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Okay, a controversial one here since I know lots of you like her. But fucking hell, she’s such a arrogant whingebag. I can’t stand the entitlement. I can’t stand the trout pouts when she doesn’t get her own way. I can’t stand the fucking awful narration of her fucking awful introductions. I can’t stand the complaining about the steps in every fucking video. I can’t stand fucking Carlo and his apparent right to fly his stupid drone wherever he likes (not legal in the UK, unless you are registered with an operator ID, and if she reads this, what do you know, suddenly Carlo will be registered. 🙄) I can’t stand their treatment of animals. How can you have a cat that long and not even notice it has a fucking huge cancerous lump? It didn’t grow overnight! They take their dogs to fucking firework displays and the dogs are terrified. Their new dog is a lunatic and as obnoxious as her being allowed to do what she likes. I could go on.

Former fan and now a hate watcher.

So yeh. Said it. If you want to rave about her, that section is down the hall and on the right. Sorry. 😂
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I wonder what she would do if all of her subscribers unsubscribed.. She really is thin skinned.. I agree with this viewer comment.
1 hour ago
Let's be truthful Nicki , it was your negative comments that came first , and everyone stepped in to defend Carlos. No one's blame but yours. And even in this video he defended you so eloquently , what a gentleman.
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Rosie Tatler

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I agree the way Celine spoke to Carlo was awful, especially as he had just lost his Dad !

To me she seemed as though she had been having quite a few chefs glasses of wine and her mouth ran away with her . I’m sorry but that pasta looked dire , like some plain pasta with butter and cheese you would give a fussy kid !

Nicki could quite easily have edited out that bit

When she said what will you do when I’m not here ? I shouted at the TV “what ever the fuck he likes for once “ 😂😂
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her"ungrateful" spiel was more like a testimony to a very valuable handyman rather than her life partner.
If anything, her little speech at the end simply highlighted the fact that she showed her mean, ungrateful, true nature during the original filming. Many viewers would probably not have noticed it, but she put the spotlight on it by trying some damage control. Own goal Nicki.

She is banging on again about the pink kitchen wall (which she now calls lilac) on her insta today. Is she not going to allow Carlo any say at all about the new house? He has to live in it too - presumably. Let the poor man have his bit of colour if he wants it. He said himself that it can be painted over later once the new kitchen has been fitted. It will probably be tiled over anyway, when they get round to the tiling. There are ways of getting what you want in the end without jumping on the poor man and dissing him all over the internet.

I am seeing a really unpleasant side to Nicki that I had not noticed before. She is putting Carlo down any chance she gets now, and she is filming it. The Celine incident was disgusting. Why did she leave it in and not edit it out. Why would Nicki have a best friend like her? Do they laugh together behind Carlo's back? I wonder what Skye thinks about it. She seems quite close to her dad and is much more natural and relaxed when she is with him on their yearly holidays without Nicki. She always seems moody and spiky when Nicki is trying to interact with her. Hopefully she will see the vlogs and encourage her dad to stand up for himself. He does not deserve to be treated like a doormat.
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I think Fern and Nicki aren't friends in the traditional sense but use each other to boost their own egos. They appear on the surface as really different people but underneath it all, they're both just hyper-consuming grifters.

I'm sure Nicki looks at Fern and thinks 'what a botox-filled bragger, I'm so down to earth' and Fern looks at Nicki and thinks 'what a scruffy, tasteless beggar, I'm so much prettier'.

But all both of them do is spend aimlessly, humble brag on social media for more money to spend, and try and shill this perfect life when underneath it all they seem utterly miserable people.
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I agree with all of the above. Carlo being used as a stooge at that lunch soon after his father passed. I mean for Celine to speak to him in such a manner when he was recently bereaved is bad enough but for Nicki to choose to use it in a vlog is next-level cruel. Perhaps there is more to the relationship between the two women.

Nicki's "I'm not ungrateful" monologue was pure Tattle press conference but she still couldn't help reveal her true colours; she didn't talk about how grateful she was for Carlo's work for them and their house etc, note that she says she's grateful for everything he does "for me".
her"ungrateful" spiel was more like a testimony to a very valuable handyman rather than her life partner.
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This was on the YT comments for 10 mins this morning {Monday 13th} before it was taken down ........

12 minutes ago
He is as thick as two short planks. And she was desperate to stay in Italy - couldn't stand the dreary English weather. So got pregnant by this married man who already had a child. That child, now grown-up, sure as hell resents her. Next time he's around, watch his face. She's a little smarter than Carlo and puts on this Little Miss Bo Peep act in front of the camera. Desperate to look privileged too - check our the identifiers she uses to describe herself. She is Working (Technician) Class and landed some jobs and makeup jobs via her parents (cameraman and vision mixer in TVland) - yes, talk about nepotism, if that's the word. Slept with half the town in Positano and then landed on poor dumb-struck Carlo. Not really a makeup artist - have you seen her work, for crying out loud? Also has pretensions of being a novelist. That book is a crime against the English language. I have nothing against them but all this fantasy-eulogising about them is so far from reality. Carlo has no clue - he swallows it all hook, line and sinker. If she said she was descended from Royalty and the greatest writer since Tolstoy, Carlo would not disagree, because he ain't got a clue, that man. She sells her life on video for a bit of money and then charges more for exclusive views. Not too far-off from porn, as a business model, that is. And no parental boundaries have been set for her daughter either who is prone to prancing around in a thong bikini in front of her bit of Italian rough. I no longer watch this tripe but if my cable YT throws it up, I dip into it here and there, out of boredom, rather than curiosity and so unfortunately, caught this latest bit of drivel. Can't really stomach all the self-aggrandising that is a main feature of her vlog. So, to then moan about comments is rather disingenous. You're in the public domain and viewers ARE going to critique you based on the bilge you dole out in spade-loads. Wake up and smell the coffee. She can't handle the comments so poor old dishevelled Carlo is trotted out to go shoot down the viewers. His brand of illogic is not laugable, just depressing - how can a man can be so lacking in intellect?
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Rosie Tatler

VIP Member
Slagging off your husband isn't kind either is it Nicki , remember in your words people are human and have feelings, including your husband .
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I have just watched the full insta that Nicki posted yesterday about her FIL's death. As @londongirl2001 pointed out: she has decided to "turn off comments" because they will be "overwhelming".

She earns a living from the fans that follow her. They subscribe to her youtube and insta channels, they tick the like box, they improve her youtube status each time they comment, they buy her books, they buy her soap, they buy into the whole Positano lifestyle that she has shown on her vlogs. She has told them about her family and encouraged them to feel part of her life by asking their opinions about various things.

Most of these fans know that they are not 'real' friends with her, they are just her meal ticket. But they are human too, and over time they genuinely begin to care about Nicki and her friends and family. Carlo in particular is loved, not least because he seems to understand that communicating with their fans through the comments section helps to build their popularity.

So now, when there has been a sad death which will affect Carlo profoundly, she decides to cut off the only way that the fans can use to show they care - she turns off their chance to extend their condolences ??? IMO this is cold and mean.
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I was very uncomfortable with yesterday's vlog which I found disrespectful and exploitative. Nicky and Carlo explained they would show footage they'd filmed a couple of years ago but never published at the time.

They'd gone on a hike and came across an eccentric 79 year old man who had a set up near a beach where he spent time and grew vegetables. He then invited them to his home, they all walked back up to the road and Carlo and Nicky gave him a lift home. He lives in a very cluttered property but it seemed to be organised with creativity and care yet Nicky laughingly dismissed him as a hoarder. He was aware he was being filmed but I wonder if he expressly agreed to be broadcast worldwide.

At the end if the vlog, back in the current time, she said she doesn't know what happened to him which I found so rude and cruel. What if he has since passed away? Surely - as they are such fixtures in the area - they could have made some enquiries to find out that he is well or whatever.

I also wonder why they never showed that footage at the time. I really wish some one would call them out on this in the YouTube comments.

I was finding them annoying and disingenous, I have now seen them for the typical aything-for-content grabbers like so many others.
I forgot to say she also used the man for a clickbait title, referring to his "scariest house".

I can't believe she would even say this after being kindly invited to someone's home. The level of arrogance and judgment is off the chart. Meanwhile Patrons are sending them money for this and she'll be earning YouTube ad revenue if the back of this gent.
I forgot to say she also used the man for a clickbait title, referring to his "scariest house".

I can't believe she would even say this after being kindly invited to someone's home. The level of arrogance and judgment is off the chart.

Meanwhile Patrons are sending them money for this and she'll be earning YouTube ad revenue off the back of this gent.
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Reminds me that she mentioned a couple of times having a bad experience at a job in a Positano art gallery.

They get literally thousands of compliments; being told constantly how fantastic they are must affect them, like spoiled brat children they simply can't accept that not everyone adores them. They claim to know as vloggers they'll get some negativity but their hysterical response says otherwise.Why not just ignore and/or delete?
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I wonder if we'll get the "well now Carlo knows what it's like to lose a parent" from his loving supportive wife? Just the same as we got the "well now he knows what it's like to have an elderly parent far away" speech.
She's already planning to go back and the man isn't even buried yet. Have a day off Nicky. Think of someone else other than yourself for a change.
I really do think she's got some sort of disorder , maybe some sort of autism, where you lack empathy and have no idea how to act appropriately. Or maybe she's just a selfish cow.
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Sunday 3/17 video. Noteworthy..
-Carlo returns with Nicola for sweet. Meanwhile Skye is sleeping and Nicki and Celine are moving furniture. I don't understand this 20+ year old woman and her lifestyle...seems headed to live with Nicola and have similar life to her mother. The mature Skye sticks out her tongue at the camera.
-Nicki describes another encounter with Indie and deer where Indie almost killed the deer and went missing again. She seems to think this is cute and retells it like a ++ story. Neighbor found Indie.
-Carlo apparently cleared brush for walking path in a small river bed which with rainfall is a stream and gets his car stuck. Neighbors had to be called and I just envision them shaking their heads at these new disruptive neighbors.
-Nicki is not happy with comments about the place and decor. Don't be rude is the message. Many viewers don't like her style anymore.
-She also spends a good deal of time in some ramblings about how Carlo is learning how to be away from family as if she is teaching him a lesson out of some deep seeded resentment that years ago she left her parents to live in Positano with him, It was strange and almost a glee at how difficult this is going to be for him. Like payback I thought it really out of place and wonder what Carlo thinks of her sharing that with viewers. Curious if anyone noticed that?
-Conclusion....sure does not look like fun there at where to swim in summer.....interior not attractive and walking paths that will flood.
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Nicki makes the same mistake most old school YouTubers made: thinking that viewers only tune in for them and hearing them talk nonsense for 20 minutes. The fact is that initially people like a channel‘s content because the creator offers something. In Nicki‘s case it was seeing a very popular vacation destination through the eyes of someone who lives there and seemingly had an interesting life.
She’s wrong if she thinks that Tuscany and her awful house redesign will bring in the same numbers. She’s not exactly a charming video host either haha
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It was absolutely disgusting behaviour and she vlogs it and releases it online for the world to see.
I hope someone calls her out in the comments. I really don't like this Celine woman. Everytime I see her she either being a bossy cow and or rude as hell.
It's typical gaslighting behaviour of a narcissistic bitch.
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I’m going to be that pedantic one and point out that she eats with her elbows on the table. 😆

If people come to her vlogs to escape the perils of the real world, why does she include so much of her complaining and whining?
Everything is presented with such an attitude. She even looked angry with the soup! She honestly must be such a misery to live with.
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Wow, what her latest vlog 🤣 Sad,bitter,menopausal moaner. Carlo has to support because he’s been left emasculated.
She really is not a nice person.
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I found a t-shirt for sale online today, with this printed on the front:

Screenshot 2024-04-21 215814.png

I think I will send one to Carlo.
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It’s so interesting that despite her age (at which you’d think she’d be more mature in her attitude) she’s gone down every influencer‘s path: started out YouTube as a hobby, gained a big followership, oversharing, becoming a professional social media person, selling tat/books, getting first criticism, building resentment towards followers, whining about privacy being invaded/disrespected, open money begs. Fascinating. And they all become more unpleasant as time goes by.
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