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Why have they mounted the vacuum cleaner right by the couch in the living room? Isn't that something that gets stored elsewhere?

Also, is that kitchen island meant to be the finished product? With the power point right by people's knees while they sit there with cords hanging everywhere? Whoever designed their kitchen needs their heads read!
Perfect place for a stick vacuum imo. Our vacuum is always in the lounge, ready to use 1245 times a day.
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Receiving free money and not understanding how it works is a red flag. All these influences sharing the link calls for desperation. They benefit from people using their link but no one specifies this. Just shitty greedy behaviour. Yuck
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Chatty Member
👏🏼 this 👏🏼

Also getting “free” money then rushing out to spend it all on materialistic items doesn’t scream that you NEED the money
Totally this... I downloaded the app, got offered the 'free' gifts. Scrolled through and thought 'what a load of absolute shit, I don't need that in my house'. Like a plastic tongue scraper, wtf? It's just consumerism at its worst, tacky, cheap, tasteless crap. App deleted faster than you can say 'Women's Refuge'.

You can't help but feel the world is doomed when people have to encourage others to buy shit they don't need in order to get the 'free' money to put kai in your kid's bellies. The world really has gone crazy, sad but true.
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I find it weird that this spoon of a human has invested huge money into a knitwear brand she is about to launch yet she insists on constantly wearing this tatty $17 Kmart jumper. I mean, I own this jumper too. Which is how I know. And precisely the reason I’m not giving her hundreds of my dollars to have to make my own jumper.


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EmCult having a cry because she "doesn't know her purpose" and her only income is Patreon and she needs to pay for her designer cat and AJ is just fucking around having fun not making any income. Well duh, isn't that the way she wanted it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ ffs she is making more money than a lot of working people by doing yoga in her undies, and swimming at the beach and making bread and doing "budget" shops 🙄 which her followers think she is a god of 🙄 oh and freely admitting getting stoned all the time 😬 she doesn't have much to complain about from where I'm sitting 🤷‍♀️
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Also, very hypocritical of her to diss us tattlers when she spends just as much time on here as we do?
I don’t give a crap if they co-sleep. I did with my babies too and hubby and I sleep in diff beds too, BUT “in my personal” opinion, it’s just fucking weird that they are getting older but continue to room share.

The fact she constantly brags their money etc is so gone deaf. Showing photos of her trolley when so many families can’t even afford the basics these days is just gross.

I would never brag about what I have, I never show pics of gifts I buy my kids, not even to my family. It just doesn’t sit well with me. One thing I do brag about is when I buy woman’s refuge nights and make donations🥳🥳
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I saw a post from ScammilyEm a day ago where she said that AJ doesn't want to do workshops or commissions but basically just "make cool shit" which reminds me of my son wanting to make cool shit with lego and selling it. So he basically wants to bum around and make stuff, and not parent, and to afford their beach lifestyle, Em needs to charge more so that people pay $20 a month to see her swim and mow the lawn in her undies. She also doesn't want to parent.
They shop thriftily but they don't have to- probably because they're raking it in. I wish I could earn $120, 000 a year for doing fucking nothing.
I've heard a lot of her life story on Patreon is made up too.
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Wait until all your kids are teens, Cassie. My husband earns "too much" for us to get any help and we are still struggling. We have three teens and a 1 year old. And the cost of living is destroying us. You may flex now but just wait until they are all teens. It isn't easy. You are surviving because of your hand outs. If you think reaching 6 figures and not needing government assistance will mean you are financially sorted, think again. We were far better off earning under the threshold and getting assistance. Tax in a higher bracket is also insane. I'm all for not making money a taboo topic in my house, but I would never discuss what we earn or anything like that to my kids OR my followers.
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Sera Lynne takes her kids on brief overseas holidays & complains about them the whole time and how she can't wait for Monday to get away from them.
Why not go to Fiji and have a semi relaxing holiday and get a nanny.
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To the absolute dickhead reading here about the ONE PERSON who thought therapy via zoom was dumb and SHARED it with Maria, go away! The rest of us defended therapy via zoom. It’s a bloody great idea!
How is sharing something like that to someone who has probable severe depression and anxiety in anyway helpful?!?!

and yes it could have been her reading here but I’m choosing to ignore that right now 😂
I don’t think anyone messaged Maria. I think she reads here. But she uses the “don’t tell me this stuff” to try and make her “someone told me what was said on tattle” look more believable. She saw that everyone here backed the zoom counselling (apart from one person) and knew if she raised it in her stories she would get engagement and feedback from people amping her up.
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I Need a Name

Active member
I get what you’re saying, but I disagree. There are ways to shop reasonably ethically when you’re skint, even if you can’t shop small biz or local - NZ has a billion op shops, the Warehouse, Kmart and other budget stores have people tracking their ethics and supply chain. No one is perfect when it comes to shopping habits and it’s basically impossible to be completely ethical, but literally no one needs yet another one of these sites in their lives. If someone has no money and Temu is literally the only place they can get this specific thing then sure, go for it. But these influencers jumping for a code so they can push it on people are trash. They’re a step sideways from MLM huns.

This is just another site where people who can afford to do better will be buying hauls of junk.

Everyone will have their own opinion on this stuff, but I’m unfollowing everyone who plugs it, because they’re showing their ass. Already unfollowed Bear and Moo, which was disappointing to see.
Let’s be honest, most of the stuff being purchased off sites like Shein, Wish, AliExpress, Temu etc is non-essential and stuff we could all live without. Yeah, the clothes might be cheap but when you don’t wear or use the clothes that you already have...
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Not defending Holly may. But she posts a lot of kaka to wind people up. Her and her man have been together for over a year. I see both sides of it , but she’s wrong about Emily and should have looked into it more before pouncing. But hey aDhD , bpd, hectice vibes, trauma, colonisation, ummm what else can she blame 😂
Actually surprised Talz encouraged her to go after Emily just because she unfollowed her and to say Emily should have talked to Talz why is Talz so special she should have to talk to her I saw Emilys story and feel bad for her she was one of the few who spoke out about temu and now she has to deal with hollymay who has made it all about something it very obviously was not and all hollymays followers will go after here so she made a good call unfollowing Talz like you said she pounced and this time on someone who seems like a nice person who actually does work to help others
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Change my words to suit your Narritve sure 😉
Absolutely love the part about we we "braggers" and then in the same sentence drops this about their income 😂 👏👏👏👏
Why do people who claim not to care about others opinions/do what they want also spend the time responding. How about if you don't want to see the "haters", don't visit Tattle? Works both ways babes.
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Well-known member
So much judgement. Clearly it is for the child. They are old enough that they can refuse if they don't want it. As someone with a 4.5yo who still likes boob at night can assure you it definitely isn't me but them wanting the comfort. I mean lots of much older kids still suck their thumb or have a blankie - this is just a different kind of comfort. I imagine she will probably self wean not long after starting school anyway tbh.
They are probably also old enough to not want to have images of them extended breast feeding splashed all over the internet to random strangers.
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Chatty Member
Why do people who claim not to care about others opinions/do what they want also spend the time responding. How about if you don't want to see the "haters", don't visit Tattle? Works both ways babes.
“If you don’t like it, don’t look” - they ALWAYS drop that when on a big Tattle tirade. Like bro do you see what you’ve done there 😂
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I should be getting royalties😂😂😂😂

I think Talz is a hoot. I don’t agree with some of the things she does or the way she parents, but it is what it is🤭🤭
I wish I had as good a name as sausagefingertrent. It’s so much more effective when you get roasted by influencers you’ve pissed off.
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Talz I can’t PM you to tell you this so it’s the next best thing to do it here cos you’re obviously reading here. It’s easy for them to say Temu workers are all good - but it’s the workers who make the products who technically work for different companies that are getting the raw deal - apply another layer of thought to this, cmon try and be smart about it.
They're taking about "Temu's" employees. I bet Temu's employees are sitting pretty: I bet all the child labour is contracted out to third parties that Temu isn't responsible for. See some sense: crap can't be produced that cheap and in such large quantities and it's good for everyone. Someone always pays. The planet pays, people locked into poverty pay. Sure Talz might not be rich by western standards, but her and her children aren't locked into a modern day slavery contract with what is essentially a slave driver making them work 18 hour days in return for food and shelter they can't get anywhere else.
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