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What’s worrying is, that she’ll fake having pnd to try to justify her behaviour and play the sympathy card.
I know there are many of us on here who’ve suffered from pnd and other MH issues, and for someone to pretend they’re suffering when they’re not is appalling.
I said on the last post, that I wondered if she did have it, but I honestly don’t think she has. If you’ve had it, even if you don’t want to admit it or can’t recognise it in yourself, others will. Kyle came over, and even if she was masking, he’d recognise it. Plus, she lives with her mum, so surely she’d see a change? Which makes me think this is her true personality.
I think she has always been the “mean girl” and probably had friends at school, because she was intimidating. Then she moved to Dubai abd then America, and “British girl” persona took over and she realised in it. Now she’s back in the UK, she’s nothing unique and the mask has slipped…
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Jesus Christ, has she lost it completely?😳 can’t believe her management let’s her tell people to fuck off. She can’t be well
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Why does she constantly look like she gets ready in the dark ? Does she think scruffy is a flex? When was the last time she brushed her hair ? Also, she will 100 % vote Tory in the GE 😂 there is no hiding your true colours little miss middle England snob
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New member
Unfollowed this vapid woman!

Also rarely comment on these threads but I can’t not

- how IGNORANT! loads has already been said but I want to add it’s not just the recipients who are receiving poor NHS treatment, it’s the poor NHS stuff who are SO overworked and underpaid
- I couldn’t have the pain I wanted (epidural) during my birth 4 months ago because there was literally no staff to put one in. That is happening in the UK. I doubt that would happen with your 7.5k baby because you are paying for it
- imagine being so privaliged in your ‘upper middle class’ area that you can’t fathom people talking (if they do) about class. Is it that difficult to get your head round the fact that the country has such a wealth disparity and it needs talking about?

What a hill to die on! She’ll soon realise that her new USP of slagging of brits is not going to work. Thought she was ‘proud to be British’ as well!
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Wow! I never comment on influencers/celeb threads. She is digging herself a massive social media grave! I used to be a waitress in the sky (and proud and hope to return someday) and she would’ve been on my hatetoflywithagain list 🙂🙂🙂
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Anyone emailed/messaged her management yet? I’m tempted ngl that post last night was absolutely disgusting telling her public audience to fuck off then using triggering lines about self harm does she not realise her followers may be suffering with mental health and to use a line like that is fucking disgusting I hope she gets cancelled she’s vile!
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God help Kyle if he can’t afford to get her that truck on a permanent basis! Shes such a chav. Pure comedy gold to watch though 😂
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Looks like she’s deleted the rant about kids in the playground already! She’s in a deep, dark hole of neggy behaviour. Everything she spews is bitter. What did she expect moving 3 small children solo across the world? I would imagine that would be a massive no no and potential trigger for PND as someone has mentioned above.
Looks like she’s deleted the rant about kids in the playground already! She’s in a deep, dark hole of neggy behaviour. Everything she spews is bitter. What did she expect moving 3 small children solo across the world? I would imagine that would be a massive no no and potential trigger for PND as someone has mentioned above.
I didnt realise “upper middle class” kids were immune from crime. What a classist, arrogant twat.


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I absolutely hate those defenders… every time I see one on the road and see how big they are I remember that story in the news from last year about those poor school children who were ploughed down and killed by one in their own school. Breaks my heart seeing those cars on the road 😢
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She’s not going to move back. Her main reason for coming back to the UK was the school shootings which I do totally agree with her on. But she’s now realised slowly that people have jobs and their own lives to live, they can’t be arsed meeting her for a pub lunch every Sunday for her to film the whole thing.
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Well-known member
FFS it’s one thing to be excited to be freshly back in your home country and be completely unbothered by a couple of novelty weeks of rain. It’s a completely different story for those of us that can’t remember many rain free days since last October. It’s alright saying we’re all moaning about it but seriously it’s affecting some peoples lives beyond getting a bit wet.

My friends husband is a landscape gardener and usually at this time he’s flat out with projects booked right through the summer- this year has been terrible for him. Jobs that he has done have taken longer due to being rained off so hes lost money through lost days. Other people have cancelled because they’re reluctant to spend so much money on something that they potentially can’t use. My friend is worried that the money will start to run out.

Pretty much the same story for a builder friend who’s been working as hard as he can to get a new build up for a family… weather has delayed them the family have had to pay at least another months rent as they’d sold their house to fund the build.

Our local farmers are worried about the crops.

My friend works in a clothes shop and their sales are really down from this time last year. Works for a chain who’s already closed lots of stores- she’s worried she’ll lose her job.

We’re all sick of it it’s shit.
It's shit! I also think nobody has any money to spend to the extras and nice stuff now. With the exception of tiktokers. I was saying to my partner last night we're earning the best we ever have been, but we don't see the benefits any of it, everything is so bloody expensive I'm sick of being skint all the time. People like Caroline just don't get it.
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Chatty Member
The irony of her moaning about hustling people, and how it’s immoral. Sure Caz, like encouraging vulnerable women to purchase shit they don’t need and giving you kickback income without disclosing that?
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When she was having her rant over their privacy being majorly invaded when selling their house….wasn't it Caroline herself who posted everything about her Quincy location as soon as she had touched down in England, despite Kyle still living there? 🤔🤔
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VIP Member
Her NHS post is infuriating. I work for the NHS, I love the NHS but the situation with GPs is fucking awful.
Of course they saw a young baby with a rash. She is a twat.
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Fucks sake. My priority would be having a place for my family to call their own, not shelling out on a car.

Why has it got to be a brand new, expensive one anyway? I bet you the old estate I just bought cost less than her new patio furniture 🤣

Why does she care so much?
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Chatty Member
So I guess the whole electric bike thing was just performative then? Because giving a shit about the environment and lusting after a Discovery don't go hand in hand
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Chatty Member
I actually am quite jealous that she’s married to Kyle, he is good looking, hands on with the kids and wants to give her the life she wants (whether that changes with the wind or not) he also seems funny and down to earth.

No wonder she locked him down so quickly!
I agree, he's a catch and she is em...most definitely not. I wonder if his family have a group chat and post pics from her tik tok saying wtf has Kyle brought into our family.
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