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Chatty Member
I was about to respond with this. My baby did the same, around this time, we’ve gone up a teat size and it’s better. But I find he rushes it when he’s at the point of screaming and crying for a feed, so when he’s in that state I tend to stick to his usual teat to begin with and then when he stops for a break I change to the one up from it. Sounds a faff but it works for him…basically like a transition to the next size up!
I use mam bottles and teat no3 scared me cause it came out so fast, he was dribbling it all out the sides 😢
We found the same with the 3s!!! It was spraying all over his face. We've tried twice now and had to go back to the 2s and he's 6 months next week. His CMPA milk is very thin though so don't think we will make it off the 2s, even though it means he has to do the bottle in 2/3 shifts!


Chatty Member
Looking for some advice please! My little girl is 6 weeks and she’s got dry skin on her forehead and some spots on her face (I’ve googled and it looks like baby acne). Should I just leave it or would you recommend to use any products on it?


VIP Member
Looking for some advice please! My little girl is 6 weeks and she’s got dry skin on her forehead and some spots on her face (I’ve googled and it looks like baby acne). Should I just leave it or would you recommend to use any products on it?
My baby had exactly the same around 5 weeks. Health visitor said they were milk spots.
She had so many.


VIP Member
Ladies who have toddlers and a newborn, what do you about naps?

i know they are meant to be in the same room as you until 6 months so can’t put her in the nursery, so have my little one napping in her basket in the lounge but she keeps waking up thanks to the chaos my older daughter makes, i mean she isn’t extremely loud, normal toddler level, its just frustrating as it takes me ages to get her down thanks to the reflux and she wakes up constantly 😩
Oh that must be horrible 😩😩 have you tried white noise to “block out” the noise from your toddler?

When I’ve had a baby and a toddler in the past we just do contact naps in the sling until they are old enough to go up to bed for naps, and have a proper nap schedule. My baby is only 7 weeks atm but he sleeps in the sling or in my arms just, mostly sling when I’ve got my toddler and it’s just the 3 of us.


Well-known member
I’m not much help with prams for newbies as I use a sling, but I actually found the opposite of above with the car seat. Because we don’t use a pram our newborn car seat being portable is really a bit redundant for us, and I remember last time it wasn’t long until we left it in the car and just popped baby in and out as needed. If you don’t think you’d be using the car seat attached to a pram a lot (especially with the new time limit guidance) then I’d think about going straight for a fixed car seat, which spins (we have the joie 360 for our toddler and it’s fab).
Yeah same here we rarely used the car seat attachment for the pram. I know a lot of people use them like a pram, which isn’t advised. I just don’t think it’s worth the risk and can’t be very comfortable for babies.

We got the mamas and papas urbo2 with the carry cot car seat etc. Think it was £620 at the time. I looooovve it can’t wait to use it again. Perfect for round the streets and easy to steer with 1 hand in the shops. I’m not sure mama and papas sell it any more though.

I would recommend going to m&p’s for a consultation though the staff are so well trained on all things pram/car seat related.


VIP Member
Guys can I have some advice please how would you guys feel about this?

So I had my 2nd little girl a week ago, when I had my first little girl my mum died 4 weeks after she was born. One of my aunties has just text me to ask if she can have a lock of each of my girls hair to put in a box and bury with my mum. Like dig a hole above her coffin and put the box in there.

The idea horrifies me actually and it’s made me really upset. Am I being totally unreasonable? I want to to say no but I know my dad would be really angry if I did.
You’re not being unreasonable at all! Why would your Dad be angry? I would just go down the route of “sorry I don’t feel comfortable doing it right now” so you’re not necessarily saying no but hopefully she will forget about it. I hope I don’t offend but it seems like a bit of an odd request 🙈


VIP Member
Thank you 🥰 i tried lying down for the first Monday but i couldn’t get the latch right but I’ll try again. I found it the easiest position with my son so hopefully I can get it right. Managed to get 1.5hours sleep so feeling a bit more positive now

4 weeks now the pain did go after the first week but since she’s feeding non stop it’s back. Latch seems good as when she’s on it’s okay. I also have raynauds so there’s that pain

i have raynauds so I have to keep them warm otherwise the pain is so bad, I had it with my first but thought it was because it was winter so surprised it’s back this time. Keeping them cool would help otherwise sadly
You let can microwave the Thera pearls as well so they are nice and warm. Helpful with encouraging let down and for expressing too. The nappy trick also works with warm/hot water!


VIP Member
I asked my midwife about the balloon induction as hadn't heard of it until recently and was never discussed with me, she said it's mainly an option for people who have previously had a c-section. I hadn't at the time, so wasn't an option for me. 🤷‍♀️
Oh that’s weird, I know a few people who have had it and never had a section. I suppose different trusts have different rules. Makes it hard for pregnant ladies to get good info sometimes


VIP Member
we have started using carobel to thicken ber current formula, which seems to have helped her during the day but the nights are stilL the same, esp as you said after 2/3am 😫

going to call GP on monday again as I know they wont do anything unless I have said i have tried anti reflux/carobel.

fingers crossed 🤞🏽I have heard great things about omeprazole so hoping we can get that.

im sure weaning will definitely help, is your little one sitting? I found once my first daughter could sit it really helped her reflux.

I think some grunting and weird sounds is normal in the newborn stage, my little one sounded very congested along with the grunting but definitely mention it to HV as well if you have concerns
Yeah I might do. It goes on for hours before she eventually falls asleep.
Constant grunting and bringing her knees up mixed with cries


Well-known member
Yeah hope everyone else’s babes are ok with their jabs. Poor bairns what an ordeal to go through at only 8 weeks old 😢 ❤


VIP Member
Sending love to everyone ❤ New babies are hard hard work whatever other situations you’re trying to fit them in around. Hope everyone is getting the help they need, and if you’re not ASK FOR IT!!! ❤

What’s everyone’s most hated postpartum symptom then? Mine was night sweats with my first but this time it’s the swelling my legs are like balloons and also the hunger I’m so hungry and I’m not even breast feeding!! I actually nearly vomited this morning I was so hungry at 5am 😧
Oh definitely the night sweats!! I woke up and my hair feels wet and sticky yuck 🤮 cold showers are my saviour hahaha! Also I'm like a horse with what I'm eating, nothings enough!!!


VIP Member
Well; that’s £250 down on a Joie swivel car seat! Thank you for the advice the other day. Wondering why I didn’t just buy this in the first place as it has a newborn insert 🧐
I’ve downloaded a couple of baby weaning books tonight, for future reference. I’m not nervous really, I’m just confused about when and where I reduce his milk feeds. Saying that, I thought that about when I was trying to get baby into a routine and it kind of just gradually happened 🤷🏻‍♀️
one thing I will say,and I hope I don’t offend anyone but I can’t get over the stuff that is marketed for weaning. I saw this thing earlier by a company called “Beaba”(?) oh mygoodness it’s so expensive!!! Like £160 for a steamer and blender 😳😳😳 I’ve added a steamer and a blender into my Amazon basket and it’s come to about 30 quid!
I wish we’d used the spin seat from newborn too! That’s one baby hear regret I have.

Like you say, you’ll fall in to the routine of feeding and reducing milk feeds, it will all come together naturally for you when you see him changing his patterns. I honestly wouldn’t worry at all. It’s easy to say though, I remember how worried I was about weaning, but it actually isn’t a big deal at all when you do it, afterwards k remember thinking “what was I so worried about?!”


Well-known member
Thanks ladies! I’ve just looked up cmpa and it definitely seems like she has a lot of similar symptoms. I’m going to raise it with my HV and see what she says. I’ve spoken to her about babies problems before and she’s never suggested it. But I think it’s hard to tell with younger babies as they’re often fussy with bottles aren’t they until they settle into it. I feel like by 6 weeks she should be feeding more comfortably than this though so it’s got to be something bothering her!

I wonder if I could give kendamil a go. We are also using C&G soot could be that also! Is it made with goats milk instead? @Hbirdette did your baby accept the new formula straight away?

Cranial Osteopathy sounds interesting I’d never heard of it just read an article and it definitely sounds like it could help. If you don’t mind me asking, how does it work? Do you go for a few sessions, or just once?

Thanks so much ladies xxx
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VIP Member
Ok so what do you do about nappies at night time? The only time my baby’s nappy really leaks is when it’s too small but he’s stRted sleeping longer at night now (7-8 hrs ish) and everytime he wakes up he’s soaked bless him. Do I get night time nappies or?


VIP Member
Baby has been in a pattern of waiting up every 2.5-3hr at night, I stopped putting alarms on to wake up to feed him since he hit his birth weight and was getting in a routine naturally, but last night we both slept from 12am to 5am straight! He’s 5 weeks and still exclusively breast fed so woke up feeling so guilty and was so worried he was starving, is it normal for breastfed babies to have longer stretches of sleep this early on? Or was that too long? I think he’s making it up today though. Can’t get off the bloody boob!

Motherhood is so annoying, you crave for more sleep and when you get it, you end up worrying. 😅
As long as their over their birth weight it’s fine to let them sleep longer, they’ll wake if their hungry


VIP Member
Some people can’t metabolise codeine which might be why you had a bad time with it. But it still stands that people should be getting adequate pain relief in hospital whether that’s liquid morphine, codeine, diclofenac suppositories etc and should be given it to go home with.
Oh yeah definitely ☺


Unrelated to the current topic, but a quick question — I’m approaching my 30’s & would like to have my first child soon, however, my work is pretty hectic (I work 6 days a week, which includes the weekend). And this will not change for the next couple of years. Also, I doubt I’d be able to take months off from work. I was wondering, if anyone’s in a similar situation and also raising children? How do you handle it? I don’t really want to put off having children & wait until I’m 40 (not that there’s anything wrong with having kids at 40), but if my current situation really isn’t ideal for child raising, I guess I’ll have to postpone having kids. Thank you.


Well-known member
This will sound weird but I walk around with a bed sheet in my top the first couple of weeks on rotation and in the evening put it on her next to me cot and when I put her down she could still smell me. Doesn’t always work every time Hutu most of the time it would 🥰
I was just going to suggest this too, worked a treat for us both babies settled much easier. I used a muslin then just tucked it in at both sides.


Chatty Member
Ladies I moved my 5 month old into kendamil milk about 2 weeks ago. So far she is much happier and eating better however she has barely pooed since Saturday and when she does it’s a very dark green and doesn’t have that sweet sickly smell of baby poo. Do you think I should be concerned? Has anyone had similar experience?
I'm on a facebook group called Kendamums as I wanted to switch my baby to it but since found out he's got CMPA - there's so many posts on there about dark green poops and taking a while to settle into a regular pooing routine!