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Chatty Member
She said her mum bought the garden furniture- though she said she bought it as a present for her mum for them staying there?
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She doesn’t seem to grasp that you can be happy to have moved to England without absolutely bashing the shit out of America. The two aren’t mutually exclusive Caroline. It’s so bad for her “brand” too but she’s too pig headed and overlooks that because her desire to be a massive bitch is greater. I think she would score a lot more work if she wasn’t a massive cunt.
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She acts so posh but keeps buying those chavvy trollies to roll around the kitchen and use as kid’s wardrobe like an old grandma 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She is nasty towards Kyle and hates him. What a truly and utterly nasty bitch. If Kyle does leave her, what is her plan in life then? How will she fund the Surrey lifestyle with 3 kids especially as she wants to be a stay at home mum? I would love to know! It’s not like she has any qualifications or job experience to get a half decent job. She will be working in Tesco before we know
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I think Caroline is definitely in defence mode. She’s worried she’s made a huge mistake and what’s more she’s worried Kyle is going to hate it here. This is a huge gamble for her and I don’t think it’s going to pay off unfortunately.
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Here we go again, Sophie looking after Olivia! I’m sure she loves helping, but it’s odd to be asking a 4 year old to be feeding and looking after a baby! She clearly wanted to show she does stuff with Charlie and she was tickling him. 🙄
I think she has very stereotypical girl and boy energy children . Sophie in dresses and helping mum, Charlie running around, causing chaos… or that’s how they’ve been raised. It feels like she doesn’t know how to parents a boy. It seems like she wanted all girls.
lastly, her poor mums house! Of course she said they could stay, it’s her daughter and grandkids , but I doubt she was prepared for mess.
I lived with my parents with my daughter, after leaving a dv relationship. I had nowhere to go and my parents welcomed me with open arms. My daughter slept in a cot in my room, and o didn’t decorate it! I also didn’t take over the whole house and tried so hard to not turn their life upside down. Even though we had a great relationship, it was tough. There’s no way id have left the house in a mess like she has!!
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She is totally spiralling and losing her shit since arriving back in the UK. It is one big car crash and I’m enjoying it 🍿
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New poster here but yep just like any mummy blogger she has gone downhill - the reaction to the primark/ pjs was it for me. So out of touch and then to go on about Shein being a sweatshop? I personally don't shop at Shein but I don't brag about not shopping there. Wasn't she advertising some amazon toothbrush holder - does she know where that's come from? Some people literally have no option but to get clothes pjs etc from the cheaper sites. Infuriates me so much that she is on her high horse!
Me too, it was “0h Gosh no not Primark” I thought, nah, fcuk off
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Chatty Member
In my 32 years of life (with a working class accent according to Caroline) I don't think I've ever spoke about peoples class except for when I was in high school and we were taught about it. She's SO bizarre. Her absolute need to find something about the UK to shit on is so weird to me. I foolishly thought when she moved back here she'd be happier and more positive 😂
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Why has no one suggested Butlins to her - she’d slot right in!! Including her kid with the mullet 😂😂
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Personally I think she’s come back an entitled dirty scruffy bitch. Grabbing what she can after not paying a penny here for 10 years. Personally I hope Kyle sees sense and bins her off. I’d love to see her struggle. That prams horrible. I’m furious she got it gifted though. Also I notice she mentioned the bucket bike again. Hope she falls down a pot hole but no doubt her affluent area doesn’t have them so as not to damage the rich Tory folks gas guzzlers. Sorry but I detest her now. And ffs have a shower and do your hair! She would be judged to death if she lived on a council estate but because she’s posh it’s seen as kooky,
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I believe at one point she said he made around $180-200k (£140-155k) and she was making similar
Well I hope they are personally. That’s 2 new higher rate tax payers to help fund the NHS she loves so much. Wonder if she’s going to be posting how great it is paying 40% tax… probably not 😂
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I didn’t mind her when she was in America, but since she has been back she has shown what a complete dickhead she really is.
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I think it’s hit home that she won’t be living the life her friends have as they simply won’t be able to afford it, they won’t have her mums house and she’s clearly sick of them already (as I would be too!)
She resents Kyle soooo much for being American and she hates America too!
She’s definitely drinking too much, she has a baby to get up for in the night if they aren’t co sleeping. (Which they shouldn’t be if she’s in the sauce everyday)
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She doesn't have the appeal now though does she? it was quite interesting seeing her take on life in the US because she was British appealing to a British audience but it doesn't work now.
Content ideas instead of demonstrating her complete ignorance and self awareness

- cook a roast because you couldn’t get meat and potatoes in the US
- frozen rose recipe for the patio drinking sessions
- rank Greggs pasties from shite tier to god tier
- supermarket homeware section hauls seeing as she’s redecorating her mums house
- take Charlie shoe shopping for that quintessential Clarks experience
- pack an M&S picnic and document alfresco dining in the Cobham microclimate

I’d watch all that and ignore the aggression in the comments
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Chatty Member
She’s truly unhinged 🙈! And now I won’t get to see her UK transfer unravel, because I’ve been blocked - gutted 🙈😂
She was done with Kyle once she had her contentbabies. I think she wanted all her kids to have the same dad and Kyle was just the guy who knocked her up first. In hindsight, I'm sure she would choose differently if she could because she wasn't living in Dubai to pick up an ordinary middle-class guy – she wanted to marry rich and failed.

Now that she has the children and they're all back in England, I don't think she'd be bothered if things ended with Kyle. It would certainly give her plenty to talk about on social media (you know she'd go hard on the 'single mum in Surrey, raising three kids, abandoned by horrible American dad' angle). She has so much resentment towards Kyle and his family and friends that I think she'd take pleasure in ruining his life.
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Chatty Member
Thanks I’ll try there tomorrow!

It’s out of stock on their own website, and usually none left in Asda when I go! I did ask about stock in boots and they said sometimes the stock doesn’t match their records because they are being stolen
This was in Tesco today, (in leafy Surrey believe it or not!) because they are being stolen. It just made me sad. If people are having to steal to feed their babies there’s something very very wrong 🥺


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Because she prefers to include a clip of her being like: “naw don’t touch it! Don’t even thin aber touchin ittt!” Each time, with her zitty face in full shot
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she has no plans of leaving that house. She’s going to take it over and hope her mum either dies or moves out.
Wild she’s painting the room and changing furniture 😮 she could make it more ‘kid friendly’ just adding accessories and bedding! Deffo planning on staying there for the long haul! The poor mum. I bet Caz is such a bully
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Chatty Member
It's a good job there's no comments section on Zillow listings as Caroline wouldn't be able to help herself. "Actually, there's no neighborhood spirit. And you can't walk anywhere."
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Poor Charlie, having to wear one of Sophie’s old nighties- why??? He’s literally the forgotten child. Sophie is at preschool, she’s taken Olivia to baby sensory and Charlie just tags along. Where’s the effort put into finding something just for Charlie??
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