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I was pretty upset at how Celine treated Carlo, too - especially when you take into consideration that that party was the one I posted about, on Easter Monday. I don't know when Carlo's father passed away, but Easter Monday wouldn't have been too far along that he had died. I would think people would give him some grace, not that it's ever acceptable to treat someone that way. And why would you leave video of that in your vlog?

I think Nicki has learned the fine art of time travel and has begun using it in her vlogs. On the trip to get her to the airport, she's telling Carlo not to forget to feed the tortoises. When were these tortoises picked up by the original owners as Nicki posted on Instagram last week that they had just been picked up? Did they pick up their other junk, too? Did they take down that illegal shed? Did I assume incorrectly that the tortoises were picked up when they both went to Positano, which would be logical....who fed them while they were gone for several weeks? I think Nicki and Carlo are a lot of things, but I don't think they'd leave those tortoises to die. So my bet is that this trip took place prior to Carlo's father's death. If she'll conflate the truth about when they got back to Tuscany, refusing to admit that she and Carlo were at Celine's for Easter Monday or even let her friends show her on their Instagram reels so as not to let the cat out of the bag, I can see her conflating the truth about a trip to the UK to get her hair cut (the only place she gets it cut and colored - guess there are no hair stylists in Italy?) or fudging about when the tortoises were actually picked up!

By the way - I hate that fireplace. I guess liked it o.k. when it got tiled, but then the grout.......such a terrible juxtaposition to the silk English draperies (which give me old lady grandma vibes!) right next to it. Such a weird place to have a fireplace, I wouldn't try and make it a "feature".
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Reminds me that she mentioned a couple of times having a bad experience at a job in a Positano art gallery.

They get literally thousands of compliments; being told constantly how fantastic they are must affect them, like spoiled brat children they simply can't accept that not everyone adores them. They claim to know as vloggers they'll get some negativity but their hysterical response says otherwise.Why not just ignore and/or delete?
She thrives off attention and despite trying to market herself as an effortlessly chic and simple-but-perfect living queen, she's cold and calculating. She knows addressing such comments brings her in the sympathy, which boosts her ego and her wallet with engagement.
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To be fair she did move away from her father many years ago, he seems very fit and independent in his 90s so would've been more so all those years ago.

She visits her father very often, in fact when I first started watching her I got the impression she was in the UK very regularly, her daughter was at school in the UK and Nicki has always had a room at her father's place and when she flies she travels light as she keeps a wardrobe at Dad's. She seemingly was living between the two places but downplayed her time in the UK in order to emphasise the 'I live in Positano!' angle. Think about it, she was merely living/staying with a man in a property owned by his family but saw an opportunity to sell a vision life in a desirable location. She's now trying to do the same in Tuscany after she's fully exploited Positano, a lemon well and truly squeezed.
I would agree with that assessment. I just liked her alot when I first started I guess now I am just seeing things differently. The things they are doing in Tuscany are just not that interesting to me and I find Celine a bore.
She uses Easyjet to and from Gatwick like a local bus, I bet there are many periods spent in the UK that never make it to socials to not interupt the Positano brand, which alone hooked so many gullibles. So for her to now revel in seeing Carlo apparently being taught a lesson in what it's like to be so far away from family is disingenuous at best and cruel at worst.

The Tuscany gig will be a hard sell, a sour faced entilted middle aged woman with a house filling up quickly with random tat.
the house is simply not that attractive inside or outside...she I think is selling herself that she likes it and as I mentioned before her friend Celine contributes nothing to the videos.
Never have the words "polishing a turd" been more apt for both Nicky and her fellow vloggers LEAW.

Could see the spite and resentment spewing from her when she announced she was glad Carlo was getting a taste of what its like to not be near aging parents. Nasty bitch. Strange that her partner of many years chooses to speak to Elizabeth about it and not her. Strange but not surprising.

Celine. She says "jump" Nicky says "how high". Very bossy woman. Not sure why Nicky holds her in such high regard when she comes across as bullish and bossy.
You could see Carlo wasn't very impressed with having the handrail removed, nit his circus not his clowns I guess. Let her get on with it Carlo, when she topples down and breaks an ankle she'll only have herself to blame.
"Nasty bitch" those are the perfect words to describe her comments reveling in teaching Carlos about being away from family. He is very close with his family, an Italian family with strong roots in Positano....there is no comparison. I think Carlos is a good man and judging from his mood upon returning is not happy with her and her big mouth. Probably not a big fan of Celine either....big boss woman. Her and Nicki should live together.
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Their content is going down the hill, whose idea was this?
I don't understand how (for most youtubers) when it becomes a full time job and they have little else to do, somehow their content gets worse?
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She uses Easyjet to and from Gatwick like a local bus, I bet there are many periods spent in the UK that never make it to socials to not interupt the Positano brand, which alone hooked so many gullibles. So for her to now revel in seeing Carlo apparently being taught a lesson in what it's like to be so far away from family is disingenuous at best and cruel at worst.

The Tuscany gig will be a hard sell, a sour faced entilted middle aged woman with a house filling up quickly with random tat.
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I was really looking forward to Elisabeth's vlog as I was hoping that I could get my Positano 'fix' from her while Nicki is in Tuscany.

I agree with you, the title is wrong. It will be difficult for people to either remember it, or to search for her youtube channel if they don't already know it.

I also agree about the increasing exposure of her two young daughters. There are too many creepy people out there these days, and it is obvious where they live, where they go to school, and a lot of other details that should be private.

The worst thing about it for me though was that this was her first youtube vlog and I noticed at the end that she has already set up a Patreon account. If she is good at vlogging then she will earn money from youtube as a reward, but it seems that she is just another grifter jumping on the bandwagon - I really thought she was a better person. I will not be subscribing, and I have unfollowed her in instagram.
GOAT MORNING is not catchy and this channel is certainly not going to be on the steady radar for most Positano fans.
Today;s video was a snooze fest but mostly an impromptu Q & A....she seems to be feeling the heat as far as questions about things including the dogs and their safety. It was mostly a cover your a-- video. I think it safe to conclude that at some point Indie will "disappear" as no way will she find her way back. Then there was the insert of Carlo. After watching that I would say that soon enough no 4 x 4 or feelings for Nicki will be enough to get him to be in Tuscany for very much of the year. He came back to be with his father who is clearly going thru some major medical issues at an advanced age and needs family support. Carlo seemed pensive and I will say most of his time will be in Positano which is where he wants to be. This could be the unwinding of this relationship. I did not think that before but today's video has changed my mind. I don't know how many more years Carlo can continue to do that back-breaking work and in Tuscany he has no brothers or friends to far only neighbors who want to be clear on boundaries!! Does not look like he is going back to Tuscany anytime soon. Positano is not like US or many themselves care for the "rest homes" or "home care" etc. Not only is there currently hospital duties but his mother needs someone there. Carlo is too involved to just get in a car and leave all of that.
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Imagine this collar as a person, I'd lose my mind. I don't have dogs but cats and people (never vets) suggested collars with bells, i always said no as it seems cruel. As everyone hS said, she should have trained the dog. Not to mention the noise for the neighbours, I wonder how she will end up getting on with them...
Well can you imagine, that property was a holiday home, so that would suggest it wasn't used all that often. Along comes Madamme Storey and Co and suddenly within days they're traipsing over everyone and anyone's land, Carlo is clearing paths that have been over grown for years. "Nice" neighbour appears to point out exactly what's their's. Now they've put a bloody cow bell round the untrained and manic dogs neck. They've not exactly eased themselves in gently. Nicki seems to have this air of entitlement about her. She doesn't give a shit if she's walking over someine else's property, doesn't care if the peace and quiet is shattered. Awful woman.
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Also Fernibops has been in pisa so I'm wondering if she met up with them? I think they didn't really gel when Nicky and Carlo stayed with them over night on their drive to England one time.
I was just coming on here to post this about Fern!
You can bet she and Nicki met up or that Fern stayed with them. I think they are very close, no matter how awkward Nicki & Carlo's visit with them in France looked. I recall for Nicki's recent birthday, either on her Instagram or on her vlog about her birthday, she thanked Fern on camera for giving Carlo the idea of getting her whatever it was he got her for her birthday present.
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@Definitely Maybe

It was discussed here a while ago that Nicky mentioned on a vlog that she and Carlo were not married and she sounded quite annoyed about it. Some here also wondered about the timeline of their meeting, asking if C might have still been with the son's mother when he got together with N.
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" poor old dishevelled Carlo is trotted out to go shoot down the viewers"
from the above referenced comment is another way of describing what I saw
yesterday. "she used Carlo as a prop" rather than just face the viewers and
say what was on her mind. Previous channel fan here and I can't believe how
low this YTuber has gone.
They simply revealed how thin skinned and unsuited for YT they are. That they actually thought ‘scolding’ the naysayers will shame and shut them up. Not exactly a viable tactic. Better for them if they had ignored the critics or better yet, joked about all the negative comments.

Carlo now looks pathetic, her b*ich boy, and Nikki has shown what a delicate little flower she really is, underneath the stern, grim demeanor.

Grow up, rein in your fragile egos, and bank your funds while you still have an audience. Positano was the draw to your channel, not either of you.
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What she can't seem to get into her head is that she's entitled to decorate her house as hideously as she wants; she's the one who has to live in it. But if she's broadcasting it for ad revenue, and keeping comments turned on (to boost her up the algorithm), then she's going to get opinions.

I'm sick of creators thinking they're entitled to cash without any of the 'downsides'. I wouldn't expect a full day's wage if I sauntered into work at 11am, so why they feel entitled to get all the pay with none of the bad is beyond me.
Much of the problem is creators forgetting that once your head is above the parapet not everybody is going to enthusiastically (and blindly) embrace every single thing you show. Nicki can’t have it both ways - moan about people commenting in a way she doesn’t appreciate while, at the same time, encouraging viewers to comment.

Her attitude of seeming to resent vlogging is getting worse. It isn’t doing her any favours. She’ll end up alienating viewers and haemorrhaging support. Counter productive
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Just a question, does everyone in Italy live in a shit pit? I mean the ever bossy, rude friend Celine's home looks like a pig sty as well, her kitchen is plain awful considering shes supposed to be a chef, does everyone live like that? Does no-one there care for a tidy or aesthetically pleasing interior?
And on the subject of Celine I would have smacked her square in the face if she spoke to my husband like that. All Nicki could do was laugh. My husband would not have tolerated that I'm afraid. I felt so sorry for Carlo being belittled and made to loik a fool. Carlo the ever loyal doormat. Such a shame.
Also she did come over as ungrateful because she is ungrateful. The more I see of this woman the more I dislike her. I now only watch to see what monstrosity she's doing next. This weeks offering was the 1970's fireplace. SMH!
I have been to the countryside and to the coasts, I can say Italians are cleaner than Celine and Nicki 😛. The two of them has no sense of cleanliness to me. I would lose my appetite, no thanks Celine, (shoving the food her mouth to make her shut up) . 🤣🤣
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I hope the house in Tuscany doesn’t turn out to be an impulse buy of future nightmares. Huge red flags started waving as soon as I saw what’s more or less a wooden shed that the previous owners tacked on to the main body of the house. Now, having watched the latest video and “tour”, the red flags are waving in a gale of uncertainty. Did the owners get permission for creating the additional space attached to the house? Is the presence of the “extension” all correctly documented in the deeds? Is every t crossed and i dotted about work carried out (the extension) by the previous owners? Was no stone left unturned to be as certain as possible that there was no reason for the commune (civil district) to suddenly flex its muscles, even it’s going back years and way before a new owner buys the property.

That aside, I think that Nicki and Carlo were beguiled by the land, the position and the view, while the house was almost incidental. Plus, Nicki was desperate buy and reinvest the money from the sale of the property in England. Nicki said that they’d only spent about 10 minutes looking inside the house before they took possession. To me, that’s madness. However, they first viewed the property last summer. T spring and summer is a seller’s optimum time to have a house on the market. It’s easy for potential purchasers to be seduced by the outside as everything looks glorious. You can become blind to everything else.

The house has the strangest layout and, even using my most creative imagination, I can’t see how it could ever be a comfortable, friendly home.

Red flags and a chorus of “caveat emptor”. I wouldn’t have touched the place with a barge pole. That said, there’s a million miles of YT content ahead which, I suppose, is a plus.

(Why, why, why is the fireplace just inside the double doors and on the working side of the kitchen? Why, why, why are the double doors not centred? Both things make me twitch!)
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@Turaj said:

was there anywhere that she said owners came back?

I don't think so, no. She said on insta that the tortoises had gone so I assumed (wrongly I think) that their previous owners had turned up. But she was very careful with the wording and didn't actually say they had been picked up by the owners, just that they had gone to their new home. All the rubbish and the shed that was also left to be collected later still appears to be on the property.

I am constantly amazed at skye. Again in this video she has nothing but time to sit around and watch them work...why is she not working?

I think her boyfriend still works for Blue Star, so maybe they are both going to work the seasons on the boats at Positano, which would enable them to travel and bum around for the other off season months of the year. I doubt they pay rent at Carlo's and they both seem to live there now, so life is easy for them. Meanwhile, I think Skye fancies herself as a swimwear model - very provocative poses on her insta, all 'liked' by her mother.

This Tuscany venture is ALL ABOUT NICKI. Up until this Carlo was in his world in Positano and when Nicki got to be too much he could just escape many places. Now he seems deflated not only because of the recent death of his dad but just resigned to take orders from Nicki and escapes into the woods. I am not sure of his age but he appears to be old enough that hours and hours of manual labor is taking a toll. He does not look good. With this not having any logical sequence to the videos hard to follow what is really going on. I assume Nicki got a significant discount on that custom kitchen in exchange for videoing the process and putting on an "ad" of sorts for the craftsman. Same Celine is hoping for more customers. Doubt she will see too many from the TL group...what a bitch.

I agree that Carlo does not look good. Did you hear her giving him instructions about the dogs for when she was in England? Telling him not to forget to feed them, put the bell on Indie, watch them etc. Treating him like a child. He has looked after them before - she used to visit the UK regularly without him and he was perfectly capable of keeping them alive.

I think he went along with the Tuscany project hoping that it would make Nicki happy and allow them to ease into retirement, but it seems to have turned her into a monster and brought out all her worst qualities. She seems to be in a mad rush to get everything done all at once, spending money like there is no tomorrow, and putting pressure on Carlo to go along with it. Hopefully he will not fall ill with all the stress of the death of his father, worry about his mother, travelling back and forth, and having a nagging wife on his back to get HER new house and land in order.
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Even worse to note, the vlog is subtitled "Things get weird".

What, one might ask, is actually "weird" about an eccentric creative older person living his life as he wishes? She also laughs about his deafness.

The more I think about this the angrier I get. Some of her commenters have pointed out that the man ( called Pepe btw) is creative and organised, but none has pointed out that he was treated as some sort of freak or ogre by this uncaring coverage.
@Sabbie I will look forward to hearing how you find the vlog.
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I've not yet watched Elisabeth's new vlog. First impression is that the name of the channel is all wrong, the "Goat morning" pun will get tired soon and having it as the first word of the title implies the goats will be the main subject. And while I agree that the girls are adorable and are being raised in a lovely environment, I remain uncomfortable about children being featured heavily in any sort of promotional endeavour, as per my previous post about mom-run vlogs.
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It's really sad for Carlo and his blood family.
His wife however hadn't seen her FIL for a while because recently, while he was ill, she allowed her husband to go back to Positano alone because, rather like a child with a new toy, she didn't want to leave the Tuscany house. Selfish. Feel any remorse that she didn't take the opportunity to to see him while she could? Of course not. I bet she's fuming that she's had to stop playing move the furniture and support her husband instead.

I find it irritating that she does a piece to camera about how some things need to be kept private, launches into this diatribe about how she doesn't really want to address it. She could have simply put a message up saying his father had passed away. She explains it like we're all stupid and can't understand the gravity of the situation when really she's just projecting.
I think Nicki is firmly into the headspace that many 'influencers' seem to enter after a while of doing it full time - that this isn't just a job anymore, it's a lifestyle and they basically have no choice but to do it. It's not true, but it's a mental justification for their often unacceptable behaviour.

Now I absolutely believe we all deserve a certain amount of privacy, but like you said, it's this condescending attitude from her that is the problem. The truth is she could pick up a job in a supermarket and fade into absolute obscurity again. She could have permanent privacy. But like any job there are pros and cons, and the pros AND cons of vlogging are that you are making money off showcasing your life rather than working a set shift and leaving it after X amount of time. I don't understand why she thinks this is unfair. It is the nature of the job and if privacy means more to her than the no boss, no set working hours, ability to take holiday when you want, no office politics etc - then she needs to look for a new job.
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I still think she might be doing all this on purpose to fire up interest which probably has been waning after the move to Tuscany.
I don't thing Nicki does not love is criticism, especially when it's directed towards her. I think since she doesn't have Positano tourists to complain about, she's taking out her pent up anger on Carlo now. I see her as I saw her over a year ago, just a really nasty person - and one who isn't afraid to show it on camera, because she thinks she's so "special".

ETA: I can't see any more of the message on Patreon, either. That's all it lets you see when you aren't a Patron. But it definitely has something to do with her father.
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