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VIP Member
For anyone who didn’t breastfeed when did your boobs go back to their pre pregnancy size or at least go down in size? I’m 3 months pp and their still a full cup size bigger, my bras don’t fit and none of my tops fit 🙈🙈😅 it’s annoying 😑😑


Chatty Member
Same. I’m very much a ‘own brand is the same, you’re just paying for the name’ person but I got samples of pampers and they beat Aldi hands down. Also when you go to size 2 they cover a bigger size range so you don’t get stuck with loads they’ve grown out of if you’re not careful. Tesco size 3 are a close 2nd but Aldi’s have been relegated to day time only when she’s unlikely to poo 😂
Haha the Aldi ones do us fine in the day, we've had no leakages, only when we've not pointed his winky down :ROFLMAO: The pampers are much better at night though, 100%. The size 3 aldi ones aren't as thick as the 2s we found. I just gave a neighbour who's expecting about 200 size 1 nappies as we bulk bought and never got through them!

We leaked loads in the tesco ones! he was smaller though. We liked the boots ones for no leaking but they gave him awful nappy rash! I didn't realise nappies differed so much until 5 months! ahhh how my life has changed :D:ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
Mine had colic and reflux. Same thing, had to keep her up for about 30 minutes after every feed and she just didn't want to put down! We tried all the over the counter medicine but in the end only gaviscon worked. I would definitely speak to the GP. I feel for you, it really is awful! It made me wish the newborn weeks away because HV said it would get better at 12 didn't 😂
did Gaviscon cause any constipation?

my older daughter had reflux but gripe water helped her as hers flared up around 2 months.


VIP Member
My little girl is only 3 weeks but she’s so long that I think she’ll have out grown her Moses basket in a couple of weeks. I’ve got a next to me for upstairs but it’s too heavy for me to take up and down the stairs everyday. What do you all use for downstairs/daytime sleep?
I used her pram but she got too big for it as well, I’m using a travel cot downstairs atm she’s 3 months


VIP Member
which nappies do you use? I know aldi does an extra absorbing one which is ideal for nights. I’m sure other brands have a similar thing
I use the Aldi “premium” ones, are they the ones you mean? Maybe I’ve just had bad luck the last few nights cause when I go to change him his nappy isn’t completely Saturated 😬🙈 just leaks out the edges oops


Well-known member
i have a wrap, she sometimes likes being in there but laat couple of days hasn’t liked it and whines, not sure it it’s because its too tight?

i have invested in a proper sling now So we’ll see how she gets on with that! 🤞🏽
What’s the difference between a sling and wrap?


VIP Member
I’m 5 months pp now and I’d say mine were back to pre pregnancy size. I’ve lost quite a bit of weight too so not sure how much that has played a part.
Oh I’d say at this point mine is from weight gain but tbh I’m not wanting to lose any weight I’m happy enough weight wise but wondering if they will be stay the same size then 😅😅 my mum said hers went back to normal size but she had a fast metabolism so would usually never hold on to weight anyway


VIP Member
🙋‍♀️ It was me said my post bleeding was like a light period (after about 3 days) - I’ve got stacks of un used inco pants (Aldi’s are good and tena will send you 2 on a free trial) and maternity pads so for me, I wouldn’t buy lots until you know. I’m a month pp and it’s still there but like the last day of a period for me. I don’t know if breast feeding has anything to do with it, you contract back more apparently. TMI but it came flooding out every time I fed the first few days, I could feel my uterus contracting and it all releasing.

re post-natal care - I’ve had a nightmare with feeding and managing to get the support. My advice is to keep pushing. Been told by both the midwife and health visitor feeding teams and the tongue tie specialist after referrals they have no appointments and they were referring me back. I said I’d wait, when was their first available slot and I’ll have it, video appointment? I’ll have that. Spoke to midwives and health visitor again, asked them to refer again. All magically came back with appointments
Im sorry you’re having a tough time with feeding support. It sounds like you are doing a great job persevering to get things sorted, which is incredible. Are you waiting for a tongue tie release?

I wonder if the pp bleeding is connected to how heavy your periods are? Mine are extremely heavy, so I have wondered if it’s all something connected and that’s why I bleed more? It’s definitely not to do with breastfeeding as all mine have been ebf, but yes apparently it does contract your uterus back more quickly.


VIP Member
Glad for this thread.

am meant to be getting induced in a few weeks, but have heard horror stories from my 2 friends about how they weren’t given any pain relief (not even gas and air) till delivery room!

can anyone shed light on their induction experience?

i have already had one baby, was meant to get induced with her but she came early and it all happened so quickly so laboured at home and was ready to push by the time i got to hospital, managed to have gas and air at the end!

If I went into natural labour i think i’d be more relaxed but have heard how Intense it is with induction and think I’ll definitely need something earlier in that case.

more worried about labour this time around tbh because I know what’s in store 🤣


VIP Member
Exactly! His downfall is he thinks he knows everything and knows best. He’s ruined his relationship with me because I got sick of it and it hurt. I just needed support and understanding. I think like you say some of the older generation think they know everything, luckily my mum and mother in law just accepted all of the new things like weaning around 6m ☺

If restrictions allow, are you able to bubble with your MIL? You could really do with her support again and I honestly don’t know how we’d have managed without my mum and my daughter was our first.
No we bubble with my parents, and my MIL can’t travel in to our country without a 10 day quarantine period so we won’t be able to see her until all the restrictions are lifted, unfortunately. My parents will do all the school runs for me (I’m having a section) and take my toddler a few days, which is a big help though.


Chatty Member
When do you plan on leaving? I didn’t feel safe at work last year and as I worked in a supermarket there wasn’t a role I could do that wasn’t customer facing. I got a sick note for anxiety in the end then took 2 weeks unpaid so I could leave earlier. I could have started my maternity leave rather than take 2 weeks unpaid but my return date was after my son starts reception and I didn’t want to be at work when he starts.
It’s scary isn’t it! Occupational health dr put me down as medium risk but NHS sent me a vaccine letter saying I could have severe complications if I get covid. I had to fight to be heard. OH told me to go back to work in the end
I’m a primary school teacher so I only had to do 3 weeks in school before I could WFH at 28 weeks pregnant (high risk so went on gov guidance, head teacher wasn’t happy and may have difficulty when I return with days I want). I may need to do one week in school again if Boris stops WFH July 19th 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well-known member
Hey all, any suggestions on how to get a 14 week old to take calpol? She had her jabs yesterday and has a slight temp, but keeps spitting the calpol out, tried both syringe and spoon.
Thank you


VIP Member
I’m gonna sound like a total moron here, but when it comes to using formula and water. What do you do? Everywhere says to use tap water and boil it. But I’d never fancy drinking water straight from the tap (London water is not it!), or does boiling it get rid of all the nasty stuff?

Or do people boil filtered tap water? Or even bottle water? I know I’ve read that some bottled water contains higher sodium and sulphate so to be careful about that.


VIP Member
Hello, my littld one is 18 weeks and been suffering simce 3 weeks old. GP didnt take me seriously for weeks and ended up going private for one consultation. We tried gaviscon but it did nothing except constipate him, now on omeprazole. Hes since been diagnosed with cmpa and the two are very linked. Have a listen to parent and baby coach's podcast on it, its very useful. Have they been checked for tongue tie?

Things that help us - a sling for home, I have the koala fabric one for home. Logging feeds and sleep; this was vital in getting GP to finally listen. In last few weeks we've been able to put him down for naps (short ones but its a step forward!)

I got a joie 2in1 swing off facebook for £50 that he would sleep in in the early days. it is awful though and the screaming is really tough!
luckily my GP did listen to my concerns but she was very reluctant to put her on medication just yet as she is only 17 days, so she has told us to try anti reflux formula for a few days to see how we get on, however i am reluctant to change her formula and from advice of midwife and HV they have said not to change it.

i have her in a sling all day, the day time isnt bad and i can handle that but literally can’t sleep at night as we have to hold her up right at all times. The minute she goes flat she starts grunting and being irritable. Luckily my husband is on paternity atm so we are taking shifts. so really need to sort this out before he goes to work as i can’t survive on no sleep.

so i will go back to the GP and really hope she considers something stronger than gaviscon 😫

hope you’re little one gets over it soon too. my eldest grew out of her reflux around 5 months 🤞🏽


Well-known member
Ladies I moved my 5 month old into kendamil milk about 2 weeks ago. So far she is much happier and eating better however she has barely pooed since Saturday and when she does it’s a very dark green and doesn’t have that sweet sickly smell of baby poo. Do you think I should be concerned? Has anyone had similar experience?


Chatty Member
My little one has been asleep for soooooo long, why do I panic? Asleep since half 12, woke up for a quick feed and half 2 and he’s straight back to sleep again - I’m telling myself it’s either growth spurt of the heat. Nothing else is concerning me I’m just used to him being more awake than this!
Haha I have a total non sleeper and anytime he's done this in the past I've been like what's wronh with him?! He can't win either way :ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
I had a pessary induction in January. This was baby number 3 for me but it was very quick. Induction started at 10pm, contractions started around 1am, baby born just after 4am.

I was really really nervous about being induced as most stories when you google are horror stories, but I did find quite a lot of positive stories too ☺
Yeah I'm quite scared to Google it 🙈 I'm really hoping she will come before then but it will be just my luck I need induced 🤣 can only hope its a quick one like yours!

I had the pessary twice. It was fine, i have no complaints about it! It didn’t work with my first but did with my second.
Glad to hear another positive, makes me less nervous about that being a possibility!


VIP Member
I was always a bit sceptical about the white noise but it's gone off a few times and he's woken really quickly after. We put it in the pram and he will often just turn his head and go off to sleep :ROFLMAO:
Yeah we've always had it for my kids.
I was skeptical too but even a fan on myself makes me sleep better!
We use the radio in the background during daytime naps


VIP Member
Already buying a new car seat, we’ve been using the one that came with the mamas and papas ocarro pram (cybex atom 5 I believe) and Jesus it’s a nightmare getting baba into it now 😳
I’m going to get a swivel chair - currently looking at the maxi cosi 360 but happy for any recommendations.
Also; anyone just find themselves shoving EVERYTHING in the loft lol? We won’t start trying for another baby for a couple of years but Im like hmm this will surely save a lot of money not having to buy all this again 😆
How old is your baby if you don’t mind me asking? Our little girl is 4 months and is gonna be too big for her car seat soon so we’re have to start looking for another not sure which one to get either 😅 and I’m not sure which type of car seat they go into next first time mum 😅