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Not what MSM are reporting? We don’t get to see clear images for obvious reasons but police have bailed her ,so there must be a reason ?
Actually here is the full video..
I can see why police have charged her she looks pretty menacing to me.

An argument which started because she asked for a refund. The shopkeeper wasn't complying with consumer rights. Which is said in the very story you posted.

The row broke out after the woman was denied a refund and tried to take replacement items from the shop.

Officers visited the shop just after 1.15pm on Monday following reports a woman had attempted to steal items and was prevented from leaving by an employee.

Interesting that you see a small woman being strangled as more menacing than the larger man committing violence!
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I do agree that charities should have more scrutiny as to how they use funds effectively. Unfortunately, Charities often employ poor quality staff (due to poor pay offered) and the law tends to concentrate on their compliance with laws and regulation rather than the effectiveness of their services.

That said, you could argue that’s life- who assess the effectiveness of any other organisation? People donate willingly, it’s buyer beware in terms of them researching the charities they donate too.
Don’t forget the only thing society unilaterally supports charities with is tax exemption. They don’t get “anything else” that gives the general public ownership over their activities.

Personally I don’t agree with charities and believe services provided by charities should broadly fit into 2 groups- “not needed” and “should be provided by the government”

That said, I do understand that the government designs services to meet the needs of white middle aged men. There is a real need for charities like SS which specialise in the needs of minority groups. So it’s a tough one.
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H&M are invited to the coronation so it seems the palace want to forget about the whole farce ( there’s no other word for it).

Potentially more damage to come to Ms Fulani's reputation. 😉
Maybe? Maybe not? We’ll have to wait and see .I don’t think either of their reps will recover , it all seems so staged tbh.
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It’s all kicking off on Twitter that James character is racist AF but I think he’s on to something going by the threats.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
I'm aware of this. How does it change the fact that some people are given the room to share their feelings while others are dismissed?
Ms Fulani has been given several television interviews and an appointment with the Lady In Waiting to share her feelings.
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I’m sure security are trained and have certifications to do what they do. I doubt a shopkeeper does and it becomes dangerous to be acting this way

Even in cases of self defence, it has to be a proportional reaction
I think they can use reasonable force .
She was acting feral! Even the customers were terrified of her, you can see where she came at one of them…Didn’t know we could only use that word for white people 🤔
He's not security. Being pushed isn't a form of restraint, nor is strangulation. Both are acts of violence and forms of attack.

If he wanted to restrain her, he should have held her arms or hands down.
How do you know what certificates he holds? Some people do their own security, he seemed to know a few of the restraints from that footage.
Ngozi was literally there shouting through the mic, looked like guest of honour 😂


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Seems a bit contradictory to her press comments
She reposted the Royal Family's statement so they're not her own words.

And yes, I agree @monga She seems to have changed her tune, no mention of Lady H not being malicious in her Twitter status.
As if you wouldn't all rip her a new one if she seemed to reject the apology in any way.

Now you're getting at her for being too gracious about it. She can't win.
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Has he got two accounts? The one I posted and screenshot also mentions looking into Sistah Space

It's quite clearly the same account
What I mean is the account that posted that tweet exposing James as racist has deleted it off his twitter page , he disappeared off the thread but he’s back commenting on another thread.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
So she has changed the Twitter page for the charity to a selfie of her infront of that filthy staircase. Even Hannah Ingram-Moore wouldn't stoop that low. And yes, I agree @monga She seems to have changed her tune, no mention of Lady H not being malicious in her Twitter status.


Well said Nana. 👊🏻👊🏿
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There’s a difference in frogmarches someone than hitting them, she’s clearly shown throwing a blow at his face.
Because - as shown in the clip you posted - he shoved her first, more than once.

The man was the one being violent first and she was defending herself. In the wrong way? Maybe. But someone of his size shouldn't be so quick to put his hands on a woman and go to the lengths of strangling her.

Interesting that you can see HIS need to defend himself but not hers, even though he started getting physical first.
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Some people, such as this lady here, seem to want division. Her hashtag for the video is #mindyourbusiness, I guess she is telling people to stay out of black history and awareness.

She also throws out some derogatory stereotypes about white people, but strangely, YouTube haven't acted on it. Hmmm...
Like I said earlier there's certain factions always want division it's what they strive for .
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How does that change whether the question was offensive or not.

If I slap you privately or publicly you were still slapped weren't you? Good grief.
It doesnt, but you said to be fair she only shared the transcript and how it made her feel. Who did she share it with ? It would have been fair to share it solely with LH in the first place, jump straight to the apparent patching up they’ve done now after a week or two, and no brouhaha.

And even then, offence requires an assumption on the part of the offended - what does this person mean ? Does she really mean I’m not really British (which doesn’t come across in the transcript) ? Or is it a really old lady trying and failing to find the « right » way to ask after someone’s heritage ? I’d be embarrassed if my white African kids threw their toys out of the pram because an old black African person didn’t quite get the wording right. Someone younger, fine, they should know better, but anyone about 60 and over, cut them a bit of slack.

Edit : They even got there in the end - « African heritage, Caribbean descent, UK nationality », it wasn’t impossible to understand what LH was driving at, even if poorly phrased. It is interesting that the transcript stops there, it wonder if the conversation just stopped or what came next.
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Everyone in here defending that man's horrible violence against a WOMAN, not even he thinks what he did was right.

Shopkeeper says he regrets seizing woman by the throat amid backlash

And everyone saying she was swinging at him, she's hitting him AS his hands are already around her throat. She's literally defending herself.

She’s clearly attacking him !the large woman is trying to restrain her, do you think violence against men is acceptable ??
Here is where you brought race into it. You and only you. I'm just making sure that it's clear that my calling her feral is because of her behaviour.

p.s. don't care that she is a woman either. Still feral.

View attachment 2448082

"wanted to take something as personal compensation" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

A lot easier to just say "wanted to steal"
She’s always implying I’m racist Kev don’t worry about it 😂…I’m not politically correct in any shape or form I think it’s dangerous and only gives people an excuse to behave how they like, I’ll call out anyone no matter who /what they are ,if they deserve to be called out, simple as!
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She’s had a couple of palace visits she stated she was in two minds whether to go to the Camilla gathering ,had she experienced anything on previous visits ? or was it because it was Camilla hosting!
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