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VIP Member
If she hates the school holidays so much and the Uk weather isn’t playing ball, she should dip into her ice cream pennies and take her kids on holiday during the actual holiday& not in term time - then she would have sunshine & not have to keep the kids amused when they have 2 weeks off school!
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Still no gloves whilst gardening?!
I would say it’s sad to see someone’s fall from grace, but in her case it isn’t. She’s a racist, selfish woman who looks down on those around her - those who work hard, her sheep and anyone in a lesser postcode - because she thinks she’s better than everyone else. What can she say she has achieved in her life? Apart from
Motherhood which she hates, she’s done nothing. She exists off others money and hard work.
She can look down on people all she wants but she might well remember she’s married to a Torry chav with a RFC tattoo and a tramp stamp 😂 I’ll take my postcode any day over here at least my family like me 😂
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Hahaha what is that bitter rant all about! Was she even invited?
Imagine being a grown adult woman and posting a story like that “DIDNT WANNA GO ANYWAY, HAVING WAY MORE FUN AT HOME!!”

You sad twat. She’s so jealous and bitter about everything it’s what emanates through her pores.
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Can never forget how they moved into a new home and then the 4 of them left her straight away to go to Disneyland Paris. That's bound to have an effect.
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The cynic in me thinks the homeschooling is for either or both of these reasons as it’s certainly not for her to spend more time with her child.
- to stop her having to get a job which Lee has possibly brought up.
- to demonstrate to social security Scotland that Poppy has additional needs so that she can claim Child Disability Payment which is based on care needs and not a diagnosis
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“Family life, banter & what’s going on in our daily lives”
If you have to tell people you’ve got banter, then you haven’t got banter. Would rather gently guide my dad into my mum than than listen to that drivel
I tried twice and had to give up!

just to clarify I’m talking about the podcast, not the guiding of Father into Mother because that would be weird as they haven’t spoken in 35 years
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Chatty Member
“Happy Mother’s Day to you…if you have a mum that you celebrate it with or are a mum” - what a slap in the face to anyone who can’t conceive or their own mum has passed away. She has a platform to apparently over 100K, is she incapable of thinking before she speaks?
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Rebecca: Mrs Meldrum will haunt me forever.

Forever: Until I need you peasants to give me money
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The podcast 😱

Struggling for words.

Erm, it’s worse than normal. And that’s a low bar.

Highlights for me:
She doesn’t whinge
Kids suck the life from her
She’s walked a bazillion kilometres
Wants to go to Dubai again
Lee farted
They’re going shopping for compost

I just don’t know how she can put this out in the world and not realise how embarrassingly awful it is.
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"Normally I'm not a whinge." Have you met yourself, Beggy? She has zero self awareness. Proceeds to whinge for the whole podcast.

She has everything she has wanted and begged for. Lives in the house and area she insisted on. The kids she wanted for YouTube money. Doesn't work because she doesn't want to. All the holidays she wants. Chums who seem to put up with her shit. All the free time she wants. Buys herself what she wants when she wants it. And a Temu diamond. But is utterly ungrateful and miserable. But it must be SAD of course. She says she has it but says she doesn't know what it is.
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She is such a joke. She is always posting these challenges and then gives up by day 3! Why do it?! Why not just set a routine of exercising 3 times a week and walking the dog daily and calorie counting so she knows if she's in a deficit or not? Not rocket science but actually an achievable target.

She has 3 kids at school at least 4 days a week and has no job. She has all the time in the world to actually set up an achievable fitness routine but she is lazy. That's what it all comes down to. Laziness.

Youtube only uploads irregularly- Laziness.
Never does housework til Lee is about to come home- laziness.
Can't stick to any fitness routine - laziness.
Hasn't got a job- laziness.
Has terrible diet- laziness.

Everything about her life comes down to one thing- laziness.
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Binny could definitely have recovered if she'd apologised, demonstrated growth and was a more likeable person. Instead, she didn't, she hasn't and she isn't.

Even before lift gate, there were signs she was an unappreciative, spoilt little Madam who had no respect for the followers that ultimately had given the lifestyle they lived. I say that as a former devoted sheep that hung on far too long. The doxxing and sending in of her flying monkeys was appalling. Even without lift gate her personality and attitude was going to be her downfall. Always.

The stompy sulking and bad attitude to 'turning up' when the Meldrums channel become successful, the entitlement, the lying and deception always claiming troll every time she was questioned. The stuck up little Madam and her snobbery (now it's hilarious as she's nothing to feel superior about). This is the woman who lost her self respect years ago. She has an appalling lack of sensitivity around filming in her house given its notoriety; she threw dirty nappies out of a bedroom window, sells stained clothing on vinted and has an inner rage and jealousy still within her as we saw last night.

She could have recovered. But ultimately she never thought she was in the wrong and still doesn't. She'll never recover now. The world has moved on, no one is interested in funding the little mammas on line anymore. Has she changed with the times? Nah, she's still the same as she ever was. Just the gifted shit and high income has dried up, bit like her career.
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Crying at how much he clearly hates that dog 🤣 what a shit life. He misses out on a chunk of his kids lives working offshore just so spoilt twat beggy gets everything she wants (and is still miserable as sin)
SHE wanted the dog
SHE wanted the third content child
SHE wanted the bigger house

He’s the worst for actually enabling her behaviour. I find it HILARIOUS that she clearly thinks the podcast will be a stream of income so she doesn’t have to work 😂 what an absolute crock of shite.

She’s gives me the rage, she’s one of those people that could have absolutely everything and still be miserable as sin.

My husband and I both work full time, he owns a construction company, I head up a HR dept, we have two children, and juggle like fuck but we’re so happy. She has a cushy life and will still find any excuse to moan. Sucks to be her!
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Why does she have to do all these ridiculous 70 days of exercise?
She doesn’t work so could easily manage to get a proper routine going with exercising a few times a week straight after the school run & just make it part of her life instead of all these nonsense hard75 or whatever carry on she does
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Well-known member
Since she loves jazzercise so much why can't she train to teach it? Flexible around school hours as well.

I do feel for her husband its a LOT of pressure.
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How is this different to her normal life though? She says she walks miles with the dog every day, and goes to jazzercise several times a week. Is this the fitness version of adding ‘made my bed’ to her to do list to make it seem like she does lots?!

Blows my mind that somebody with so much free time finds it so hard to do the fundamental basics that working mums do every day.
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