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Yeah I think Skete just does it so she can sound intelligent and so her followers will go “oh yeah she’s so smart and thoughtful” but she just looks like a big twit
Skete WISHES she had Emily’s wisdom and ethics. At least Emily acknowledges mistakes and works to find common ground outside of socials. Skete doesn’t know what she stands and even if she did figure it out she’d forget ten minutes later if someone offered her $50.
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5kiwikids is so up herself. She had her first child, consciously, at 16 and seems to think she's got her life all sorted. God forbid nothing goes wrong with one of the children and she has to manage a business and 5 other children in a country with no family or friends around. Seems they're definitely chasing the $$$ which is fine, but it doesn't sound like either of them are particularly good with money. But hey, if they have the dream of popping out 7 or 8 kids and living the life of luxury- the power to them.
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Skete et al can get wrecked. Emily does so much for the community, she has for years. Skete just wants fame and fortune and is getting neither
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Ooph been away for a while but just knew you guys would have the tea on Temu (pardon the pun). Have had myself an unfollowing party. So surprising the effort people will go to for $50 .... it's like the new Onlyfans/Patreon. Has been a really useful tool for identifying the uneducated & money grasping types!
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Molly brownlee. Aka Renee Stewart wannabe. She does have more than 10,000 followers across her socials AND makes money off them, so don’t come at me, is selling Ali express makeup brushes for $150 a set. Buys them for $13.50 usd a set. Friend asked her on Insta where they’re from. Boom blocked. They’re all fucking money grabbing skanks.
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skete and HM arguments about a mama using temu to put food on the table is funny as fuck. talz didnt “need” that money as in it was her only way to afford kai for her kids. she went on a shopping spree with the money straight after.. open ya fuckin eyes 😂
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Holly May clearly knows nothing about Emily's life or background 🤷‍♀️
Came here to say this its pretty embarrasing for hollymay and shows how unhinged she is because everyone knows Emily has had a tough life

does hollymay do anything except call people out online does she do any actual helping out others or giving because as far as I can tell Emily walks the talk shes one of the few that does if is just very OTT reaction … I thought Emily was talking about skeet and TD and mooch or is that who hollymay means because skeet just got back from a holiday she is not just trying to feed her family also skeet donated her money I think so it wasn’t for her
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Holly missed the whole fucking point of what she was trying to say, slave labor is very real 5/6 year olds sewing clothes. And probably making vacuums yes children are being forced to help make these items.
That's because with Holly, it's always turned around to be about race. She acts as if she is so hard done by because she is brown. No one is asking her to sit at home all day on her phone. What's stopping her from going out and getting a job like the rest of us. Brown, white, blue, purple! I don't care what the colour of your skin is....their are job opportunities out there, she chooses not to take them and then cries racism all the time. It's got nothing to do with ethnicity. You just have to apply yourself.
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Let’s be honest, most of the stuff being purchased off sites like Shein, Wish, AliExpress, Temu etc is non-essential and stuff we could all live without. Yeah, the clothes might be cheap but when you don’t wear or use the clothes that you already have...
Absolutely THIS! So much of the type of spending on Temu et al. Is endorphin rush, habitual, mindless spending. It’s buying a new outfit to wear once, to do a “trend”, to get the nephew 5 toys to open on his birthday instead of one. It’s also buying 15 matching plastic containers to put shit in the fridge into…lol. Poverty in NZ is complicated, but we can’t condone the continual mistreatment of one group of people to try and justify the needs on the other end. The occasional guilty purchase on one of these sites by yourself. Sure. ADVERTISING it and DEFENDING it?? Pathetic. We KNOW the abysmal conditions of those who break their bodies to produce everything on those sites. We must stand up to anyone who try’s to say otherwise.
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Christian bragging how he feels guilty for relaxing during the day whilst sitting in his spa 🙄🙄 asking if others do to. Yes regular facials/massages, day drinking and meals out. You feel so guilty.... No it's your routine. Yes I get the guilt I'm a parent to. But if it's my routine I'm probably not going to lol. Seems out of touch and a bit braggy to me.
What has he got to relax from?
His children are cared for by a nanny, he doesn’t have a 9-5 job, he has money in the bank and food on the table. What’s his stress that he’s relaxing from??
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Omg yes it is! Dr Bill is an absolute kook and part of the woo woo crowd, makes mega bucks though. His website has pictures of her children on it. Sounds like he’s a creep though, I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…!
Can we chat Eva Jones? Is it worth joining her patreon for $2? If anyone is a member? Did she get a moko kauae with her mum? I miss her posting on social media, used to enjoy her content. A bit weird but an interesting person.
my friend used to be on her patreon and it had videos of her naked and letting her period blood drip into a bowl… so if that’s what your into, $2 sounds like a bargain.
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Well Christ on a bike, racism & bigotry are alive and well and living in Holly May's head. What a nasty human she is, pulling the "white privilege " card out everytime she has no way of supporting her opinion. You can share your opinion on things without making race or skin colour the reason for someone's actions EVERYTIME.
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There’s certainly a divide in the influencers today. Three categories;
1. All about Temu with no actual knowledge except free $$
2. speaking out against temu
3. Silent type.

Just like normal!
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My issue with Talz is how she frequently shares how she bed shares with her kids - but the youngest is very young and it’s not safe how she shows it. Blankets/pillows etc right next to a very young baby. Whether she does it differently during the night etc idk, but what she chooses to show is problematic imo. Especially when my understanding is that statistically Māori and Pacific Island babies are at a higher risk of SUDI and that unsafe bed sharing increases that risk. I just think it’s wrong with such a big platform (for anyone). Disclaimer that I am not white, and I don’t support bed sharing that’s unsafe in any form for anyone done unsafely.

off topic lol sorry, but idc so much about the Temu stuff, but I think influencers should be held accountable if posting something to thousands of people
I have to agree with this unfortunately.
I need to state that I have absolutely no issue with co-sleeping and at times have done it myself with my children. However, it’s something that you MUST do safely otherwise you are knowingly endangering your children’s lives.
This has NOTHING to do with skin colour before someone @‘s me 🙄 I would say this about anyone regardless of race or “social status”.
Co-sleep if you must, bed share, do whatever you need or want to do, but DO IT SAFELY. You owe it to your babies.
The absolute joy and delight I feel watching her stories is indescribable 😂 YAY Pebbles!
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The irony of Skete referencing ‘our fave gossip forum’ when she has been deep in here (particularly on Simone’s thread) and still spends a lot of time chasing the comments.

Not sure when we ran a poll in here to confirm our race either. Because according to her we are all white 🤷🏼‍♀️

I see she has dropped down to 8k…not long ago she was close to 10k so seems like something’s not working.
I’ll probably get ripped to shreds for this because I’m white and should be giving Māori a pass for literally everything according to Skete and Holly May but how does saying she sounds drunk translate to anything to do with her race?? She sounded drunk 🤷🏼‍♀️ end of story.
It wasn’t “she sounds like a drunk Māori!” It was literally she sounds drunk.
And I commented that she wasn’t making sense and I couldn’t understand what she was trying to say. It wasn’t “I can’t understand her because she’s Māori” it was literally that she was rambling and I couldn’t be bothered listening.

Please tell this worthless white woman where race was mentioned regarding her voice? 🤷🏼‍♀️
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skete and HM arguments about a mama using temu to put food on the table is funny as fuck. talz didnt “need” that money as in it was her only way to afford kai for her kids. she went on a shopping spree with the money straight after.. open ya fuckin eyes 😂
she gets hello fresh (or used to? idk) and is always eating takeaway. she’s paid like $80+ multiple times for seafood boils. she can afford food to feed her kids. she has never claimed that she can’t afford to feed her kids or pay her bills. so the argument is completely fuckin invalid and using the race and “poor māori” (i’m māori so don’t bother coming for me for that term) card to defend themselves. skete’s jumping on the race card game because she probably realised oops temu goes against tons of other shit i spout so now i gotta cover my ass…. oh i know! race card! as it always is with her. talz pushed that temu gambling shit to its MAX reaping as many benefits as she could, manically laughing away at how much “free money” she was getting. it’s a shame that temu now has access to all her info including photo albums, in perpetuity (aka forever) as a part of the cash rewards scheme.
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