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Is Nikki not posting I cannot see a new vlog
Six days ago was the last upload for me. Must be having a strop after the 'trolls' rightfully told her that she treats Carlo like crap, painting your walls 50 different shades of peach is hideous and that her entire attitude towards viewers is arrogant and entitled.
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Just listening to the book now.. full of clichés. I don't get why she has made a paper book, surely it would be much easier just to have a digital version? Or just print it herself and bypass amazon altogether? The only people buying it will be her patreons anyway
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Ok today’s offering was interesting, she’s not even making any attempt to look or sound animated or happy . She looks a mess too .
Nice footage of Athens and Carlo’s kids though , much better than her miserable face .
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Can't believe it another glam shot in that same one piece jumpsuit in Barcelona. The jet setter jetted there for some wedding which i got the impression were friends of Elisabeth. Of course Carlos is in Positano doing more work and dog duties. She seems to be doing her own thing more and more.
Yeah, her saying she has only spent two weeks in Positano before this latest visit, was a bit jarring, considering Carlos spent weeks and weeks there for his father. Did she only drop by for the funeral and a few days after, before leaving asap? She really doesn’t care for the place or any of the people in their family‘s lives.
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Just found this thread, directed here after after talk of Nicki on another thread.

I used to really enjoy her videos but since Carlo has retired their content has taken on a different feel. I also think she was influenced to ramp up the Patreon grift by that American Viscountess woman whose stately home she visited in the UK, who has no shame in asking for money. I will re-post my comment (edited for spelling)about Nicki from the other thread here:

I like Nicki but I'm not wild about the recent house-hunting in Tuscany vlogs. To me it seems as if she and Carlo are rudely wasting people's time; they keep saying they're looking around for somewhere to run a B&B for the time in life when they can't manage the steps in Positano any more, so not any time soon unless Carlo's knees are crumbling as we speak. They've shown a lot of scabby places at a wide variety of price points, all of which they dismiss as needing too much work. Any purchase is to be funded by the sale of a flat in London that Nicki inherited, she has previously said the rental income on this paid for her daughter's private education at a boarding school in the UK. Meanwhile she seeks Patreon support, not sure what she offers as a bonus to patrons, maybe a meet-greet-and-gelato on the pier when the stans inevitably show up.

The trips to Tuscany and talk of a move could be just for content, plus a way to write off a trip to see her friend Celine - presumably as a monetised venture she treats the vlogging as another aspect of her self-employment.

Thanks for the like @Sabbie

Now that I've found you guys I wonder if anyone can shed light on some things I've been wondering about. I recall that Nicki and Carlo aren't married and I got the impression she's very annoyed about that.

Was Carlo actually married to the mother of his son (the pastry chef whose name I forget)? I think his son's mother lived at the house with Carlo so it seems as it was she who moved out of his family's property when they split. Maybe Carlo was required to finance alternative accommodation for his ex and son, so perhaps if they divorced (if they were ever married) he might have to pay her off. Perhaps I got it wrong and Nicki is happy not to be married to him, in order to ringfence her assets, the least of which we know to be the London flat that she is now looking to sell.

One thing I will say about Nicki, she's not stupid, she's very good at playing the amateur, the grift is very subtle.

I think she'd go back to the UK - sorry "England" as she always specifies - in a flash if she and Carlo broke up. She'd be out of the Postiano house and I can't see her running a remote Tuscan property as a B&B without Carlo's many handy skills. I can't see him ever moving to the UK with her, I think he'd hate it, a fish out of water, he seems very unimpressed with the beaches and I can't imagine him getting into village life or being a pub goer for example.
Interesting I had never thought about that, until quite a while of watching them j had never realised he had another son, I assumed it was just a family friend or something. I cannot imagine carlo even leaving positano tbh, imagine, not just you, but AlL of your family living in one place for generations then you leaving? Not to mention that going from south to north Italy is a huge change. No chance.he would move to the UK. What gives you the impression she is annoyed they aren't married? Wild speculation but maybe he has never divorced his ex?
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I agree it was too much to for him to take on while his health was still uncertain. I think they did it because he was suffering with depression (he openly admitted it), which is normal when you've been through the wringer like he has. It was a dream of his. I get the feeling they're not really happy living in the mountains anymore but have no choice but to stay there atm. Tbh they are ridiculously slow with the renovation, they need help. The random older guy helped them no end. While he's having his treatment they should instruct a local builder to get in and get the place finished. He's gonna be out of action for a long time.
The daughter is becoming difficult to manage on camera and tbh it gets on my nerves, I don't mind seeing a bit of her but I'm not into having someone else's kid rammed down my throat.
Im surprised Nicki and Carlo don't offer to help them more. Carlo is very handy and could crack on. I know they've got their own lives but walking the cliff paths every day could be put on hold to help out your mates. I think Nicki is too self centered for that.
I think she wouldn't unless she could make loads of content out of it, which would be difficult as they'd effectively be filming the same thing. Ultimately (imo) the whole thing just proves why most people cannot just "leave everything and wander" as soon as you have any kind of health issues such a nomadic lifestyle drasrically loses its appeal
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Yes! My initial thought was the neighbour proactively turning up to tell Carlo what land belongs to him - that's a bit pushy and indicative of him wanting to take more than is actually his. Surely they'd have received the deeds which state exactly what they own... the neighbour is chancing their luck I think.
the "neighbor" could tell them anything and they must believe it. I am shocked that Nicki does not have more business sense. I expect Carlo not to but NS should know better.
I think the neighbour coming over to point out what actually does, and more importantly, doesn't belong to them is his way of saying "don't take the piss thinking all that is yours".
Carlo spending all his time and energy clearing paths is bizarre. It tells me he needs some space away from his overbearing wife and the only way to get away from her is to dissappear into the bamboo.
Not being there for her 50th is beyond odd, unless one of his parents is seriously ill (please god that's not the case) , remember his brother is there full time, it's telling that they're not as tight as they'd have the sheeple believe.
I'm aghast at what she's doing to the house. Honestly it's not just a case of a few tins of of pink paint, it needs reconfiguring and the basics, like the heating , sorting first.
that heating situation with piles of wood up against the house is just too much.
That was another red flag! Then I remembered that inheritance laws in Italy are incredibly complex and can create parcels of land under different ownership - I only understand the absolute basics (a friend is Italian and she tried to explain how some farmland owned by her family was “carved up” following the death of her grandfather) so my knowledge is sketchy, to say the least.

The boundaries being undefined to the eye (no fences, etc) isn’t unusual. There are surveys showing parcel sizes and boundaries but I don’t think it’s mandatory to create fences/walls/hedges as a visual reference on the ground.

At some point a geometra (surveyor) will have drawn up a detailed “map” of the land that came with the house. One has to wonder whether whoever was acting for Nicki and Carlo (agent? lawyer?) in the purchase negotiations did all of the necessary background work in checking every detail.

It does seem crazy that that neither Nicki nor Carlo appeared to have the vaguest idea of the actual boundaries of what they have (she has) bought.

I don’t think planning permission would ever be granted for the land that’s so close to the house but belongs to someone else. Planning rules are very strict in areas like Tuscany, particularly if there’s no existing structure and you’re wishing to start from scratch.
Thanks for the info. I would however want that tract of land literally at my doorstep under my control or at least know more about ownership.
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As cringe as she is, I do think she has a point there. She never does ads, unlike most people with her numbers, and even though the book sounds atrocious, you can hardly blame her for promoting it a few times on her own channels.

Obviously anyone with half a brain won't be buying it though.
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It was definitely bitchy, specifying "girls" was unneccessary. Ordering food to your sun lounger is no big deal. She'd think I'm a right wanker, I had sashimi and wine delivered to my blanket in the park on the weekend.
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T Rex

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I will give Nicki props for making dog food when she thought she had none on hand. She stated that someone would probably find judgement with what she was making. Since we know you are reading here, Nicki, you did a great job- it was a good balance of protein and veg- I was impressed! Poor Carlo- when he realized the dogs were eating better than he was and pointed out there was indeed dog food in the Amazon box... :ROFLMAO: No dinner for you, Carlo! But Nicki, your yogurt did look sketch. It was nice to see a local festival, but agree with the other Tattlers about Elizabeth's girls being shown on camera-yes, they are adorable, but please blur their faces out to protect their identities.
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I sure feel for her brother Martin. It sort of sounds like some sort of Nasal procedure that had some awful results....don't know if it was botched or what. Hope his rehab helps...he before and after photos really tell a sad story.
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She'd say the deals she did with local Positano businesses for little freebies and favours don't count. I am sure the advertising and tax authorities would beg to differ. She clearly thinks she's superior for not sucumbing to the usual suspect sposorships like Better Help, Hello Fresh or Lilysilk.
I wouldn't put her past a Wild deodorant. She looks like the kind of person who thinks 'natural' deodorant works... while everyone sits around gagging on her armpit stench.
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I like her generally but it does seem (as is the theme with all youtubers tbh) she has started doing ads without declaring? that airbnb for example, but I don't get the drone thing? or is this a video imissed?
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Watching the latest video, did I miss it or has she launched merch? Carlo is wearing a t-shirt with "the positano diaries" on. Who on earth would buy this is my first question, usually merch is a funny catchphrase or something from a channel
They've been doing merch for a while, have you seen Carlo's Hello Everywhere tshirt? And another one with lemons. I'm sure they gave links a while back.

Off-topic: I heard an interesting interview on the radio the other day, with a British woman who has written a book about her house in Le Marche. Much of the book concerns the earthquakes of the area, she has such a reverence for the land and its people who remain devoted to their land despite the destruction it visits upon them. The house she bought had been abandoned for almost 100 years, the previous resident was a priest and in the attic she found paintings and papers, including detailed earthquake maps of Sicily, which led her to further research. Intrigued, I downloaded the Kindle preview and I started reading knowing I'll click to purchase the whole thing when I get to the end. During the interview she conceded that, while the book is not depressing, it is certainly not "Under the Tuscan Sun". I might suggest neither is it a "A Boatful of Lemons", being very well written and not peddling regional cliches to potential day trippers and tshirt buyers. 🤣
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"We can't keep saying 'We're going to OUR house in Tuscany', we've gotta come up with a name for it". :rolleyes:

You just know she's dying to play the lady of the manor 🤪

Meanwhile she's busy getting Carlo up a ladder, planning all the work he will carry out on the property in HER name, him with no claim on the property or security of tenure.
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Totally agree on the above and running from his grief with the "distraction" of the Tuscany house may not work out in her favor.
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This weeks vlog:

N addresses the no-show property purchase video, saying she'll show it sometime or keep it as a back-up episode. I call that the less-moany parts of it will be used in a future vlog about the new Tuscan gaff, carefully edited to show her in a humble light as she knows the "our normal lives" is what gets the punters in.

More tourist activities with mate Dave. Window shopping in the bougie shops on Capri, Normal Nicki tells us she buys only one luxury designer item per year - with a smug aside that she also bought a house. She can't help making sure everyone knows she is the purchaser.

Patreon gets its weekly mention, this time flagging that Patrons get a discount on her e-book of slop recipes, which are very dreary if you don't have the benefit of on-site fresh veg.
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For Nicki and Carlo I see no break up...just lots of time in different spots but Sky...I wonder.
I wonder about Sky too. She seems to have a great time with Carlo alone, though. I can see both Carlo and Sky continuing to spend a lot of time in Positano, with Nicki in the house in Tuscany, fuming all alone.
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I wonder if perhaps Skye's private education was funded by the grandparents. I imagine, like most teenagers would, feel somewhat forced into it while her mum is off galavanting in Italy without any real job or work.

I don't get the impression Nicki is really 'there' much as a parent - it's all too me me me with her. Any kind of real structure/guidance seems out of the question because it isn't really focused on Nicki herself.
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