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I am so shocked about the deer. Her entitlement is completely out of control. At the very least a dog should return when called and walk to heel on a lead but in her usual arrogant slapdash way she didn't bother training it or restraining it in an environment where it was bound to cause harm to wildlife.
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Exactly. Her friend Elizabeth would have no business without tourists and nor would ANYONE in Positano. It would become just another run down poorly populated area of Italy. I always feel that friendship is one sided and Elizabeth thinks more highly and is more generous than the sour faced bitter Nicky.
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She just seems so entitled and pushy re Carlo in the latest vlog or showing off about how he does all the jobs - the fake scene when she wakes up and he has brought the dining table inside and finished cleaning it and organising the fridge.. We get it - you have a great guy at your beck and call who labours in the property for free and seems grateful for the opportunity 🙄
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It's sad isn't it, basically all influencers seem to go down the same route of feeling like they deserve money for nothing. Appealing go people for money when millions of people were in a crisis and she had a daughter in boarding school, a rented property and a house she doesn't pay rent for was just ridiculous
I quite simply don't know how they can ask for money when - compared to most poor souls in this world right now - they are safe and very comfortable. I went through a very hard time financially years ago and I still remember being so embarrassed when I asked a friend for a loan but these entitled vloggers seem to have no such reservations, they look at the world from a place of entitlement."Hey guys, works a bit slow but I fancy flying to England to visit my dad and I need to get my vlogging camera fixed, what about chipping in every month?"
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Why did you decide to buy it?! Her narration of the vlogs has got worse and worse, I swear when I first started to watch it wasn't thin she did?
I was a fan and I guess I wondered what her book would be about. It's been about a year now that I've felt something is off about her - it started with that vlog she did, mocking tourists, and every couple of months my opinion of her degrades. I've stopped following her on social media because I got tired of seeing her smack down a follower for something so inane, like the recent one where someone asked her for a place to eat (someone posted about it here) and she got all up in arms and mocked them in her Insta-stories. It's interesting, she likes to say that she isn't a travel agent or that she doesn't have time to answer these types of questions.....yet she has time to rant about them on Instagram and push a link where she charges for the information! Do your thing Nicki - you just don't have to have a meltdown every time someone asks you a question. In the time it took for her to rant about this person, she could have just said "I'm really busy, but I've put together this." and leave it for that person to decide whether they want to pay or not.

For whatever reason, YouTube is pushing her old vlogs into my feed, they're around 4 years old. I inadvertently clicked on one, thinking it was her newest vlog, and was shocked it was an older one that I hadn't seen. It's interesting, she was as self-important and bordering on obnoxious in those early videos as she is today. I wonder if she was always like this and I didn't see it (or didn't want to), or if she changed once Covid hit and became a little softer and now is right back to being bitchy? In any event, I still watch her vlog because I love Italy and can put up with her nonsense on it for 20 minutes.
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They said they don't get many negative comments on their own channel so they might be addressing Tattle, although they referred to things we haven't really discussed eg lots of freebies, them arguing, and presuming they are mates with all Youtubers. Maybe people discuss them elsewhere, on expat or local commmunity forums, or forums for content creators. Or were they simply trying to hush local gossip, after all the recent dissing of crowded Positano and pesky tourists prompting her purchase of the Tuscany house? It's strange that people think they can tell you what you should think about them :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure Carlo's retirement was planned for the time it happened, quite a while back they said he'd been at the cemetary job since he was very young and had served the requisite number of years. If he had an olden days muncipal pension it could well be on full salary, so no one would blame him for that, good luck to him. I still believe he's a genuinely warm person who enjoys the strong ties he has to his local community. In the past she used to film him more incidentally, doing things around the house, coming and going from work but I think she's using him more since his English has improved and she knows he's more likeable - and he's stepping up because she calls the tune.
Totally agree, I cannot imagine carlo ever wanting to leave positano, a place he and his family hVe lived for who knows how mNy generations
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The upper level of the Positano house is lived in by Luca's son I believe. He also has a dog and cat.

They already do Airbnb, renting a tiny studio room that you can see on the right of the house. Guests have sometimes been seen on the vlogs.
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I also agree that I think he is a warm person. I think retiring from his job, and spending more time away from the things he loves is changing him, and not really for the better. I mean, it’s not that I have spent much time thinking about it. I am just basing it on my reactions to their vlogs in the last couple of months. He looked much happier and relaxed when he spent less time with Nicki, basically. 😆
I agree. I think he is a much more caring person then she is. She has often referenced the fact that he enjoys reading the comments after their vlogs and he spends a lot of time answering as many as he can. She doesn't do much of that. I get the impression that he really cares about their followers and wants to engage with them. This, of course, is very good PR, but also I get the feeling that it comes naturally to him.

I love the way he knows so many people in Positano, and that he is greeted with smiles and greetings whenever he goes. It all appears to be very genuine and not just for vlogging purposes. Being surrounded by good friends and family becomes so much more important as you get older, and I really don't think he will be happy if she tries to make him to spend too much time in Tuscany, especially as his parents are so elderly and virtually housebound now.
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And further proof of her mucky ways, those awful 80 euro used sofas. :sick: I'm all for upcycling, vintage, secondhand etc but cream upholstery unless it was almost new is putrid. She seemed positively high about the cheapness of them, I'd pay 160 euros to have them taken away. And the curtains she bought in the UK, being stored in the car since August, folded with the right side of the fabric on the outside and not even in a plastic bag.
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I can't believe what I've just watched. Was she joking saying that she thinks all the furniture layouts look better than she expected?

Seriously, it couldn't look worse. That bench along one side of the dining table, it has arms so how the hell are you supposed to get in or out? You can't even pull it out when it's jammed into a corner or against the staircase.

And who wants to sit down with people walking on the stairs right above your skull? She's like an anti Feng Shui master :ROFLMAO:

The double pedestal of the brown table fighting with the colour, proportion and texture of the chairs she painted pale green. :sick:

As for the option of the new nasty bottle green fabric sofa facing the wall, she said it's like a nook, I say it's like a cell with a close up view of a radiator 🤪

When they moved in I thought they were buying a few random cheap bits of furniture just to use immediately. But this seems to be their long term non-plan, buying whatever they come across during their outings and rapidly filling the place.

She's under the misapprehension that she's creative, she once proffered that multicoloured chair she painted at school as proof. All I can see is that she has absolutely no taste and is completely deluded.
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I didn't watch for a few weeks because honestly, she reminds me of my ex-stepmother in my younger years - fake positivity and a painfully curated life, with a bitter jealousy underneath that comes out as snark and arrogance. I've always believed Nicki to be a deeply insecure person with a need to be 'special', and as someone her age, I think she's very insecure about ageing and becoming less cool and hip (which is inevitable).

I feel for Skye quite a lot, because having that kind of woman close to you during your younger life can be really painful. They project their insecurities about age, weight, etc onto you like a punching bag and when you're young you just absorb and internalise it. I hope Skye is happy and establishing healthy boundaries with Nicki.

I watched the latest vlog and just saw more of this attitude. She seems genuinely bitter over not receiving PR gifts or being invited to events. I don't think she does YouTube because she loves to film and record the daily life of Positano, but that she wants to be fawned over. And quite simply she isn't (except when she produces woe-is-me videos like this and gets all the soppy comments saying they love her). Everything has to be curated and in place - while anyone is free to do whatever they want with their appearance, I don't buy into this whole full face of make up and carefully tousled hair while doing a messy activity like olive picking or soap making. She seemed furious when Carlo mentioned they argued before filming - it's like everything has to be perfect and beautiful in her life (woe-is-me comments excluded) and it just comes off as so fake to me.

Carlo on the other hand is naturally funny, chatty, and like you've all said has a really deep connection with Positano itself. I think Nicki is well aware that he is considerably more popular, but he seems quite hen pecked.
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Additionally you allow your best friend, the one you moved to Tuscany to be near cos that's the truth, to belittle him in the most unkind cruel way at an intimate party with a group of friends. She really is a heartless cold bitch.
It was absolutely disgusting behaviour and she vlogs it and releases it online for the world to see.
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Bottom line..... it's HER house. SHE bought it, SHE'LL be paying the bills, SHE'LL be calling the shots about the decor.......its HERS! Carlo has no say whatsoever, he's there to do the manual labour only.
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I think Fern and Nicki aren't friends in the traditional sense but use each other to boost their own egos. They appear on the surface as really different people but underneath it all, they're both just hyper-consuming grifters.

I'm sure Nicki looks at Fern and thinks 'what a botox-filled bragger, I'm so down to earth' and Fern looks at Nicki and thinks 'what a scruffy, tasteless beggar, I'm so much prettier'.

But all both of them do is spend aimlessly, humble brag on social media for more money to spend, and try and shill this perfect life when underneath it all they seem utterly miserable people.
This one is totally hilarious. 🤣🤣

I can see that Carlo is more comfortable with Marie and her husband. They are more authentic friends of Nicki's.

I bet Carlo is depress and still grieving. He is the yes man in the house. If he said no, I want to stay in Positano - will Lady N throw a fit? He just wants his peace and not put up his energy on fighting so he has to say yes on everything that Lady N wants. I think he already reached this point - It's too exhausting to argue on small matters everyday, so she can have whatever she wants, I give up.
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An absolute red flag for me in reading reviews on hotels or rentals is an owner/manager that challenges the complaints. The best reply is sorry that the WIFI gave you issues and they are taking steps to look into it or whatever the complaint is. When they start getting defensive no way am I booking. It is all about the tone of the reply. Saying no problems since is directly putting blame on the guests. Bad form.

I Agree. Never would I stay at this place. The steps wouldn’t be the deterrent, it would be the possibility of running into the Queen.
Her lack of warmth and hospitality would be too depressing to deal with. But then, I prefer hotels, nice restaurants and service with a smile. Besides, there are so many lovely places to stay in Positano, albeit pricy, but worth every penny.

Nikki‘s is a big NO Go for me.

And, the Tuscany place is still a dump. She just makes it worse. Cluttered, dreary, filled with old lady junk, just plain awful all around.
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Oh this is absolutely just for content. She has said several times after the move to Tuscany that an unfinished house is boring content, but then she must have realized that she will have nothing but an unfinished house as content for months 😁 so that’s how we get the weekly tat shop and chair painting videos.
Shame, Carlo couldn't have strung out placing the driveway lighting for another 3 episodes to add to the riverting content 😳
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Has anyone heard the podcast where Nicky was interviewed on the Jits into the Sunset podcast, who are also YouTubers apparently. They were staying in her Airbnb and much of the interview was spent blowing smoke up her arse - and boy she was there for it. All about how she always challenges herself, how creative she is, as well as being a make up artist she's a qualified soap maker who had her own soap company, she writes books, she's very musical playing the piano, ukulele and saxaphone, she has a digeridoo, doesn't watch TV, doesn't even know how to turn it on, she crotchets and does stained glass blah blah blah. To me she comes off more like a hustling dilettante crafter than an amazing creative, and seems a bit chippy about not being educated past school.

Lots of talk about how she and Carlo lived on £750 a month for years, nothing was easy, it took them 9 years to save up for the kitchen reno. Said she went to a private school but never took anything from her parents. No mention this time of the London flat she inherited.

The podcast host says she should also do voiceovers :rolleyes:

She started sharing her life online because she wanted others to see the beauty of Positano :rolleyes:

I do like that she speaks lovingly and proudly about her parents.

She has mentioned briefly in the past that she doesn't drink anymore, in the interview she said she will be 5 years clean in Jan 2023. She said drinking was a family trait, her brother went to rehab and in recovery said he couldn't be with her if she was drinking. She'd been drinking half a bottle of wine and a big slug of whiskey each night. She stopped cold turkey which I think is quite an accomplishment. Her dad also no longer drinks.
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I watched this latest vlog very late, so hope i got this right, and didn’t dream some of it. Seemed Nothing was that far along as far as the kitchen? The carpenter almost cut his thumb off? WTF? But they had to come back??? Why? Made little sense.

I don’t know, and Sorry, but to me, the place is a dump. So depressing. I would hate it there.

Poor Carlo is working his butt off and he should be dealing with his grief. Nikki is rather cold blooded imo. Like a drill sergeant with her schedule and demands.

One other thing, and i do hope this wasn’t dream related, but as i watched Nikki and the friend get into that little makeshift coach or whatever it was, and ride that rail up and around the mountain, the thought emerged that i would pay that guy a fortune to make one for me to ride up and down those 500 steps.

Problem solved and hand to gawd, i would never leave Positano again.
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That's good to know. I'm sure there'd been many questions about the tortoises, I mean how were they cared for while N&C went back to Positano?

Note that she doesn't actually say that the previous owners collected them, only that they "were collected and moved to their new home". I find it hard to believe the previous owners would turn up for the tortoises knowing they'd be challenged about all the junk they left when they buggered off after handing over the keys. If the creatures were rehomed I hope this was done responsibly.
If I remember correctly, the previous owners are also supposed to remove an outbuilding that was illegally put on the property. Nicki mentioned they'd be coming back to do that, but I bet hell freezes over before that happens! The previous owners don't seem like great people, but as was mentioned above, constantly calling them out on a public vlog or on social media (like she did in the post about the turtles - "the owners made excuse after excuse") - wouldn't help!
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Well Fern is another than could have her own forum here on TL. I remember when Nicki and Carlo stayed with them...almost think I'll go back and watch again. I have to assume her husband must make a good living because boy does she know how to spend money and has been for years. Her videos are pretty boring and again I started watching for the location videos. Materialism at its finest for sure.
Yes, Fern DOES have her own forum here! And you're right about the spending. I always love when she spends, spends, spends, but then she and Ryan complain about "consumerism". LOL!

Fern mentioned in her Instagram post that she wouldn't have a vlog today (I think this is her usual day) because she was enjoying friends and family this past week, taking a much needed break. Nicki hasn't posted on Instagram for several days now although she did post a vlog at her usual time. One of Fern's pics was one of the ones all tourists do in Pisa, "holding" up the Leaning Tower of I was probably wrong about Nicki having hurt herself. She stayed an extra few days to accommodate Fern and sightsee with her, maybe? Although that couldn't have been a "spur of the moment" thing.

Who knows? I haven't watched Positano Diaries yet...that's how little I care about Nicki and her decorating and her shopping. I remember anticipating it coming out on Sundays just two years ago. Honestly, most of these vloggers now are tiresome to me.
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