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VIP Member
Does anyone have any breastfeeding pillow recommendations? I’ve been using a standard breastfeeding pillow that I got from TKMaxx but it’s getting quite deflated and bobbly already. Not a lot of support.

I then bought a BrestEasy pillow from Amazon for more support but I think it’s probably too firm and not comfy for me (hurts my csection scar!) and doesn’t feel too comfy for baby.

Any recs appreciated!


VIP Member
Hi ladies. Just after a bit of advice did anybody’s period really change after you’d a baby? I’m 4 months pp and have had my period 3 times since and it’s been coming regularly once a month but it’s so heavy it’ll be light the first day and then it’s like a bloodbath for 2 days and I’m having to wear maternity pads it’s that heavy and then starts to slow down on the 3rd day and then completely stops. I don’t want to go to the dr tbh cause they’ll probably just stick me on the pill which I don’t want. I don’t know tbh if my periods are still regulating or what. Did this happen to anybody else and did the flow ever get a bit lighter eventually? I am planning on going on birth control soon but I don’t want the pill, injection or implant as planned to try and get pregnant again within the next 2/3 years. Im planning on trying out the patch but I think you have to go to on the pill to help with period flow I’m not sure if the patch will help with that
I've just got my first one after 11 weeks.
Mine were actually like yours are now, super heavy for 3 days where I had to wear double the pads and then next to nothing for the rest of the week. Where as this time, it's been 5 days now of heaviness 😑


VIP Member
Guys I’m at my wits end with my 6 week all. We’re bottle feeding, she will only take about 3oz per feed and really fusses over it. She’ll take the first half of the bottle fine, although within seconds of getting the teat in her mouth I can hear the wind bubbling in her. So I’ll wind her, she does a burp then seems like she’s still hungry but really fusses over the 2nd half of the bottle, like she’ll have a mouthful, pull away and carry on doing this until she’s had about 3oz in total. I’ll wind her again, then she’ll just fuss for the next 2 hours or so and gradually bring up her milk in little/big sicks until I feed her again.

We’re not getting any sleep or any time we’re I’m not feeding her or mopping up sick/comforting her.

I do/have tried all of the following:

Always hold her upright while feeding and for at least half an hour after feeds.

Winding regularly during feeds.

I’ve tried changing teats, used Tommee Tippee closer to nature and NUK anti colic. Also tried a faster flow closer to nature teat.

Infacol doesn’t seem to help at all.

Is this reflux or colic?

She also has hiccups like all of the time.

I’m sure my toddler was smashing 5oz bottles by this point, and she’d been diagnosed with reflux at 2 weeks. It never seemed to cause her any pain though like it does with baby, she would just do a big sick and be fine.

I’ve just got no idea what to do, it’s just gotten worse over the past week.
Oh bless you it’s so difficult seeing your baby in discomfort isn’t it? We weren’t exactly the same but the fussiness and bringing the milk back up is sounding so familiar!
we are bottle feeding and baby was put on cow and gate to begin with...absolute nightmare it just didn’t agree with him so after doing a bit of reading we moved to Kendamil... took about 8 days but we saw significant changes. We use mam Bottles... if I’m honest I don’t believe they are anti colic but they are good. We also took baby to a cranial osteopath... I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but honestly it’s been such a game changer... we’ve gone from a baby who is snacking constantly (I believe to soothe the acid coming up) to feeds every 4 hours, a lot less discomfort and sleeping about 8-10 hours a night.
do you give baby a dummy at all? I found when he was in discomfort sucking on one really seemed to help too..
I know not all babies are the same but I wanted to try this route before considering medication as I’ve read so many babies struggle with constipation on it! I don’t know anything about cmpa though..
sending love, I hope you manage to get it sorted.


VIP Member
Oh my god, we were up 12 times last night. I am so tired. The 4 month sleep regression is very very real!!!
Sending love, that’s a rough night. X

Hi all had my baby 3 months ago now by c section does anyone else have pain after weeing? Like a kind of odd pressure from above the scar so weird 😫 another thing is the pp hair loss seeing my hair fall out in big chunks is so depressing I knew it was common but my hair is everywhere on every bit of clothing even on the baby 😭 and that lady who’s friend done a bunch of nice things for her I’d kill to have someone like that! Can already count on one hand the amount of people who said they’d come and visit and keep in touch who I haven’t heard from since baby was born.
I agree about getting it checked out, but I would still sometimes get a bit of pain when using the toilet (5 weeks pp) but not every time.


VIP Member
I’m not due til aug/sept but like keeping an eye on this thread for tips from you guys but wanted to add I had a risk assessment at work from the occupational health GP and when I said I felt unsafe at work he said ‘well GPS have had to work through the pandemic’
Yeah over the phone!!!
Bloody useless
When do you plan on leaving? I didn’t feel safe at work last year and as I worked in a supermarket there wasn’t a role I could do that wasn’t customer facing. I got a sick note for anxiety in the end then took 2 weeks unpaid so I could leave earlier. I could have started my maternity leave rather than take 2 weeks unpaid but my return date was after my son starts reception and I didn’t want to be at work when he starts.


VIP Member
What was baby on before? We were on cow and gate and it was horrendous but moved to kendamil a couple of weeks ago and it’s been a game changer, amazing what a difference can make!
He was on the standard aptamil, his reflux was so bad for about 2 weeks, we went through about 3 outfit changes everyday cause after every feed he’d projectile vomit all down himself! It broke my heart 😢
I’ve heard of kendamil but couldn’t find it anywhere 😖
Is it thickened formula? Or does it contain certain ingredients to prevent it an upset tum?


VIP Member
2 days ago my baby has started coughing when you lay her down and spitting up some milk (not a lot) but it sounds kinda chesty. I mentioned to the doctor yesterday at our checkup and she said it's nothing to worry about and her chest sounded fine. I'm maybe starting to wonder if it's reflux? She's quite unsettled during and after some of her feeds
sounds like my little girl and her reflux, ours is silent reflux so she doesnt spit upc does she hiccup a lot or have wet hiccups?


VIP Member
That' what we did, we just took her temp and if too hot took off a layer. It was feb here when he had his 8 week ones so we had him in a sleepsuit and vest and he was fine.

Same as us! A bit hot a few hours after and then insane screaming from about 6hours onwards. I was pretty shocked at how much he screamed!!
My eldest son screamed like a wild banshee for what felt like seventy hours 🤣 he cried all the time anyway, but the younger two also did it so much be a “thing”. They didn’t do men b when my eldest had it so I was somewhat shocked when it happened 🤣


VIP Member
Do Aldi only do their premium nappies up to size 3? Just popped in and I’m hoping it’s my local store that just doesn’t have them

Ok I’ve just checked online and they don’t seem to do the premium range past size 3 🤨 can anyone recommend a decent affordable brand please 😁 I hate the normal Aldi ones!
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Chatty Member
What's the best way to steralize new bottle teats? I use MAM and do them in the microwave. Is cold water and sterilising fluid enough? 😬
I wash them in hot soapy water then just microwave them with the rest of the bottle.

What?! All my babies, except my current, cried at the drops! My 3rd had never cried before, and lost her shit, and almost choked on them 🙈
When I got home and told my partner, he said he thought it was bullshit that she'd never had a baby cry at them before!

My son hid it under his tongue & smiled. The nurse was most put out 😂
We are 48 hours post 16 week jabs, yesterday wasn’t too bad, today’s been hysterical screaming & off feed. So sad as he’s usually such a happy boy.
It's horrible seeing them like that! We had the same following 16 weeks. Took him a few days to get back to his usual self. Hope he feels better soon!

Everyone told me they just sleep loads after the jabs.. my baby was up even more than ever!


VIP Member
I am 9 weeks PP and I have horrendous flaky scalp, and I’m losing my hair already. I have very thick hair anyway, but when I had my hair cut the other day the hairdresser was showing me all the ‘new hair’ at the back of my head that was growing post partum..I’d never heard of it before, I assume it’s cause I’m losing hair it’s being replaced soon after?
I’m clueless on post partum effects, I was too busy making sure I was clued up on pregnancy and looking after a tiny human that I didn’t have a clue what to expect.
Also when did everyone get their first period PP? I had mine at 7 weeks, it was soo heavy I had to double up on pads, and wear the biggest tampon known to man 🤣 (i asked the midwife if it was ok to use tampons for my first period and she ok’d it) this still wasn’t enough, I leaked several times, not fun 😢😢


VIP Member
Hey, I have had both! Pessary for my first and recently had a balloon with my second. Pessary worked straight away for me (though I know that's not always the case) but the contractions were so intense and felt like they were constant, so bad compared to the contractions I had with my second.
The balloon didn't actually work, it took two lots of the gel to get things going but I am glad I took the gentler option to begin with!
Oh thanks, I was leaning more towards the balloon if it comes to it, worth a try I suppose!


VIP Member
Wow that’s amazing, we’ve onky hit tje 5 hour mark at 10 weeks.

If he has reached his birth weight and has normal amount of wet nappies i would enjoy the long stretch of sleep, they won’t go hungry. He’ll definitely let you know


VIP Member
Hi everyone 👋 I was on the pregnancy thread then been MIA since my little boy arrived on 2nd April. Now nearly 4 weeks in and dipping my toe back in the Tattle pond now I’m not quite in so much pain, the crying has stopped (mine not his) and my nips no longer bleeding 😩
Welcome back ❤


Chatty Member
I’m gonna sound like a total moron here, but when it comes to using formula and water. What do you do? Everywhere says to use tap water and boil it. But I’d never fancy drinking water straight from the tap (London water is not it!), or does boiling it get rid of all the nasty stuff?

Or do people boil filtered tap water? Or even bottle water? I know I’ve read that some bottled water contains higher sodium and sulphate so to be careful about that.
I just boil the kettle for bottles if we need one and are at someone else's house; I'm in London too.
At home we have the perfect prep machine which has a filter in it that the tap water passes through before being boiled. I don't think you're supposed to use bottled water for the reasons you mentioned.


Well-known member
we have started using carobel to thicken ber current formula, which seems to have helped her during the day but the nights are stilL the same, esp as you said after 2/3am 😫

going to call GP on monday again as I know they wont do anything unless I have said i have tried anti reflux/carobel.

fingers crossed 🤞🏽I have heard great things about omeprazole so hoping we can get that.

im sure weaning will definitely help, is your little one sitting? I found once my first daughter could sit it really helped her reflux.

I think some grunting and weird sounds is normal in the newborn stage, my little one sounded very congested along with the grunting but definitely mention it to HV as well if you have concerns
Hey, can I ask how many scoops of carobel your adding to your little ones milk? My daughter is taking 5oz and I am adding a scoop and half, but the consistency varies, sometimes it's too thick for her and she struggles with it, other times it's too thin for her and she brings it straight back up. I just can't seem to get it right for her.
Thank you 😊


VIP Member
Does anyone else’s baby just whine and get frustrated whatever position they are in?

she can’t seem to stay in any position for more than a few minutes and then gets whiney, tried flat, side, tummy time, bouncer, everything is short lived 😩 not sure if its reflux related, my eldest was like this but not till she was a bit older and probably felt restricted
Oh that’s tough work 😩. My second was similar, just had to be held all the time, very rarely set down as it made him unhappy no matter where he was set.


VIP Member
Oh bless him, those types of things run through my mind when he's really upset too! We've had the screaming from sleep too and usual morning nap was half the usual time. How old is he?
I think its teething here!
only 7 weeks so a long way off teething yet (my last baby was a toothless wonder until 13.5 months!)I think it was maybe a bad tummy as he has farted all day, and since he’s done a massive poo he’s been fine 😂

it's just so hard to know, isn’t it? just flying blind and hoping for the best 😬😬😬


VIP Member
From what I see/hear I get the impression that a lot of parents worry about choking hazards.. which I totally get! It’s more the mess that I’m going to have to just cope with 😂 I’ve got visions of spaghetti being thrown down my walls ahaha
🤣 yes I think that spaghetti worry is a big one, I dunno why we all have that?! But I can’t honestly say we’ve never had any food down the walls - not by a child anyway. I’ve splatted them a fair few times 🙈 rice is one of my least faves for mess. It just goes everywhere 😩