this, so she’s made sure not to say why Carlo has gone home.
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Just an FYI, Nicki shared in her Instagram stories today that Carlo's father passed away two weeks ago, which is why they came home sooner than they'd expected. It was also an explanation as to why she's been somewhat absent on social media. She said that they will touch on it briefly tomorrow on the vlog, but that's it's a private matter she didn't feel needed to be on social media and didn't want to just never mention it.

She posted this and then there is video of her talking about it.

View attachment 2846537
Thanks for letting us know about this. Such a sad time for them. I've let the tattlers on the CD thread know as well, as I know a lot of them follow her too.

He seemed a really nice man, and was clearly loved and respected by his large family. RIP.
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most YTubers call their followers something other than "strangers"..many say they are "friends" or "family" to make them feel appreciatedi...Nicki called them strangers with a tone of distain. She has really changed.
I don’t think she has, I think she was always a selfish nasty person, it’s just now she’s really let it show.
She just wanted to be near her friend and never mind Carlo when he’s most needed back in Positano as his parents are frail. Any decent person would have waited for the inevitable before this .
She’s left her own father in the UK why would she care about his.
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Just an FYI, Nicki shared in her Instagram stories today that Carlo's father passed away two weeks ago, which is why they came home sooner than they'd expected. It was also an explanation as to why she's been somewhat absent on social media. She said that they will touch on it briefly tomorrow on the vlog, but that's it's a private matter she didn't feel needed to be on social media and didn't want to just never mention it.

She posted this and then there is video of her talking about it.

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I've always thought that Carlos comes across as a genuinely nice guy, obviously popular in Positano and just an all round good guy. He reminds me of some Italians I know, very welcoming, friendly, laid back as in if there's an extra 2 for dinner they'll just make extra, everyone is welcome. Nicky on the other hand not so much. She's uptight and a bit curt and snappy and I think she likes to be in charge. It's her way or the highway and if anyone dare challenge her, remember the passport office, she has a hissy fit.
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T Rex

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I think I was the most horrified with Nicky not being arsed to actually apply some bleach, pressure wash the moss-covered wall and let it dry prior to applying the antimufa pintura (anti-mold paint- which is the same as anti-moss paint). But hey, at least she applied it (SMH!). Cheese on toast, her colour choices are dreadful! I do wonder if anyone at Maria's picnic actually ate her quiche offering- she would have been better served just buying something pre-made from the market, but I was surprised she did not use this opportunity to promote her cookbook...
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So she moans about negative comments from thousands of people who she doesn’t know while seeking patronage from....thousands of people who she doesn’t know 🤪
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Rosie Tatler

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Her sour face when she realises Capri is just as busy as Positano and her speech about how many tourists come every day to Positano , give the moaning a rest , nobody feels sorry for you .

Your friends don’t moan about the Tourists they are their income or have you forgotten what happened to them during the pandemic ?
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I just find it utterly ruthless that while her father in law is ill in hospital she can't be bothered to go back to Positano to see him. If only to visit and say hi. At his age who knows what's just round the corner. What kind of selfish self absorbed daughter in law is she? The worst kind. Awful awful woman.
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Pray to the Tuscan gods for that never ending tin of pink paint, in all its watered down and rag rolled guises, interior and exterior versions, to run out soon. Surely she must have bought every last ounce of the disgusting stuff. Some hardware store in Tuscany is rubbing their hands together never imagining anyone would ever buy the 80's leftovers.
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That shop in Surrey she went to was nice enough but not that incredible, made me think there was something in it for her to rave like she did: "the most beautiful shop I've ever been to!" Really?

She said she heard about it on Insta, maybe it's one of those places that courts influnecers, not with proper sponsorships and ads but with the odd freebie. She might of course have paid full price for the tablecloth but her phrase "it came home with me" sounded shady. We all know that when influencers or vloggers actually pay for things they make a real point about it.
Sort of sad to watch a 50 year old woman revert back to a 20 something girl doing these kind of videos. ...
😂 Does she really think people want to see a sour-faced frumpy middle aged woman buying specs?
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Really sad for Carlo (and his family obvs). I don’t want to imagine what he must be going through. That whole Tuscany move at this time must seem like such a bad idea right now. Especially with his mother now living alone in that house.
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Nicky is an entitled arse. If it had been HER father who passed, she'd be crying for months. Yet Carlo got little time to grieve before he was shuffled back to Casa di Nicky, where Nicky had a ton of work for him to do (under the careful supervision of the nasty Celine) while she faffed off to her own father in the UK. What the hell?!?
if that is the timing it really makes Carlo look nothing more than the chief handyman. Carlo is not stupid. He has to feel deflated at what is becoming so obvious and does his best to put on a smile around that Celine (aka bitch).
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