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Rings threads- yes!!! 10000 pics of tacky nail art, sausage hands and dull shite rings.
I’ve always noticed they will talk about how slim and how tiny their clothes sizes are. Yet, anytime they show a glimpse of what they look like, they’re always much heavier. There is truly nothing wrong with being bigger especially as the demographic is middle aged mothers who are sure to have gained weight as is normal. But surely they’re just giving themselves body issues and complexes by pretending to be smaller and thinner than what they actually are?

I remember an argument where two women were fighting with each other over who is skinnier and someone butted in with “You’re probably both a size 24, stop it with it the “I’m thinner than you” bullshit” and i cackled like a witch for 15 minutes
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Serene Serena

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There are so many braggers on the MN Style and Beauty board, saying how disappointed they are in the fabric of their £400 dress
Or when someone asks for advice on a frock for a wedding and is is inundated with photos of sacklike dresses in grey and beige costing hundreds of pounds and look like charity shop rejects.
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On the thread about the energy cap everyone is so eager to point out that they are worried BUT they are not poor!
"We can swallow it luckily, I am concerned for those who can't"
"We are going to stuggle and we are better off than most people"
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Chatty Member
Homeschooling thread - haven't waded all the way through it yet. Was reminded of a mum who said that her son's teachers were shit, the school was shit and she could do a better job herself and then she promptly deregistered her son in a blaze of fury.

Her son was known to everyone who crossed his path as a candidate to appear on a serial killer program in the coming years. An absolute horror, and there was a collective sigh of relief when he smugly swanned out of school for the last time...

Mum was back on the phone two weeks later begging the school to take him back on roll (clearly the ahem "home schooling" had not worked out). The woman basically had a nervous breakdown on the phone when she was told his place had been filled and there was no spaces currently available in the county.

Just delicious all round.
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Once on mumsnet when I was pregnant I made the mistake of saying that I hoped my first would be a girl. I didn’t mean I didn’t want or boy or wouldn’t love a boy, it was just my own pregnancy paranoia that I was used to girls (my whole family basically only has girls 😂) and in my hormonal mind I was really fearful I’d make a better mum to a girl than a boy. But really deep down I didn’t have a preference, it was just a stupid fear that I wouldn’t be good enough and having a girl felt like a “safer” option.

The absolute barrage of hate I got. I was told to kill myself, have an abortion, told I didn’t deserve children, that I should give my baby to someone who can’t have children etc.

I know it’s a tricky subject, but the comment I made was so throwaway and part of a larger conversation I was shocked.
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Same here & I do understand why people were thinking she couldnt afford the baby. From the money she said they got in wages to me it seemed more her partner wouldnt pay. Though she kept saying otherwise.
It never fails to amaze me how many of them get up the duff by men they’ve either not been with for five minutes, or who are deadbeats completely unsuitable to be fathers. For supposedly intelligent women their family planning is woeful. As much as I hate myself for quoting Jeremy Kyle ‘stick something on the end of it!’
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Why is MN so obsessed with class and being middle class. It's so try hard and off putting.

What's with the babying of teenagers ? One posters son is going on a year abroad and he wants to live with his gf in a flat. She's determined it's a fling and he doesn't actually like her and she's ringing the university halls to try get him into there he's 19! How embarrassing his mum ringing his uni 🤣🤣 she will be a nightmare future MIL.
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Chatty Member
Someone earlier was talking about some food they need to buy and hadn’t and her partner was cross with her because said food would make her better/less ill. She was asked what food and wouldn’t say as it would be outing - it turned out to be cockles. Like, oh yes! Now I know who you are, how’s the kids Mary? I’ll be round for a cuppa on Wednesday after school drop off.
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There is a thread at the moment bemoaning the lack of choice of shoes for those with big feet (specifically size 42 though I don't know what size that is in today's money). Not even halfway down the first page and a poster appears moaning about the opposite problem with her teeny tiny size 3 feet!
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Serene Serena

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The rampant snobbery over there makes me howl with laughter sometimes. Always name dropping their designer label clothes, kitchen appliances, flooring, children’s hobbies, holidays etc. Honestly, who gives a shit where you sourced your wallpaper from!! I’m pretty sure most of the braggarts on there are writing about the life they wish they were living, with two gifted and talented children, Saskia and Milo. A 4 storey house in North London or a picturesque cottage in a twee village out of Midsomer Murders is mandatory, as is the high earning DH.

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I love those threads!

‘I’m in a high powered job in a niche industry and I manage a team of highly skilled people but we’ve somehow mistakenly hired a complete slacker who comes into work for ten minutes on a Monday, then goes to the dentists for the rest of the week, flicking the vees at the rest of the office. Even though the company earns billions of pounds per second, we apparently have no HR department and it’s down to me to speak to him, but I don’t have the balls. What do I do?’

Cur lots of responses from posters telling her to ‘put her big girl pants on’ including sound legal advice and the thread ends with the OP posting that instead of firing him, she’s promoted him to CEO.
I love those threads too! How the fuck do you have a high powered job yet can’t even do a basic thing such as reprimanding an employee for bad work behaviour? And out of all places to ask on how to deal with it is you choose a site for posh stay at home mothers who never worked a day in their life? Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining!
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Tangerine Cat

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Sorry I’ve never ventured on this thread before but I did venture on mumsnet probably around 16/17 years ago when I was pregnant with my son.

To answer the thread topic question….. yes, they did mean to be so rude. They’re all cnuts.

Am not surprised to see nothings changed in all these years!

as you were 🫡
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Don't forget the statement necklace 🤣
They’re all stuck in that weird phase of dressing in that modern business nightclub style that was popular in 2010-2012. I would not be surprised if their going out outfits is a peplum dress, blazer, chunky wedges, chunky jewellery and their hair styled in a donut bun.
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I’m 5ft 11 and I feel quite chubby at a size 8, I prefer to be less lardy and stay a size 4. But the bonus is I can always fit into my designer clothes which I buy because I’m so rich. Word of advice though, I’m 47 but I look 15 so sometimes the designer shop staff don’t take me seriously thinking I can’t afford the clothes, so make sure you dress well to shop in them (think French women) then they know you can afford the clothes and you get excellent service.
Do you get mistaken for your daughters younger sister as well?
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
They’re at it again with their weight shaming and competitive under eating. Apparently a size 14 is overweight and most women who are a size 14 are obese. Yes really. In fact one poster has said she feels ‘chunky‘ at a size 10, others saying they know they are ‘starting to get fat‘ when the reach a size 12. It’s fucking awful. I used to be a size 14 before I started running and exercising regularly, I was heavier than I am now for sure but I don’t think I was fat. I’m 5’8. I was on the pill at the time and was having regular weight and BP checks at the doctors and was never once told I was fat or needed to loose weight. I’m now a twelve, could maybe squeeze into a ten at a push but really don’t want to, in fact I have to watch myself because my face can look really drawn and haggard if I loose too much weight. A size 12 is just right for me.

I worry so much about the impact they have on their daughters, they are stuck in this 1990’s/2000’s mentality where anything above a size 6 is too heavy. Personally Im so glad we’ve moved on from the days when the famine victim look was all the rage and women are allowed to have hips and bums etc.
I loathe the competitive undereating threads, they promote disordered eating. I remember one thread where a poster claimed a lasagne ready meal for one was more than enough for her family of four.

I personally don’t know anyone who is a size 6. All my friends are 12 to 14 mostly. My 17yo teenage niece is a size 8 and she’s tiny.
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