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VIP Member
Oh that must be horrible 😩😩 have you tried white noise to “block out” the noise from your toddler?

When I’ve had a baby and a toddler in the past we just do contact naps in the sling until they are old enough to go up to bed for naps, and have a proper nap schedule. My baby is only 7 weeks atm but he sleeps in the sling or in my arms just, mostly sling when I’ve got my toddler and it’s just the 3 of us.
Yeh she really doesn’t like the white noise 😩 Would have made my life so much easier.

We have a wrap which she sometimes likes, but think because its quite snug it puts pressure on her tummy and aggravates the reflux 😩 and also worry about over heating her in this weather , might have to try it with just her nappy on.

Naps times are where i struggle the most with 2 kids 🥴

We had the same problem so have had to put baby in the next to me cot in our room with a video monitor as it’s the only way she isn’t woken by the 3 yr old!
yes was debating that with one of those breathing matts so maybe once her naps have more of a schedule we will try that, otherwise she will be in there most of the day 😂


VIP Member
Is that after section? We ask for one void of 150ml for normal birth, two for trial after catheter
Nope, after any birth (I’ve had two vaginal and one section).

I’m actually worrying a bit about it as last time after my catheter was removed I had real trouble getting anything out. I needed to go (all the chugged water!) but just couldn’t get it out. They threatened to catheterise me again it went on for so long, and the fear made me able to wee 🤣 that and drinking whilst on the toilet with the tap running, and my other hand under it! But if that happens this time no way will I be out after 1 night.


Well-known member
Need some balanced and rational thinking. With my first she had a dummy until 3 months the we went cold turkey. Second baby now 4.5 months and falls asleep wonderfully with the dummy but then needs it reinserting throughout the night. I think I want to just get rid but can’t decide if that’s me being selfish?!


VIP Member
My little one had a party in the cot from 3.50am-5:10! not crying, just laughing, rolling around, squealing, kicking the bars. At one point I looked over and he had got himself fully sitting up from a lying down position, he's only 5.5 months! Bit of a fidgety night for us, he woke 4 times. Our room is nearly 28 degrees so it's definitely not helping.

That's a lovely sleep!
It really is! I can’t complain baby is actually a good little sleeper at night..
I feel so helpless for them all though in this heat, especially 28 degrees for you guys 🥵🥵


VIP Member
A little off topic but I feel like this is the place to ask this question 🙂 Are any of you taking government maternity pay? I’m self employed and we’ve been talking about knuckling down and trying for a kid for a little while but I don’t know anyone who’s used state mat pay. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Where do you live??

Dicky Tum

Active member
Posted this in the pregnancy thread but figured you guys might have some more recent experience too!
Had the midwife today, getting offered a sweep in 2 weeks time 😬 also got given leaflets about induction, either an at home one (balloon) or the in patient one (pessary). Has anyone ever had either of them? Is one better than the other? Hopefully it won't come to that but I'd like to be prepared 😬
Hey, I have had both! Pessary for my first and recently had a balloon with my second. Pessary worked straight away for me (though I know that's not always the case) but the contractions were so intense and felt like they were constant, so bad compared to the contractions I had with my second.
The balloon didn't actually work, it took two lots of the gel to get things going but I am glad I took the gentler option to begin with!


Well-known member
I don’t know, if I had a friend that did that but wanted to put it on her tiktok I’d question her motives. All this doing it for the gram/virtue signalling can do one. Last thing I’d want as a knackered new mum is have to dress/tidy up to be plastered all over someone’s social media as ‘so in need of a break’ for them to get likes and a pay on the back.
TBF I haven’t seen it so maybe just being cynical but either way it’s bollocks that it makes people feel lacking. Very few people have someone that has the free time away from work/kids/other engagements & budget to do that even if they wanted to.
Yeah I guess you’re right! It is a bit much like and a bit pointless if she only ever offered to do it the one time and never went to see them ever again. But yeah, without context it’s hard to judge.


VIP Member
I have a chicco boppy pillow which was great for what I needed it for (rugby hold post c section). I don’t use it now as baby bigger and sturdier. Heard lots of good things about “my breast friend” if you want something more structured
Thanks I’ll check them out!


VIP Member
Close Caboo are a good shout for anyone looking a newborn wrap but who isn’t confident about getting the long material sorted right.

A wrap is usually a long piece of fabric you tie (wrap) yourself, while a sling is the term usually used for a carrier with buckles (like a baby bjorn) and straps that is a bit more structured.
I second the close caboo and there are some bargains on ebay. Easy enough to wash if you stick it in a pillow case. Couldn't be without mine with my second.


VIP Member
Does anyone use a sleepyhead? Keep hearing rave reviews but they’re quite pricey! Have also seen the Purflo but not sure if that’s as good? Any advice would be much appreciated!


VIP Member
No one has said it’s bad thing to want to be someone else other than Mum it’s also not a bad thing that all you want to be is Mum. Everyone’s different we should just support each other.
personally I’m just Mum and one day I’ll be something else again, I’m happy and that’s all that matters not what other people think about that

on a different note this mum had spent the last 2 hours crying as I’ve been up feeding since midnight my nipples are now so painful I don’t want baby anywhere near them 😢 I just want sleep, it’s been like this for a week and I know it’s normal but with a toddler too look after I’m really running on empty. I can’t see an end to the tiredness yet rationally I know it does end!
How old is your baby? I found feeding so incredibly painful at first. Am only 4 weeks in so it could happen again. I got temporary relief from cool compresses, I have the Lansinoh thera Pearl pads from the freezer which gave temporary relief but I’ve heard even using a nappy with cold water poured in it can help! Put it in your bra.
I think women who manage a newborn and a toddler are superheroes


VIP Member
Shopping with a pram - what is the etiquette? Can I put stuff in basket then pay? Can’t struggle round with a hand basket too
I do this all the time, I have a jools and when I’m home I can unzip the basket from the pram and take it straight indoors it’s really handy! Although wouldn’t actually recommend the pram it’s so heavy and bulky only keeping it for baby 2 as my parents bought it for us and I feel guilty. We have 2 baby zens otherwise.


VIP Member
Ladies who have toddlers and a newborn, what do you about naps?

i know they are meant to be in the same room as you until 6 months so can’t put her in the nursery, so have my little one napping in her basket in the lounge but she keeps waking up thanks to the chaos my older daughter makes, i mean she isn’t extremely loud, normal toddler level, its just frustrating as it takes me ages to get her down thanks to the reflux and she wakes up constantly 😩
I put baby in the kitchen/dining room with music playing and then keep my toddler in the living room.
Usually put the TV on in there so she stays put 😂


VIP Member
Hi ladies, I like to read here as well as be on the pregnancy thread. I've not heard of this balloon induction. I'm too scared to google but it's made me realise I need to up my research game as I feel clueless!
I asked my midwife about the balloon induction as hadn't heard of it until recently and was never discussed with me, she said it's mainly an option for people who have previously had a c-section. I hadn't at the time, so wasn't an option for me. 🤷‍♀️


VIP Member
Off topic but has anyone got any ideas of good ways to store baby stuff away so it doesn’t get mould on it or anything like anything to wrap it in etc? We stupidly didn’t keep the boxes for anything 🙈🙈 my girls gonna be too big for the likes of her swing/bouncer/next to me crib soon and I dunno how to store them so they don’t get damaged, hoping to have another baby in a few years time so will obviously reuse it all but didn’t think about that and threw out the boxes for everything 🙈🙈


VIP Member
Ah thank you that’s a relief. If it’s normal I’m hoping it will settle. Going to look on fb now 😂
I haven't got experience with that milk, but I'm not sure if it's maybe to do with their bodies adjusting. Cow and Gate have just changed their formula slightly and it's changed her poop to a dark green colour ever since they changed it and she now only poops every 3 days or so but when she goes, it's still soft so HV said it isn't a concern