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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
Agreed. You get the odd bit of snottiness and everyone tells the snotty poster to rein it in, and everyone moves on. Very refreshing. And I've never seen personal abuse on here, unlike on there.
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Omg I actually saw the mythical “old Volvo” on the motorway on Sunday! It was packed with stuff and the driver was an elderly woman wearing a tweed jacket, and glasses with a chain. I genuinely felt like I’d seen a unicorn.

Disclaimer: I was the passenger - I wasn’t putting anyone in danger staring open mouthed at Penelope driving her mobile bin.
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The whole site is about one-upmanship. Having 6"2 teenage sons, a Darling Husband who works in a very high powered job, with a hobby they cannot disclose, because it will out them. (Golf and cycling being the obvious ones)

But they themselves are working full time 9 to 5 as a teacher/nurse/doctor/psychologist, yet managed to make the time to post on Mumsnet
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If they dress sheep in fairylights every Christmas and force their children to handover their favourite present from Santa for the The Poor Children on Boxing Day and have a village nativity play that everyone joins in with great enthusiasm,, including the teenagers, and they sing carols on the green as snowflakes gently flutter from the sky, and someone says God Bless us everyone and the entire villagers rise to their feet and clap, then YES, that's them.
If they post a photo on a ‘show me your bedroom’ thread that also comes up as the first result in Google when you search ‘hotel room’ then yes, that’s also them.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Virtually every single thread on MN this afternoon is about her majesty. Posters are climbing aboard the grief vulture bandwagon and trying to outdo each other with their competitive mourning.

It's sad that she has died, but she was 96, it's hardly unexpected. Oh and some of them are managing to insinuate that Meghan had a hand in hastening the old lady's demise...
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Chatty Member
My toddler can talk and always says she doesn't want her bum wiping - should I just let her live with a shitty arse all her life then 🧐
Yes, anything else is abuse. You also can’t make her eat, dress, bath, go out, wear clothes suitable for the weather, stop whacking you, stop licking the cat etc. otherwise you’re not a mother, you’re a human rights stealer. And probably a narcissist.
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I love that people like that think the world is waiting with baited breath for the ground breakings news 🤣 my BIL did similar with the new babies name, waited a few days, presumably to build the suspense. The only person who really cared was my MIL who got really REALLY upset and my partner had to speak to his brother to tell him to stop being a dickhead. Total backfire all round.

And I thought the name was pretty naff anyway.
it makes me laugh that the people who keep the world waiting for their name announcements always pick crap names

Years ago when I had my youngest child I was on a ‘Mums due’ board on a now defunct parenting forum. A woman on there was very attention seeking and tbh everyone did lick her arse, and when she had her baby she decided not to announce the name for a couple of weeks so that everyone was posting on the group asking if they’d chosen a name yet and clamouring to know what it was. It was just something very boring and a very, very popular name, so popular that she may as well have just called her son ‘Boy’
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What their not understanding is that in the 1970’s most people still had open fire places! Even if there was no power homes could still be heated with coal or wood. I can still remember the warmth of my grandparents house from their coal fire which they kept well into the 1990’s when they finally relented and got central heating installed. It was never the same... the heat from CH is so dry in comparison.

New builds don’t even have fire places anymore. But it’s all right for them because they probably all have log burners or something.
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Dear God, I have just gone down the show me your engagement ring thread, what a load of fat, hairy fingers with bad nails and fugly rings!

Load of high flying career women my arse and as for the one with the sapphire that people said was bigger than Diana’s, love to know where she buys her crackers from!
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The things people post about on there! Running out of toilet roll- go and buy some. Should I go to a&e? Use your own judgement or call 111. Can I still wear tights? Wear whatever the fuck you want love.

Do people not have brains anymore?!
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Chatty Member
Someone has started a thread asking how many millionaires people think there are in the uk and to Google it and say if how many there actually are is higher or lower than how many you thought there were.

The replies are already hilarious and full of ‘well I know 5 or 6’ and my favourite ‘Much lower than I thought too. I guess one’s perspective is based on the area you live in and the people you know.’
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I like that mumsnet educated me enough to become aware that at 5'4 I am of low class stock. What is their obsession with tallness? All that waffle about old money and tall kids (man do they dribble over that old money talk). I think they need to get out more. I don't know many old money peeps like most mumsnetters do (lolz), but the impression I have is that they come in all manner of shapes and sizes. With mad teeth and unruly hair. Just like the rest of us, but with more expensive watches.
I often wanted to jump onto one of those threads and ask them how tall the members of the royal family are.
Poor people are short because they only eat poor food which doesn’t have enough nutrients to make them grow tall and they’re stunted from going up chimneys from the age of 2 because they’re so poor. My three sets of twins are all 6ft plus (but very slim, I can see their ribs) because they eat me out of house and home (think berries and salmon from Ocado) and I am not poor so I didn’t have to send them up chimneys to earn money because me and my husband earn so much money (think 6 figures each).
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Mumsnet talking about what turns them on is always cringe inducing. 😂 wtf is this? All I can think of is the soyboy meme.


The most 'niche' thing I'm attracted to in men that I can think of right now is.... when a man opens his mouth really widely to take a big bite of say, a messy burger and he looks drunk on the enjoyment of food not afraid of getting messy not talking about needing to run or spend time in the gym to burn it off, just eating it like it's the last supper appreciatively. I don't mean scoff like a pig I mean, if a little sauce on the corner of his mouth or chin it's fine and he makes effort to be neat but he just loves it too much. I wouldn't want a man who is self conscious about eating in front of others or constantly thinking about macros. I love a man who really really enjoys his food. I'm sure I'm not alone in this....I'm a feeder so I'd rather he likes eating than compete with me for space in the kitchen.
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My friend was a car mechanic who serviced hearses (not royal ones). They get serviced every day as it’s important they don’t break down. He only worked for the one funeral director. He was very proud of his work.

I noticed when I went to see the Royal Cortège on Sunday there was a second empty hearse following. Obviously not taking any chances.

I know someone who had a head on collision with a hearse in the Clyde Tunnel. It was the hearse on the wrong side 😬
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
So many Mumsnetters are under the impression that people live in council houses free of charge, no rent, no council tax, just a nice bit of cash in hand from the occasional home haircut/gardening/fixing cars.

Wankers, the lot of them.
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The thread from the woman who’s husbands company made the Queens hearse. A really interesting story, she was clearly very proud of the work they’d done for her majesty.

And not even half way down the first page the comments start. ‘It’s just a car, really’.
And all those 'well I don't now why you're proud it wasn't you that did it' type comments. In the real world families tend to work as teams, all those late nights building the thing wouldn't have been possible without her at home dealing with kids and other life stuff.

But this is MN where a successful man cannot exist, and the mere thought of a woman helping support a man is horrifying.
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Chatty Member
I wish they wouldn't say perimenopause as it reminds me of peri mayo and we live nowhere near a nandos :(
They love throwing that around like confetti.
If you're aged between 25 and 45, you're Peri.
If you're aged between 45 and dead, you're a demented narcissist.
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Well-known member
For general use the site is next to useless now. It's a shame as I used to love reading it, there was always something interesting or new to get your head around. There's no other site quite like that, for sheer variety. Unfortunately it's just collapsed now, you can predict how every thread is going to go and I get the impression most of them are designed to generate ad views. If you think about it, this must be going on.

For example, any regular user knows that threads about A) Money B) bad husband C) class, etc, ALWAYS create tons of replies that can go on for days at a time. Anyone who intentionally starts one will get a reaction. Companies and staff will all benefit from that. I think it's been given over to hysterical slanging matches at the expense of decent chat.

Either that or every thread just turns onto a boasting competition. Any simple topic from choosing a sunscreen to planning a holiday will turn into a bragging match or social climbing event. I mean, I could go on now and start a thread in AIBU about working class stereotypes and it would take off like a rocket. Or I could ask why poor people are so lazy (uurgh) and that would be the jackpot of the day.

Who are these people? I hope they don't represent the average British public. It likes to promote that impression but since I never meet anyone like that, god knows!
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