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VIP Member
"With absolute sincerity, if you don’t see a problem with what tattle is and what it does to people (even (especially!) in the name of unearthing some dark unsavoury “truth” about people with a public platform), you need long term, intensive therapy."
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There’s a thread about OP running out of toilet roll and people are going mad. ‘How could you possibly run out? I take stock management very seriously’ or - my personal favourite - ‘the thought of this happening fills me dread’.

relax guys, OPs going to get some!
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Serene Serena

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All their strapping sons were pallbearers and they were seated in the church with their very important husbands. Can't tell you where and why though, as outing, but their offspring was on camera.
And even though they are actually in Westminster Abbey, at the actual funeral, they are still managing to update Mumsnet. I am searching the congregation for the woman in a Joules black sack, with her iPhone on her lap.
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Not that I know of.
She used to post about this fantasy highflying lifestyle.
Both on six figure salaries (I'm sure) high achieving family and so on.

I used to read Jilly Cooper books years ago - I think they were her inspiration 🤣
I believe that she’s been banned. I remember her under three different usernames but she was so easy to spot. I miss her fantasies. Especially the one about Christmas Eve in her village with the sheep and every house hosting a different course for supper.
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Chatty Member
They're all aspirational arseholes on MN.
Boden this, toast that, farrow and ball something else.
Don't even get them started on sanitary protection because even the faintest whiff of scented sanitary pads gives them raging thrush / makes them feel sick / gives them a migraine.
They can even smell the pad worn by their colleagues apparently!
No wonder their six figure earning husband is bonking his secretary, it's probably the closest he's got to a normal woman since his wedding day.
I got banned from the other side for saying that I wouldn't call the police to my rowing neighbours because they'd been called in the past and my neighbours just carried on as normal.
Apparently I was personally responsible for my neighbour becoming one of the murdered wives statistics due to ignoring it.
So basically I should have got a grip while wobbling my head as I speed dialled 101.

I forgot to add that I was directed to this site after reading a thread on the other side about it.
I've read all of the other threads here on this topic of MN and found myself nodding in agreement with you all that I almost cricked my neck.
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I agree that a certain amount of respect is due but the level of cancelling things is silly. During the football last night, for example, there were no ads, just a black screen. Are we not allowed ads because someone died (not that I like ads but you get my meaning). The football all weekend didn’t need to be cancelled either.

I’m sorry but she was 96 and while I respect her work ethic her existence has never made the slightest bit of difference to my life and the vast majority of everyone else’s. That’s just the truth.
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There was a thread about Shein the other day which was predictably full of comments about how unethical and shit is. Not realising that for a lot of peoples it’s all they can afford. One of the suggestions instead was Lucy and Yak because it’s ‘ethical’ but it’s also bloody expansive and those dungarees are quite frankly fucking hideous. I don’t want to look like Meryl Streep in Mama Mia.
Lucy and Yak stuff is just awful. They all think they're so cool in their 'look what I'm wearing today' posts and photos, but they just look like a Teletubby!
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Chatty Member
The French fancies thread is hilarious. Op has eaten a whole box of French fancies and now people are asking if she’s shaking, if everything is ok with her, if she needs help 😂
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Serene Serena

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But most of the time the hobby is irrelevant, it's just about how much time or money 'DH' is spending on it (I'm yet to see one where the type of hobby itself is the issue). Yet they'll lay out the finest details of the rest of their predicament which to me would probably be more outing than the cycling hobby 🤷
I think they all take part in American Civil War Re-enactments - it costs a lot of money and is very time consuming and is something that is almost 100% male dominated. They also take it very very very seriously. My friend's brother does it and he nearly punched me when I asked if he was playing soldiers at the weekend.

Either that, or they all do competitive soap carving.
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Serene Serena

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She did get at least one person saying she should go because AF is the closest thing to Jesus on earth though. Apparently AnyFucker had been nice to her in her DM’s so it was allowed.

If anyone else has started that thread, AF would have been the first one in tearing them to shreds under normal circumstances.
I hate the arse licking that goes on when that bloody woman rocks up on a thread, with her two or three word posts. She's not the fucking messiah, she's a dull, opinionated, middle-aged woman who lords it over a lot of the posters on Mumsnet.
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Did anyone see the thread yesterday from the exasperated GP complaining about how much of the general public lack any personal responsibility and treat the NHS like a glorified advice service, whilst people who are genuinely unwell and need to be seen can’t even get an appointment? I agreed with every word they said, but you could tell from the very defensive responses that it hit a raw nerve with so many of them. MN being the place where people who have a bad dose of the shits are told to ‘go to A&E‘ as you can imagine it went off like a fart in a crowded lift… there were so many passive aggressive replies ‘I’ve finally managed to get an appointment with my GP this week but the OP has made me want to ring up and cancel it‘ and lots of stories about friends of neighbours cousins brothers who were ‘fobbed off for months and now have terminal cancer. and weeks to live’. The OP quite clearly wasn’t talking about this, but people like my Uncle who is a hypochondriac and has been convinced he’s dying for about the last fifteen years. Visits the GP almost weekly and if he can’t get an appointment rants and raves and threatens to report them to PALS. He’s had multiple scans, tests, x rays, a colonoscopy and endoscopy and they all come back clear because there is nothing fucking wrong with him that isn’t in his head!
Speaking as the sister of a non-hypochondriac brother struggled during lockdown for months for a f2f appointment, a referral or
any notice from his GP after a year of extreme pain and clear symptoms, but clear scans, who was told it was ‘all in his head/constipation’ and is now receiving palliative care for stage 4 colon cancer, I’d say STFU, stop whining, and do your job. Almost every job would be easier
without difficult customers.
You work for us, with all our failings and frailties. Yes, my bro hasn’t always led his healthiest
life. But he still deserves care. know this won’t be a popular view.

Also, not to derail, but have they visited a pharmacy lately? Our market-town Boots opens
Limited times because of staff shortages
And has queues of up to 50 people at opening time. Good luck asking for an appointment to discuss your piles…..
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Miss polar

VIP Member
Their kids are never average anything. Not average height, weight intelligence etc.
The boys are always big strapping sporty types and the girls all tall slim and blond!!

They’re a bunch of fantasists😀
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The period following Diana’s death was weird, creepy and on reflection down right embarrassing for us as a nation. Large swathes of the public behaved in a way similar to the way people in North Korea do when one of their ‘Glorious Leaders’ snuffs if. Wailing in the streets about a woman they’d probably never even ffs. I’ve yet to see a psychiatrist try and explain WTF that was all about.
I do think we've become far more mawkish as a nation since Diana's death. I'm not saying I agree with Stiff Upper Lip and all that, but there is definitely much more squealy over-emoting everywhere now, and it's bloody tedious. There is a middle ground.

Whenever I think that Prince Harry is a bit annoying, I then remember that terrible farce of a funeral where he and Willliam were made to walk behind their mother’s coffin whilst complete strangers wailed and screamed their mother’s name. God only knows what kind of damage that did to those two kids.
I think history is already proving the Queen was right to want the princes to be kept at Balmoral with their family. But noooo, they had to be dragged to London by the media to commiserate with strangers about their own mother's death. Extraordinary.
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Chatty Member
I do hate the general xenophobia in stats that get posted about how xyz in the UK is 'worse than malaysia' or 'worse than poland'. Like ok, I get that as technically one of the richest countries in the world we should have high expectations, but let's not act in horror at being beaten by countries we apparently consider as shitholes when they are vibrant and thriving places in their own right.

I also hate that the standard mn response to anything they don't like is it's 'for the Gram' even though Instagram isn't even relevant for the vast majority anymore, and most of this stupid stuff well predates it.

'Oh you don't want to get married wearing jeans in a registry office with two witnesses pulled off the street? OK, I cared about my marriage but you obviously want pictures for the Gram'.
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Chatty Member
Have you seen the latest ones in response to yesterday’s budget?

‘AIBU to be outraged about the tax cuts for the highest earners in the country even though I’m in the highest tax bracket?’

‘I earn £250,000 a year OP, so this affects us. We’ll have more money per year but I’m so angry’

‘I agree. We earn over £100,000 a year but we don’t need the money this will give us. It’s disgraceful’

‘We’re in this bracket, but we’ll just give the money we’re saving in tax to our cleaner, chaffeur and maid.’

LMFAO. Billy Bullshitters, the lot of them.
Then someone suggests giving the extra to charity and they act like you've told them to shit on the dinner table.
Just like the ones who get family allowance, or whatever it's called nowadays, but claim that they don't need it.
Why claim it then!
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