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Stop stop stop with the fake cockney accent. It's so cringey. You grew up in Surrey you dickhead.

Why does she keep referring to the house like it's hers? Banging on about the patio like she designed it 😂 Seriously, you can't afford that house babe, you're living with your mum waiting for your husband to join you...3 weeks and counting.

Oh and get rid of the clip in your hair, it does nothing for you
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Her USP was being a Brit in America, and having a young family. She’s exactly what a lot of Americans think people over here are like, and she played up to that stereotype. I did enjoy her content as it was interesting to see the everyday differences.
The issue was, she hadn’t lived in the UK for several years (10 I think) and like everywhere in the world, things change. I think she had a very stereotypical attitude when describing the uk, so it’s almost like she’s had her eyes opened and it’s not as rosey as she remembered!
Those friends she grew up with, have all got on with their lives and have made new friends, her family haven’t seen her very often, and when she lived there, she wasnt married and had no children.
Ive lived here my whole life, and when I remeniss about life ten years ago, I probably don’t recall it as it was. I think she was expecting life to have stood still and she’d just slot back in, forgetting that she’s a different person than she was.
Due to the above, Kyle will be in for a HUGE shock, as he’s expecting us all to be like Mary poppins, and I think she was too. It’s not all about getting used to saying Pavement, chips, crisps, and nappies, and making videos “what my American husband calls these items”. It’s been done to death.
I can’t imagine her being overly sympathetic to him adjusting, and she’ll expect him to just get on with life. I’m pretty sure when she moved over, she was a novelty to Kyle’s family and friends, and they only had 1 baby, so could do more. However, she regularly spoke about being lonely and finding making friends a challenge. I really felt for her, as when I moved away from my home town, I knew no one where I’d moved to. I made friends at work, but Caroline was a SAHM. However, I now wonder if the reason she was friend less was because of her. Again, the novelty of having a “British Friend” soon wears off when they moan and constantly slag off your country.
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What a lovely way to talk about your HUSBAND
She is actually revolting. She also had loads of comments saying Kyle should start doing his own videos and she said “no I need him for the views and likes”.

So not only has she got him by the balls, had his children, making him move to the U.K., but also using him for a following.
I really liked Caroline and thought she was a breath of fresh air. Turns out she’s an awful c* with an attitude, and somewhat drinking problem.

Did she think it was wise to relocate on her own so soon after having baby #3 when she had awful PND after mulletboy? Do we think this is the cause for the sudden drinking?
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She wanted the school that all her friends kids go to ! So she could hang around with them in a big group in the playground waiting for the kids to come out. All laughing gossiping and squawking together cos they are the cool kids. Oh sorry Mums. What she forgot is that they all have jobs to be able to afford to live in decent properties in Surrey. And she forgot the British school entrance system where you can’t buy yourself a place at a state school!!
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Can we all just agree to do a mass unfollowing..she has angered me so much I simply have no words!! 🤬 for someone who hasn’t lived here for 10 YEARS you simply have no right to speak for everyone else based on your ONE experience!! Go and fucking educate yourself you snobby narcissistic prick!!!
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Chatty Member
I think her mum not helping with the kids is hitting home that she’s literally fucked it and should have waited for Kyle.

She’s going to end up getting shadow banned for her comments etc
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No way is she putting out. She would probably benefit from a good ride honestly.

she got lucky he knocked her up so he got pushed into a life with her.
I’m sure when she was packing her hospital bag she said she isn’t one of them people who can be half naked when she’s giving birth, she said “Kyle doesn’t even see me naked” that, mixed with the dead grandma nighties she wears? No chance 😂
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In October, a friend of mine’s elderly relative fell over in her garden and broke her hip. She had to wait over 7 hours on the cold concrete for an ambulance to come, her family were begging to take her to a and e themselves but the 999 call handler wouldn’t let them as they could hurt her more getting her up. But sure it’s a free service so why should we complain 🙄

I’m sick of her saying how lucky we are that it’s free. Um last time I checked Caz I pay tax and national insurance which helps fund it so it’s not free. At least if you pay private you can actually get an appointment
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I've lived abroad twice, only for a year each time but when you come back you think it's going to be epic and people will be SO excited you're back. But everyone carries on their lives in your absence and they care, but they have lives and can't be expected to drop everything for you.
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Chatty Member
So not only is she promoting an awful brand like Kyte baby but she's promoting £55 sleep sacks etc in a cost of living crisis. Not everyone can afford her tory lifestyle & live at home rent free. Absolutely despicable in my opinion but whatever pays the bills I guess.
So ironic that just a few days ago she was talking on Instagram about how mothers in America have to choose between using their tiny maternity leave to spend time with their baby in NICU or spending time with them after and now is promoting Kyte baby who wouldn’t let their staff keep her job when her baby was in the NICU! You can’t make it up!!
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For goodness sakes, she’s missed the point entirely. The vast majority of people are not complaining about the NHS or the people in it, but about how the service has been underfunded and decimated to the extent that care is often negligible. Often for the purpose of lining the pockets of the pals of the Tories.
Also, why is she angry and complaining about people complaining?? Does she not see the irony there?! And unless there is literally a microclimate over her back garden, then the weather is totally shit
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FFS it’s one thing to be excited to be freshly back in your home country and be completely unbothered by a couple of novelty weeks of rain. It’s a completely different story for those of us that can’t remember many rain free days since last October. It’s alright saying we’re all moaning about it but seriously it’s affecting some peoples lives beyond getting a bit wet.

My friends husband is a landscape gardener and usually at this time he’s flat out with projects booked right through the summer- this year has been terrible for him. Jobs that he has done have taken longer due to being rained off so hes lost money through lost days. Other people have cancelled because they’re reluctant to spend so much money on something that they potentially can’t use. My friend is worried that the money will start to run out.

Pretty much the same story for a builder friend who’s been working as hard as he can to get a new build up for a family… weather has delayed them the family have had to pay at least another months rent as they’d sold their house to fund the build.

Our local farmers are worried about the crops.

My friend works in a clothes shop and their sales are really down from this time last year. Works for a chain who’s already closed lots of stores- she’s worried she’ll lose her job.

We’re all sick of it it’s shit.
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🤦🏻‍♀️ such an attitude
Does she not think her responses will put her followers off? Doesn’t she want to keep them? It’s so bizarre to me honestly. If I had that following I wouldn’t be rude to the people nice enough to say something or ask questions unless they were being out right rude.
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She comes across as she doesn’t give a shit about Kyle and he seems like a decent person
I actually am quite jealous that she’s married to Kyle, he is good looking, hands on with the kids and wants to give her the life she wants (whether that changes with the wind or not) he also seems funny and down to earth.

No wonder she locked him down so quickly!
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That's her begging, it's gone now but hopes it will re appear magically in her driveway, sorry mums driveway.
Like the free pram.
The free pram. I'm livid. All her bloody money and she gets one gifted. Well she did do a beggy for it. Caroline, have you no shame? Cost of living crisis and people can't even afford a single buggy never mind a double buggy. Makes me so mad.
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I don’t know what it is but she kind of reminds me of Julia from Motherland. The manic ‘ness’ maybe and the entitlement.
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Someone in the comments telling her to set up an Amazon wishlist so her viewers can send her housewarming gifts! Jesus, give your head a wobble!!
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Chatty Member
She didn’t disclose the ad in the video correctly about the sweatshirt being gifted to her so I reported her to asa. She needs to label her ads and gifted products clearly.
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