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I can’t help but think it’s a really unhappy, cold, unloving home
I've thought that for years. Genuinely makes me sad to think how these children and thousands like them are affected already and what kind of adults and potentially parents they will make in the future.

I don't think it's ever been a home for spontaneous fun or acts of genuine love and affection providing confidence and security to their daughters but either they were better at covering it in the hey days or something has significantly changed. I think the fact the once cute pre schoolers have grown up is a significant factor.

Lee has made terrible misjudgements as a Father, some of them neglectful but used to appear to enjoy spending time with them in a way their Mother never has. There's probably a psychiatric term for a woman who thrives on the attention of pregnancy and early Motherhood to the extent Rebecca Meldrum demonstrated, the difference in her now is like chalk and cheese.

Social media has brought us Mothers wittering into their phones ignoring their children, making their children perform for the strangers invested online and the brands. Selling every inch of privacy as they go. Then there's the high risk of creeps saving and using their images. Tik Tok especially is full parents from every background with idiots that can hardly string a word together having a bloody opinion on anything going live from their manky living or bed rooms with children being neglected off to the side. 😡

No wonder society is the mess it's in.
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Just had a look, this thread is my favourite 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ surely literally everyone would figure out what happened or just edit it all over again rather than just say sod it and upload a messed up vlog 🤨
I'm always stunned when instagrammers are so rude to people asking them questions too. Its like you put yourself out there and want likes and engagement so don't then get arsey when people ask you questions!
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She definitely thinks he’s off on a jolly every two weeks! I mean to be fair, it probably is better than being Nanny McLee for frigid Binny but the guy’s done more work this year than she’s done in her life 🤷🏻‍♀️
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She's a miserable fucker. I'm not saying be all bright and beautiful 365 days a year but this mumping from Lee going away to coming back really is bloody grating. She really needs to give herself a bloody shake.

Their choice he's working offshore, their choice to have 3 kids, their choice to have a fecking big mortgage - build a bridge and bloody get over it Binny. Stop with the drip feeding about your child and 'stuff behind the scenes' and the bloody attention seeking sympathy posts. 🙄
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I felt for Lee watching that the first time - there’s nothing wrong with having a gender preference or being disappointed - I’ve been there - but she should have never have uploaded it onto the internet. There’s no doubt he loves P very much but she’ll see that one day if she hasn’t already

Now and if someone has the cat video 😂 that is pure entertainment
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Chatty Member
Alright ya bastards.. you need to caption this
🤣🤣🤣🤣 his smirk when he says “tough work” is completely taking the piss out of her and she doesn’t even see it. Completely checked out….he can’t stand her! 100% only with her for the kids. What exactly does she bring to his life apart from stress and misery??!!
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I’ve said along along that Poppy is on the spectrum. It’s went like this. School have called Meldrum in to talk about an Ed Psych appointment. Meldrum has clutched her pearls and said “Poppy isn’t on the spectrum she’s just overstimulated” 🙄. Meldrum has then decided one day off a week is some downtime for Poppy since she’s such a lazy shit and it works for her to do nothing everytime she’s overstimulated. Meldrum isn’t doing poor P any favours of that is what’s happened. Ignoring it won’t make it go away and there is NO shame with being on the spectrum. We are all a little bit on it in our own ways ❤ Children on the spectrum always exhibit behaviours at home or at school. That’s how we found out my daughter was autistic.
There is absolutely no shame on being on the spectrum at all, but we’re definitely not all on it - asd is a neurological condition so you either have it or you don’t 🙏🏼
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Seriously, Lee has just got home and she’s put him to work already. Two weeks he’s been gone, she has no job, no responsibilities other than the girls who pretty much bring themselves up anyway, her mother on her doorstep and still can’t cope without Lee there.

I’d honestly love her to do two weeks in the real world. My partner works away from home between 3-5 days a week, I look after two disabled children with high needs, run my own business, manage the house, the food shop, the cleaning etc like so many others on here and she just swans around in her own little Beggy Bubble with no clue how real life works.
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Her reel about the “perfect Saturday” I’ve honestly never known of a mother that spends less time with her children. They’re in school all week, shoved into activities after school, Lee has just come back from off shore yet the first weekend he’s back she wants a 3 hour walk by herself and a night out with the girls?? How about a family day out, spending a slow Saturday at home together watching movies, baking, playing games etc??

I have never known of a mother that wants to spend so much time on her own. The whole Poppy thing confuses me (if it’s true) because as a teacher schools don’t easily decide or agree to put a child on a reduced timetable. Its usually because the child has additional needs and is not coping with the school environment but it’s also usually after months of meetings between school and parents and there are also often other teams involved with the child. It’s not something that a parent just decides and then it’s arranged.

It could all be a lie and she could have just picked Poppy up early that day because she was poorly 🤷🏻‍♀️
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It’s ok, Tattlers. Beggy has a degree so she doesn’t need to acquire any new skills. Defensive much, Bex??!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 And sure, that Mickey Mouse degree from a million years ago, and before you spent the majority of your adult life so far sitting on your arse and flogging shite (as well as your kids’ privacy) on the internet, is going to be really useful if you find yourself needing to enter an actual workplace 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

ETA: I’ve not followed Beggy threads in yonks but having seen her latest blogs and spotting the strong chance of an almighty shitshow that’s going to unfold, I hauled myself back on here to chuckle along together. Oh how the might have fallen 🤣 🍿🤣🍿🤣🍿.
Thta response. 😂

What a cock.
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She’s actually as invested in her hair as most people are in their jobs 😂 wonder if it keeps her up at night. Can’t imagine how fucking boring she must be in real life, bleating on about the colour, tone, length, thickness of her bogging mullet.
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Wont be so smug when it’s her. Hey ho.
It was vile. Nasty piece of work taking the piss out of someone else's misery. She really is in for a sharp awakening when real life; death, divorce, serious illness impacts on them. Whether it's between them or close to them. She's absolutely clueless.
That podcast was just the pair of them once again sitting chatting shit. This time as soon as he got onshore so absolutely Nothing to speak about, it's embarrassing if they think that's at all interesting for others. Again no planning, just chatting drivel, Dubai, Dubai, Dubai. It was mainly about her, her needs, wants and feelings. They were SCRAPING for conversation, they barely comes across as a couple tbh. Hence the ask of her about any gossip from offshore, the pair of them are disgusting. I hope he gets bloody roasted by his colleagues offshore over that! He even walks off in the podcast declaring he needs the toilet and she carries on yapping. Wtf, he announces it! Stop recording for fucks sake, are they that unaware? Pair of muppets.
That front room. The decor is shite and that one sofa looks far too big for that room. Can you imagine when the second one arrives!
It's terrible. The shelving is too close together, the light stuck under the them is jarring. The gold mirror doesn't go. The gifted art, the attempt at the blue China theme just looks like clutter. The telly placement. The colours don't seem to go either but she filters everything so who'd know what it actually looked like. The room looks unbalanced, but then it's the same as the TV wall in the kitchen, it's jarring to look at. Again. interior design is completely off the mark.
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What’s in it for him… what a sad existence
He’s the type who thinks he’s gone up in the world by marrying into the cannon family. He’ll think he’s a better social class than the one he left, when we know that’s all smoke and mirrors, as in actual fact he married a girl who’s never worked a day in her life, and he still has a tramp stamp & RFC tattoo. He can suggest that social housing tenants couldn’t possibly go to the pub as there isn’t an affordable one, but I bet they all have boilers that aren’t dangerous.
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It will be the arrangement with school she is trying to make, had to play grown up while her ‘person’ was away. He’s on such a jammy rotation. We are three and three and because I work part time we have loads of time together when he’s home more than we ever would if he was out the house every day as by the time he got home it would be late. She always shows them off for lunches and alone time during the day. How much time together does she think they would have if he worked onshore. You would think he had been away months at a time. It feels like they just got back from holiday and he’s home again. Can’t hate listen to the podcast as her moaning will be off the scale for what is actually a really reasonable work life balance he has. He misses things but can also be there after school for three weeks out of five, not many full time workers can say that.
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