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VIP Member
Completely different person, it's not even the same country 🙄

The depths people will go to...

They don't even look alike in the slightest



VIP Member
Yep light pushes to stop her exiting and stealing from his shop. She is the one that turns full feral and massively escalates the violence by repeatedly smacking him.

What were the circumstances of the refund being declined, since you know so much about the case. Were the products faulty, or were they unwanted/incorrect/unused but in original packaging? Did she have her receipt? Why didn't she take her issue to Citizen's Advice, they're very good. Did they say it was OK for her to just help herself to random other goods? Why did she want random other goods anyway when she was dissatisfied with whatever she was trying to return?

Since you apparently need it making crystal clear to you, I'm calling her feral because of her behaviour and speech as shown in the CCTV footage. Absolutely irrelevant to me that she is Black, the only people desperate to whip it up as a race issue are you and Sistah Space, and everyone's laughing at them now, for their ridiculous claims about white privilege.
Now when did I say this whole incident was about race? I corrected @monga for saying Ngozi was the one to lead the protests then I corrected again to say the shopkeeper attacked the woman first.

Please, find the part where I said this was about race, white supremacy or white privilege?

And I questioned @monga for calling the woman feral, not you, because you didn't say it until just now, did you?


VIP Member
By the way here's a receipt from his shop where it's pretty clear that, in line with other sellers of similar products, a refund is not going to be available. Let us know why the shoplifter thought that this didn't apply to her.
Does the receipt also say this policy will be explained through the act of strangulation?


VIP Member
Meh you say strangled, I see a bloke who's just been viciously and repeatedly assaulted (very clear in the full video) to the extent that other customers are stepping in to separate her, with his hands close to her neck to try to stop her continuing to beat him, for about two seconds. And as soon as his hands are moved she goes on to spew absolute vitriolic verbal diarrhoea, she isn't in the least bothered or hurt by his hands. If she had been choked or strangled you'd expect a few seconds while she catches her breath back, no? There's no pause in her shouting whatsoever.

The absolute state of the woman. Embarassing.
And absolute cringe at these Sistah Space lunatics showing themselves up shouting on their megaphones about white privilege when it's a story about an Asian shopkeeper and a Black shoplifter.

It says it all that usual race grifter Shouty Shola hasn't touched the story at all, and even folks like Nadine White are treading very carefully with their commentary, even they know what really went on here. Recommend you watch both videos in full.
Unless you need your eyesight checked, he pushes her first, multiple times, as seen in the clip @monga posted



VIP Member
Oh dear, it seems you can't read. I literally said "did she defend herself in the wrong way? Maybe". Who else would I be saying that about?

I also never used the words tiny or weak. Again, lack of comprehension and literacy abilities.

All I said was she was small and smaller than him.
Good try ,we could all see how you were portraying this violent bully of a woman.
We’ll await the attempted murder charges if he was indeed trying to strangle her!

Gloria Rostron

VIP Member
Re the messages being shared - it feels like people are using them for what-aboutism in a way.
There is no whataboutism about it, the poor woman who was rejected for support has been innundated with horrid messages and could possibly be experiencing mental health issues, which I won't discuss further, out of respect.


VIP Member
The two women do not look the same. I know people want it to be the same person to justify their belief that she deserved to be strangled but it just isn't.
I don’t know if it is or not but I’m sure someone will confirm for sure ?


VIP Member
It's hilarious, in any other scenario the very people defending this man would be up in arms about an "economic migrant" who's also an immigrant committing a violent act.

They'd be using this as a reason to limit immigration, saying their culture doesn't align with British values because they don't respect women.

Saying they shouldn't be here because we don't want to import unsavoury characters.

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VIP Member
So she has changed the Twitter page for the charity to a selfie of her infront of that filthy staircase. Even Hannah Ingram-Moore wouldn't stoop that low. And yes, I agree @monga She seems to have changed her tune, no mention of Lady H not being malicious in her Twitter status.

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Well said Nana. 👊🏻👊🏿
I think that's Valerie Forde and her child , yes it's like she was forced into accepting the apology if she still feels that way towards LH .


Well-known member
So, she is not even a trustee but is out there publicly representing them and saying who they can and cannot help. 🤔 I also found it strange that Diane Abbott spoke up about it when she didn't know the full facts and hadn't even spoken to Ngozi properly. But, Diane Abbott does a lot of things that are perplexing!
She’s an mp for Hackney so I guess she was trying to support?