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Guys I’m at my wits end with my 6 week all. We’re bottle feeding, she will only take about 3oz per feed and really fusses over it. She’ll take the first half of the bottle fine, although within seconds of getting the teat in her mouth I can hear the wind bubbling in her. So I’ll wind her, she does a burp then seems like she’s still hungry but really fusses over the 2nd half of the bottle, like she’ll have a mouthful, pull away and carry on doing this until she’s had about 3oz in total. I’ll wind her again, then she’ll just fuss for the next 2 hours or so and gradually bring up her milk in little/big sicks until I feed her again.

We’re not getting any sleep or any time we’re I’m not feeding her or mopping up sick/comforting her.

I do/have tried all of the following:

Always hold her upright while feeding and for at least half an hour after feeds.

Winding regularly during feeds.

I’ve tried changing teats, used Tommee Tippee closer to nature and NUK anti colic. Also tried a faster flow closer to nature teat.

Infacol doesn’t seem to help at all.

Is this reflux or colic?

She also has hiccups like all of the time.

I’m sure my toddler was smashing 5oz bottles by this point, and she’d been diagnosed with reflux at 2 weeks. It never seemed to cause her any pain though like it does with baby, she would just do a big sick and be fine.

I’ve just got no idea what to do, it’s just gotten worse over the past week.
My first daughter was like this and it was colic. We started her on dentinox colic drops and sorted it out completely.
This time, as soon as we noticed her unsettled after bottles, we started the dentinox colic drops before it became an issue


VIP Member
Ok so what do you do about nappies at night time? The only time my baby’s nappy really leaks is when it’s too small but he’s stRted sleeping longer at night now (7-8 hrs ish) and everytime he wakes up he’s soaked bless him. Do I get night time nappies or?
Night nappies like pull ups? I wouldn’t, I don’t think they are as good as nappies. If I were you I’d size up for night time, or if they size you’re looking for has a “+” size then get those (I think they start at 4+).


VIP Member
Yep my little one is 4 months next week! He fits ok into it for now, but we just leave the car seat in the car, rather than carrying him in the car seat back into the house like we did when he was tiny. It’s soooo difficult getting him in and out 😩
loads of people have recommended the swivel ones! I’m going to look at mama’s and papas tomorrow as there is £80 off the swivel seat. Will let you know how I get on!
That would be great thank you so much! What age do the swivel seats go up to do you know?


VIP Member
I’m 4 weeks post section and honestly wouldn’t even know I had one now. The first couple of weeks get as much rest as you can and do NOT push yourself.

Thank you :):)

So for those with newborns or who have had other babies has anyone’s baby suffered with constipation? This is my second baby but had no issues like this with first. She’s formula fed and her poos are like little pellets and so solid.
Thank you ❤ I had a section last time and it went very smoothly so just praying for the same this time!

Could the issue be the type of formula? Have you chatted to your health visitor about it?


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We’ve got to give our baby antibiotics at the mo as he is having a procedure at the hospital at the moment and it’s to reduce any risk of infection (catheter and dye injected 😭) and we tried to do it with a calpol syringe but it’s massive in his mouth! Needed 3ml so I used my leftover colostrum syringes, it worked a treat!
TOTALLY dreading tomorrow, has anyone’s babas been through the same?
Just being nosey over from the pregnancy thread and my now six year old went through this. Hope all goes well for you. My little boy actually ended up falling asleep during the procedure as it was very calm and relaxed, the staff were amazing. Xx


VIP Member
Hi all had my baby 3 months ago now by c section does anyone else have pain after weeing? Like a kind of odd pressure from above the scar so weird 😫 another thing is the pp hair loss seeing my hair fall out in big chunks is so depressing I knew it was common but my hair is everywhere on every bit of clothing even on the baby 😭 and that lady who’s friend done a bunch of nice things for her I’d kill to have someone like that! Can already count on one hand the amount of people who said they’d come and visit and keep in touch who I haven’t heard from since baby was born.
Hi! I’m 3 months PP too from C section.
I can’t say I have pain when wee, I did for the first two weeks but it soon went. I would get it checked out if you are worried!
Could be a urine infection??
My hair is falling out a lot too, it’s so depressing. I found a hair in my babies mouth ☹☹ He nearly swallowed it 😅 I felt awful, but there isn’t alot we can do without spending a fortune on vitamins!
I try not to use heat , wash it every 3rd day if I can help it, and also tie it up in a ponytail, it helps a little but not a lot tbh. I really hope this doesn’t last too long cause I’ll have nothing left 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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What age did you start weaning your babies for mums of older ones? I’ve just seen something that’s really shocked me.
a girl I know (she lives in America) has a baby that is 2 weeks older than mine so baby is 17 weeks. She’s started feeding her... but the baby can’t even sit up yet, she’s literally sat in her dads lap and the
Mum is (attempting to) spoon feeding her with carrot purée. Surely 17 weeks is too early and I always thought baby has to be able to sit up unaided?
It's usually 6 months. Or as close to as possible.
I started purees with my second at 5 months... She could sit up unaided. And then once we hit 6 months, we went onto baby led weaning.

The main thing is baby being able to sit up unaided though whether they're 6 months or older.well, that's what I've always been told anyway


VIP Member
I wish I knew 😩😩😩😩 I’m wearing lighter trousers and t shirts, you know like patterned summery trousers? With the elastic waist 🙌🏻
They sound good! Fed up of black maternity leggings now but also want to hide my new veiny legs 😂
Anything high waisted. Or pulling in knickers with a dress.

I literally still live in leggings and a t shirt.
thank you! Need to get some pull in knickers!!


VIP Member
You let can microwave the Thera pearls as well so they are nice and warm. Helpful with encouraging let down and for expressing too. The nappy trick also works with warm/hot water!
Hot water in a nappy is fab for helping clear blocked ducts and relieve engorgement 👌🏻 Stays warm for ages!


VIP Member
I’m gonna sound like a total moron here, but when it comes to using formula and water. What do you do? Everywhere says to use tap water and boil it. But I’d never fancy drinking water straight from the tap (London water is not it!), or does boiling it get rid of all the nasty stuff?

Or do people boil filtered tap water? Or even bottle water? I know I’ve read that some bottled water contains higher sodium and sulphate so to be careful about that.
Definitely not bottled water, I pretty sure Avian water WAS/ IS the only bottled water suitable to make babies bottles with. Well thats what I was told anyway.
Always cooled boiled water.


VIP Member
It really is so confusing. I'm currently sat in a dark room having skin to skin with a fussy bubba 🥺 white noise is on. I hate to think he's in pain 😭


Active member
Are you UK based? If you’re up to date with your class 2 national insurance contributions and earth a certain amount in a certain period of time (it’s not much at all but I can’t remember how much it is exactly) you are eligible for £151 a week for up to 39 weeks when you are self employed. It’s called maternity allowance instead of statutory maternity pay... the form looks intimidating but it’s actually really easy. My biggest piece of advice is to save save save!
Yes I’m in the UK. It’s not a lot is it ☹ I had a look at the form and yeah, it’s scary! Thanks for all the advice ladies!


VIP Member
its so frustrating isn’t it? 😩 hopefully it wont last too long

you’re doing so well exclusively breastfeeding so far, its so demanding as they are constantly attached to you.

Don’t feel bad about introducing 1/2 bottles, your own sanity is also very important and breast feeding should be a nice bonding experience. Pumping is brutal, If he is already attached to you constantly then having to pump as well will be hard. When i tried i was in the same position, baby on me basically 24/7 and when she wasn’t i’d pump and only get 10/15ml 😩

i would say 2/3 ounces should be good around that age 👍🏽 But if baby wants more then that’s fine, they are pretty good at regulating their feed I find.
I’m exactly the same, can only manage 10/15mls express. Had a breastfeeding support person come over the other day and she recommended that I hand express 4 times a day to help my flow when it comes to expressing, but when on earth am I supposed to do that he’s constantly on me and if I do manage to put him down, the last thing I want to do is express. 😩

Thank you for the oz recommendation!

I understand the feeling of wanting to give a bottle but feeling guilty. I’ve resisted it so far (which isn’t the right terminology as nothing wrong with combi or bottle feeding yet I feel guilty for even wanting to give him a bottle of expressed milk). I don’t really know what I want. I see friends whose baby takes a bottle and they can go out to the pub for a few hours with friends or go get their hair or nails done. I feel chained to my baby and he feeds up to every 1.5h and I would be so worried he was crying for a feed while I was out I wouldn’t enjoy myself. Yet the the thought of someone else being able to feed him who isn’t me almost makes me over protective of that being the one thing only I can do?

rambling now but I understand that torn feeling for something that shouldn’t make you feel guilty but does!
Glad I’m not alone with this, so many conflicting feelings. It’s silly isn’t it, feeling bad for contemplating about something we shouldn’t even feel bad about at all!

I’m definitely getting more ratty with my partner when he can just go on as usual and here I am feeling like I’m just glued to the sofa not able to do anything.

I also have those worries, and if baby will be upset if I give him a formula bottle over a boob. But he’s hardly gonna remember when he’s older if he was exclusively breastfed or not!


VIP Member
You can get kendamil on amazon or delivered from their website; if my little one wasn't CMPA it would be what I would give him! no palm and fish oil in, full fat milk etc. Lots of people with babies with reflux find it really helps.
Yep exactly this! I thought it was more expensive but c&g is 8.75 for 800g and kendamil is 10.00 for 900g so it’s basically the same! C&g uses skimmed milk too and I’m convinced my baby was still hungry on it too! They sell it in Tesco & Morrison’s too & Ocado x


VIP Member
Ooh this sounds good. Going to check it out when the youngest is in nursery.

Lockdown has made it much harder to feel like going out I’ve found. I don’t want to be out with a tiny baby that needs feeding and have to sit outside in the cold. With my first I used to spend a lot of time at fiends houses with her and that’s it’s not an option this time round. We do 2 classes a week but basically for my sanity!
Definitely! I did all of Sophie Pickles. There is also 'The Baby Club' on iplayer. Think its only on a child's account though. They are not too bad.
I do one class a week and sometimes other things but yeah it's hard isn't it! This is my first so I've just been doing everything at home. Also, I'm really struggling to actually get out of the house and get to places on time now.


VIP Member
Hello ladies!
so happy to come across this thread, my wonderful baby girl is just shy of 12 weeks old now ( time flies! )
Starting back at the gym tomorrow which I’m dreading lol but it’s so needed. Does anyone else just feel lost sometimes ? I am a first time mum and struggle to remind myself that I’m not just mum that I’m a person too I feel like I’ve lost myself and hate my body but at the same time absolutely love it for what it’s done in growing my amazing daughter
Being a FTM is so hard, you definitely do struggle with that shift from just being you to being mum 24:7. The newborn days are so intense, and you don’t get much time to switch off from it, and that can be really difficult to manage when you are used to just having yourself to sort out. But as they get older it does ease, I promise you.

I am 9 weeks PP and I have horrendous flaky scalp, and I’m losing my hair already. I have very thick hair anyway, but when I had my hair cut the other day the hairdresser was showing me all the ‘new hair’ at the back of my head that was growing post partum..I’d never heard of it before, I assume it’s cause I’m losing hair it’s being replaced soon after?
I’m clueless on post partum effects, I was too busy making sure I was clued up on pregnancy and looking after a tiny human that I didn’t have a clue what to expect.
Also when did everyone get their first period PP? I had mine at 7 weeks, it was soo heavy I had to double up on pads, and wear the biggest tampon known to man 🤣 (i asked the midwife if it was ok to use tampons for my first period and she ok’d it) this still wasn’t enough, I leaked several times, not fun 😢😢
Ahhh the baby hair growth 🙈 definitely not fun! The front of my hair is always totally wild looking because of my post partum new growth hairs. And just when they get to a decent length I have another baby 🤣 if you are struggling with them at the front, or if they are sticking up all over the place, you can get a thing which is like a mascara tube and wand, with hair gel inside. I use it every day to tame the insanity!

For periods, have you ever tried a menstrual cup? I have heavy periods in general, and find a cup holds so much more than a tampon (and I hate pads so never use them). They can be a bit icky to start, but once you get used to it I swear they are an absolute godsend. I wish I’d discovered them 20 years ago.


VIP Member
Anyone have advice on how to handle/treat Silent reflux?

my 2 week old seems to be suffering from it badly, constantly hiccups after feeds, cannot put her down on her back for majority of the day otherwise its just constant grunting and frustration, we’re barely getting any sleep at night as we have to hold her up right for ages post feed.

i have a toddler so can’t be having baby attached to me constantly to keep her up right, i (as much as I would like that) i know its not recommended and probably early but we have resorted to using a bouncer otherwise we can’t do anything
I don’t have personal experience but understand from CMPA pages a whole lot of babies are on gaviscon or omeprazole. I’d have a chat with your Health Visitor or GP x