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Binny is a nasty, evil bitch! If P does have any behavioural problems, it's her mothers doing! She has openly encouraged the other two girls to berate and be nasty to P. Does anyone else remember her trapping P on the stairs between the top and bottom stairgate and laughing because P was crying? She left her in her cot for the majority of the day then moaned because she didn't sleep at night. We only see a "Snippet" of their days, god only knows what we don't see!
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Just here for a laugh

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The 'home schooling' of Poppy has been done so that she can't possibly get a job. Sounds like she's given up on it already. Now just does gardening and other fannying about. Not as easy as you thought, eh Binny? I bet there's been some arguments over it. I can't believe that she'd rather sell the house to make ends meet than get a job. Self-entitled little madam. It'll all come back to bite her on the bum, I'm sure of it. Poppy's 'issues' has got to be some sort of karma??
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Chatty Member
God I’m so sick of these lazy entitled instatwats like Meldrum and Beggy Hobson/Lamb/Cuntchops and Brummymumnyof2( to name just a few!) who harp on about how busy they are and sobbing.
Ffs get a fucking grip. None of them have a job. It’s a hobby that pays. All of them without exception are unbelievably lazy and do the absolute bare minimum with everything and then have the fucking audacity to say they’re struggling cos they feel overwhelmed/are so busy etc etc.
Busy?? Busy?? They all need to go look up the definition in the bloody OED.
I’m in my 50’s, have 2 part time jobs, one teenager at home, 2 grown up kids and grandkids and I would never have the nerve to come on and complain about feeling overwhelmed or crying to a bunch of strangers.
Fuck me I’m not living in a war zone terrified my kids and I could die at any minute, or worrying about feeding my kids or having the threat of being made homeless cos I cannot afford the rent anymore, or knowing i won’t see my kids grow up because I have terminal illness. All of these things many people face every single fucking day and Beggy Meldrum, Cuntchops Hobson and the rest of them need to get a fucking grip and take their heads out of the arses for 5 mins and actually SEE what is going on in the REAL world and not the fucking fantasy of lies they all live in.
😡😡😡Utter fucking Morons and Meldrum is one of the worst- spoiled lazy bitch.
yes yes and yes
You’ve summed it up perfectly

it’s actually revolting how awful she is

Her perspective is fucked because she doesn’t live in the real world

I see it like this…
You were woken up with tea and breakfast in bed by your 3 beautiful daughters, in your safe, warm (I know debatable) house, food in the fridge and no worries for the day
What exactly is the problem?

your youngest child is perhaps not as subdued as the other two princesses? Perhaps she doesn’t put up with your shit?
from what we all saw as she grew up, she never once showed any signs of being anything but a lively energetic outgoing girl who needs some actual stimulation and not just a book shoved in her face. So no I don’t buy the narrative she is peddling. She’s a calculated bitch who will be making shit up for a reason.
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awake in early hours being a jealous bitch
View attachment 2804070
The passive aggressive vibes are making me faint from this one.

She is overflowing with jealousy and can't even keep it to herself :ROFLMAO: . It's the 'I was too busy ferrying the kids around....' line that I can't get over, as if she has it harder than everyone else. Rebegga definitely has narcissistic tendencies.
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Lee is home for multiple weeks every summer holidays. It’s actually EASIER for him to have holidays booked in school hols; not to mention spend quality time with his kids all through the year, as opposed to an hour at the arse end of each day.
EXACTLY. Only 1 parent works and he's on rotation so not even having to put in the traditional 'annual leave request' to work in with other colleagues, seasonal demands or company projects. No clambering with other parent colleagues all wanting the school holidays. There's absolutely NO reason for them taking children out of school. None.

Apart from they are miserable fuckers trying to look flash with the cash. Healthy wealthy couldn't be farther from the truth.

Who sells stained clothing on vinted and gifted tat on Facebook if they are loaded? I rest my case.
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This comment!! Guess what Beggy, you can get a job that suits school hours yanno! I did a 10-2 job when my youngest started school. I worked five days a week, TTO. I got sick pay, pension, actual adult chat and a sense of purpose. And guess what, you can take some of the financial burden off the shoulders of your husband. Ask Lee what he thinks eh?!
And what does she think the rest of the women in the world do who have children 😂

Granted I’ve worked some obscure hours over the years due to my career but that was by choice but there are plenty of jobs that work around school hours.. I mean she could literally work in the school as a dinner lady if she wanted

Although it’s a well documented fact her kids are in after school club and she doesn’t do the school run till almost 5 I’m not sure what she means by being there for the kids after school 🙄
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It didn't even look like she involved Poppy I'm the seed planting which could have been a good oppurtunity to learn about how plants grow.
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I though she meant Lee. Maybe beggy could be left at home and all the kids go out with Lee
They'd be better off doing that tbh. Don't see why he doesn't, she works so hard solo parenting when he's away so she deserves a break and some me time. I don't know how she manages, busy Mum of 3 trying to do it all. Keeping the perfect house, a beautiful garden, having a wide circle of friends always inviting her out, family that need her support, she even volunteers! How she manages always to shop and feed the family so well with tasty freshly made food daily I'll never know. I haven't even touched on the busy career, podcasts, vlogging, personal appearances. What a crazy busy life. I couldn't do it.

The least Lee could do is get off his ginger freckled ass, pull his finger out and show his babe of a wife some appreciation.
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Phil I Buster

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Alright ya bastards.. you need to caption this
Look up Admiral Jeremiah Denton, a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

“While answering questions and feigning trouble with the blinding television lights, Denton blinked his eyes in Morse code, spelling the word "T-O-R-T-U-R-E"—and confirming for the first time to U.S. Naval Intelligence that American POWs were being tortured.”

Lee…. Blink if you need help.
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Honestly, binny, if you read this, most mums work. Some full time, some part time, most then get back from work, do all the washing, all the cleaning, help with kids homework, take them to clubs, try and fit in the gym, we dont have time to make reels or go to jazz. Honestly get a grip. Do better.
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Chatty Member
Thats about 50 "overwear" garments between jumpers, fleeces, cardigans etc. That is absolutely ridiculous and I would be embarrassed to share that with the wider world.
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He's been away 2 weeks not 2 months and the first thing they do is record a podcast of Binny whining how tough she's had it. What a turn off!

This family need a serious wake up call
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"I didn't think I would ever be the sort of person that didn't follow the social norms when it came to education." But has said on multiple occasions she doesn't care about their education, taking them out of school several times a year and not doing the set work during lockdowns.
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