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VIP Member
What might have been the case historically [...] is not the case any more
This is where you get into conversations about how Britain's racism is based on a lot of microaggressions which build up over time and end up being part of systematic racism also

I'm pretty sure that the whole 'where are you from' question when asked repeatedly is a form of microaggression also. Though I expect you will tell me microaggressions are a joke

Re the messages being shared - it feels like people are using them for what-aboutism in a way. Twitter is hardly a good place for discussions without someone throwing abuse to begin with, though the whole thing about the charity rejecting people based on race is an interesting topic

I think I saw a tweet from a white woman who contacted the charity when she left her relationship and was rejected for help and not directed to other services
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A 45-year-old man has been interviewed by police under caution after a video of a confrontation at a shop in Peckham went viral and sparked protests.

Video footage of a woman hitting a man with a shopping basket as he appeared to choke her on Monday provoked anger among people in southeast London who objected to the way he had reacted.
TIL: it is acceptable to choke people if they start acting feral - or just start complaining because that’s all the CCTV really shows before the incident
I also watched the footage and I’m shocked that anyone thinks that is acceptable?

He also claims that he was “detaining” her as though he has the power to do that and it is totally acceptable to be handling people by their neck like that
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Baby Giraffe

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I have a business diploma and have studied networking. If you are networking yourself or your business charity, when you meet important people, you have to give an enticing description of your business to capture the attention of the person you are conversing with. Just naming it will not suffice.
Obviously further information is given as the conversation progresses, that’s now it works. You don’t blurt everything out in one go, it goes back and forth, you know, like a conversation. What is strange is for a conversation to stall and for the first person to just keep repeating the same question.
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Baby Giraffe

VIP Member
With the greatest respect, asking somebody "what part of Africa are you from?" (per the Mail's article on it) is not racist. I suspect Ms Fulani was probably exceedingly embarrassed that the answer was "I don't know / I'm not from Africa but changed my name to pretend I am", hence the defensive "Hackney" answer. At which point I suspect the old woman got comparatively confused / flustered and couldn't find the exact words to ask the same question in a perfect way, so started with "where are you really from?". Not great, but if an elderly black African person asked the same of my incredibly white West African children I would hope they'd see sense and take it for what it likely is / was.
To ask once probably wouldn’t have been racist but the refusal to take the answer is unacceptable and she IS from Hackney so I don’t see why anybody could have a problem with the answer. It genuinely doesn’t make any sense.
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So that gives her the right to attack him and wreck his shop?? We don’t why she was refused a refund! If it’s make up they usually don’t refund if the seal is broken for higene reasons…I didn’t see any strangulation in those clips ? But that man had every right to defend himself and restrain that feral woman…We’ll have to await the police investigation to see what/ if charges of strangulation are being brought!
Calling a black woman feral... nice.

The first clip YOU posted shows him pushing her first.

And here's the video of him strangling her:
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Tangent Tiger

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I am seriously not keen on Ngozi as I don't think she should have brought a safe house under the spotlight by her social media (although I did think perhaps her turning away a disabled woman purportedly because of being mixed race may have actually been because the house wasn't adapted for the woman's needs).

I haven't watched the vids about this incident, will do so later.
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I never said her actions were right? Did I? Try again.
No, you've remained conspicuously silent on her actions and behaviour.

Care to condemn her feral behaviour like most of twitter/x has? Or are you staying resolutely anti-shopkeeper and nothing else matters for you, unwilling to look at the context.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
Obviously further information is given as the conversation progresses, that’s now it works. You don’t blurt everything out in one go, it goes back and forth, you know, like a conversation. What is strange is for a conversation to stall and for the first person to just keep repeating the same question.
It boils down to how long Lady Hussey has to spend with each guests. Palace events don't last as long as most networking events. It could be a case of a quick handshake and a bid of good day.
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Too late! The man and his family are in hiding, his business is unlikely to ever open again, the BLM crowd will see to that.
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I accept that white people can sometimes experience prejudice directed towards them because of the colour of their skin, but it's not correct to call that racism because racism has a systemic relationship to power. Something white people have historically had in this country for eons.
I think this is interesting

One of my friends was telling me how often they see uni societies for specific groups of people have very bad attitudes towards white people but then you put it in the context of the racism they have likely experienced and that this uni has a poor reputation for diversity and that sort of stuff makes a bit more sense

Public sectors are systematically racist - towards white people.
I wonder if there is a 'scale' of systematic racism and where everyone would really fall on it. I'd imagine that places which are trying to create diverse work environments don't necessarily have a friendly atmosphere and the management is likely primarily white too
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Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
Ngozi really irritates me as she is using a domestic abuse charity as a platform for other issues. This should never have been done.

However one thing I did wonder about is that there was some press about her turning away a disabled woman. The press said it was because she was mixed race. But from my own experience of a safe house, it wasn't adapted for people with disabilities. I had tried to raise this with the manager and was dismissed 'we can't be ageist'.

That wasn't what I meant at all, I meant the woman had osteoarthritis and the house wasn't suitable and the next week she fell and broke her arm and went back home.
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I’ve found the account that posted it but he’s deleted it .He’s back on replying to comments about the GFM for James .

Funny you say Scottish he’s not a fan of Sturgeon said he might do a thread on her next 😂
Has he got two accounts? The one I posted and screenshot also mentions looking into Sistah Space

It's quite clearly the same account
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
Whataboutism is impossible to deal with. It’s all about deflecting every single valid point with a made up, often unrelated point to avoid considering anything that might require some thought and self reflection.
It's not made up. I have seen the Tweet she posted. Several times you and @Blueblue123 deflected away from the unsavoury behaviour of the charity.
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Did she share it privately with LH and BP so they might do better - « Look, I realise you might not have meant it, but that line of questioning was really upsetting to me, I imagine it wasn’t malicious but here’s how you could have gone about it better ».

Or did she go to papers and TV to get as much publicity as possible for her charity and agenda from a storm in a teacup ? And is now likely shitting herself that she has been outed as a cultural-appropriating, possible fraudster ?
How does that change whether the question "where are you really from?" was offensive or not?

If I slap you and you choose to deal with it privately or publicly you were still slapped weren't you? Good grief.
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I'm not one of the sheeple so I don't need to parrot the opinions of Laurence Fox et al but thanks.

Maybe I was distracted by the large man with his hands wrapped around her neck.

Anyway, this conversation has fallen way below my intelligence levels so argue with yourselves.

One of you can't read and the other is a brute, not the usual company I like to keep!
Ahh ! Typical, just resort to insults when genuine points are made…It was you quoted me! If you don’t want to engage with inferior people why start a convo 🥸
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I’d call anyone race feral if they acted like that, I still don’t see strangulation! I see him with his hand on her shoulder and one hand restraining her arm, after she hit him full force in the face with a rather heavy basket.


After she tried to exit with his stock, if that was a security guard they wouldn’t have been so kind tbh.
He was still violent first! You tried to claim the opposite.
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