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"AIBU to eat a whole packet of party rings?" You certainly are, Mumsnet is the home of competitive abstinence from food

"Daisy May Cooper's new show is called 'Am I Being Unreasonable', it's about us!" A show in which Daisy will buy her clothes from Toast, divide everything into "naice" or "common", and make a chicken last all week.

"AIBU to think not having a funeral is OK?" As they say - it's your funeral. Request that your body be tossed into a pit if you like

People sneering at working from home again

"Is my friend being unreasonable because she won't buy dairy milk to offer her builders tea?" No, your friend is not unreasonable. Mumsnetters fear builders as they fear the devil, and never make them tea as they might need to use the toilet afterwards

"AIBU to resent 'DP' having a teddy bear he shares with his ex?" Yes an actual teddy bear which the ex sometimes comes over to collect or asks if she can have over the holiday. Most responses assume this is made up or assume an adult with a teddy bear isn't capable of a normal relationship. I'm in my 30s and have an entire menagerie of stuffed animals which my fiancé is fine with, although I don't share any with my exes. Either way, if true, not something you expect sympathy about from Mumsnet!
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Well, quite. After having my DCs I reckon I could have successfully changed a nappy, blindfolded, whilst suspended by one leg from the ceiling. Still nowhere near as adept as my Mum though, who could efficiently change my DD's nappy, ON HER LAP, whilst simultaneously drinking a cup of tea and smoking a fag.
Smoking around a baby *clutches pearls* you should go no contact!
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I have come to the conclusion most of what is posted on Mumsnet is fiction. The remainder is stepford wives determined to get you into DuBarry boots and a North Face quilted duvet
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Wackie Jeaver

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There’s a current thread where a mother wants to get her daughter out of PE because it’s cold, some proper bonkers replies
TBF, I used to write a note for my oldest whenever I possibly could - she HATED PE! Not surprising when you realise that not one but two of her PE teachers have been done for sexual abuse of children in their care. I reckon she has good insight.
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They are all pretty weird really... it used to be fun/amusing in places and there are some good people on some threads, but AIBU is a cess pit with no exit (is there an exit from a cess pit? I have no idea!) But the aggression is quite scary at times, at least on here - although Tattle is also described as a cess pit in the media - people seem to be able to agree to disagree for the most part.
Tattle is always described as a cesspit on MN too, which is ironic given the pile ons that happen on there. I think it helps on Tattle that you can’t name change, so you can’t come and bitch plop on a thread and then change your name.
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Sorry if I missed this...but the woman convinced her husband was having an affair because he text her saying he was waving at stone henge!
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I curse this thread 😂

I looked at MN to read the prawn madness as it sounded promising.

That led me to clicking on another thread about what small things improve your life. First few posts had me nodding along, a sellotape dispenser is indeed handy. Then of course you get the standard competitive posts from wannabes with suggestions that are neither small or inexpensive. A few comedians mention their divorces (tinkly laugh).

Some arsehole mentions their coat. I Google it and it’s a snip at £450. Another pillock seconds the coat. It’s some ethical Swedish brand. I’m now eyeing up these stupidly expensive coats.

I actually do need to give my head a wobble and head to H&M or Zara or possibly Primark like a normal person.
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This thread is peak MN.

I mean, I think most people would try not to but if they had to… sure?




Never EVER talk about infrequent washing of towels on Mumsnet:


Which generated this horrified reply:


All this within the first six replies. Six!
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I often post on threads there about the darker side of life. Mainly to piss people off haha. I have had the pleasure of experiencing DV, absolute foodbank using poverty, CSA, lone parenting, DC who aren't very well behaved, being the child of a 15 year old Mum who concealed her pregnancy and residual MH issues. I have also worked in a children's safeguarding team in a Northern town that has just been voted one of the worst places to live so I know how shit things can feel. I post because sometimes the things I read on there are so uniformly staid, ridiculous and privileged that I kind of do it as a big FU to the people who post crap like 'Is 50k a year a good salary?' or 'Is it unreasonable to buy this million pound house because it needs a new kitchen.' I hope they read what a handful of us more realistic posters write and think 'I am being ridiculous' but I doubt it. I have been accused of shaming posters and they always trot out 'It isn't a race to the bottom you know' to which I reply I know, I am happy despite my background, not because of it, maybe think on though that people's lives have shades of grey eh? Don't get me started on the politics there either! I am so glad to have found this thread. I heard that all is not well in MNHQ finances either so they moderate so heavily due to advertiser influence. The place is tainted for me for many reasons but I think that is a big one.
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I don’t have kids but recently I’ve started scrolling through mumsnet and i just sit there agreeing with the advice people give about naughty toddlers and bastard partners like
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I've just joined because I've had a laugh reading some of the threads and posts on here. Haven't done so on mumsnet for a while because everyone is so serious, always ready to preach and get offended over everything.

Surprised to find the infamous Tattle a bit of a breath of fresh air.😲

And I can post gifs too? Say no more!

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Chatty Member
I messaged my husband today asking for chocolate. His response; do you want your usual working class chocolate? 😂
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The class obsession and desperately needing to appear middle class is unreal, imagine having such a sad life that all you care about is keeping up appearances.
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I have been on MN for years but haven’t noticed Crumbs - will keep an eye out. The one who bugs me is Worra Liberty. Always a bit pleased with herself in a slightly irritating way. Lost the plot a bit mid pandemic as she wanted to go to her second home but rules forbade it.
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They’re all armchair psychologists on there. They throw words like ‘gaslighting’, ‘narcissistic’, and ‘emotional abuse’ around with gay abandon and they’re able to diagnose whether someone’s autistic from a single post. Imagine how much money and time the NHS could save if they employed some of them.
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Chatty Member
The OP of the yogurt thread clarified that it was just a ‘coo coo’. View attachment 997316View attachment 997317

Utterly, utterly bonkers.
Oh just a gentle coo coo! As long as it was gentle then that’s perfectly reasonable.

I am honestly so glad I found the Mumsnet threads here, I often wonder if I’m the only one who reads their posts and thinks what the actual fuck is going on here? It’s good to know I’m not the weird one. The amount of women posting about their feckless “DH’s” as well drives me mad. Yes, your husbands should look after your shared children, should clean up your shared home and no they shouldn’t swear at / abuse or belittle you. Why do you need to ask an anonymous Internet forum? Or has Mumsnet normalised the idea that male partners are useless so much so that some women can’t see what’s reasonable behaviour anymore? Mind boggling. Will keep going back though.
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