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Bloody hell the way she's going on about fat king Henry you'd think a relative was going in for major surgery! Talk about milking the sympathy 🙄
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I’m sorry but I don’t understand why jamie/Ma barker are enabling this freak show to go on.
Lying down with the dog when you’ve never shown your self doing it with your baby son.
That whole family (the ones we see) are just as mental as her.

when she says “please jamie take a pic with me with the dog and put it on your insta”
That’s the time to say no! Enough a enough!
That’s what true love is.
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Bob Jones

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This is a survey about Mrs Hinch and influencer marketing and p&g
Only takes 2 mins to rip the concept to shreds. Thought people might be interested
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Chatty Member
The way the baby looks at her is heartbreaking, I would hate it if my baby didn't even smile or look at me in love, he just looks at her like shes a stranger, he was smiling at Jamie, it's awful. Poor boy.
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“Not being dramatic.....I would die for [her] dog”???? No. Not dramatic at fucking half-witted, looney-fied, cockwomble! What the fuck is wrong with people?!!!
I’ve got a load of hinchers going off at me on Facebook because I called the pic of her laying on the floor dramatic
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Chatty Member
So her sofa was sitting outside complete with cushions still on when she knew there was a huge storm coming!
Is she simple? You dont leave those cushions out all year round. They might be shower proof but they arent winter proof.

Watch out for the gifted garden furniture coming from her garden centre soon

Here you can see it while she was cleaning the inside step or thinking of turning it grey
Absolute joke isn’t she. Such a fucking liar and a beg. I can totally imagine her going all “Arthur Fowler” on it and smacking it and then growling as she lifts it and smacks it down like a fucked up giant haystacks. Bet the little village of Maldon felt the tremors when she smashed that table off the deck. With it being such a small community village. Absolutely the queerest behaviour I ever have witnessed.
Bet it’s radio silence all day today and then bosh “hiii guyyyzzzz hope you’ve all had a lovely day”. Running out of things to say about her so I’ll continue with my very intellectual theme of fuck off.
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How sneaky is she now marking things as gifted by using those curly brackets. {NOT CLEAR}

In those two pictures today, there is £2039.99 (break down below) of gifted shit and that's without the wallpaper & carpet. She should surely be making that crystal clear?

Mirror - £400.00
Table - £1049.00
Tissue Box - £52.24 (Price at the time it was gifted - no longer in stock)
Drawers - £449.00
Wall Letters - £59.75
Lamp - £30.00
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Peggy Lee

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How quickly do you think her garden furniture will be replaced ? # kindly gifted , such a terrible day she has had and so worried about ?Henry , meanwhile in Australia death and destruction by fire , how would this woman would cope if she ever had to face real tragedy ? Our newspapers are full of shock horror at Harrys latest doings but barely a mention if the devastation around the Globe caused by various natural disasters , they also manage to tell us about celebrities and influencers what does this tell us about society and what people are interested in ? when the very real suffering of our fellow humans is less newsworthy than a married couple who want to do as they please rather than what their family tells them they can do 🤷‍♀️
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This bitch has lost her everlovin mind!! Is she for real? Fuck sake I know I’m a crazy dog mom.. but this show she put on today... the fuck?! My 12 year old pit bull had cancer (he was 10 then) he had a 4.5 hour surgery removing the leg tumor then had a lobe removed from his lung.. I thought I was a mess at the hospital, waiting until he was out of surgery. Did I lay on the floor wailing and making a scene while there? No. Did I post pictures and captions every 5 mins? No. He was in the ICU for 5 days after and yes it was scary as hell and awful and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.. but bitch please your dog went in for teeth cleaning. Get a goddamn grip you lunatic!
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Getting back to Hinch and not geography cos I ain’t got time to read an entire thread every 12 hours lol, it’s come to my thinking that Hinch will love that she’s nearing thread #100. My worry is we’re all feeding her ego. As annoying as she is and as much as I could sit and go on about how she irritates the life out me all day every day, I don’t want to fuel her ego or make her think she’s so important. After all she’s no idea how she got 3 millions followers guyzzzzz. Ffs. KMN
Very true, maybe that’s what the snow machine was bought/gifted for. For her 100th tattle thread lol
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Chatty Member
You can't really expect a child raised in a home where nobody cooks daily and their idea of a meal is two mugshots in a jug, go be healthy. She already had him on hungry baby formula for months when he probably didn't really need it.
I’m so behind but I did breastfeeding training and they mentioned that babies don’t need hungry baby or follow on milk. It’s just another marketing way for these company’s to make money! So no he didn’t need to be on it. If your child is hungry give them more milk!
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I’m probably going to get slated for this but I don’t see the harm in her laying on the floor with Henry, I have two cocker spaniels and I quite often lay on the floor with them and play and give them a fuss. One of my dogs is forever in the wars and has had numerous eye surgeries and I slept downstairs with him afterwards because he was so groggy and was obviously in a lot of pain (he was only about 15 weeks old) my dogs are my life so I get where she’s coming from. I do agree that Henry is overweight he gets far too many treats and he needs to be out for proper walks during the day not just let out in the garden cocker spaniels are so energetic they need to let off a lot of steam
For me I think the issue is that she's laying on the floor with him for a picture for the gram. For attention for herself. That's why the whole start to finish vet trip was documented, with her hamming up the drama. He went in for something very routine, she could have just taken him and mentioned nothing. But instead we had the full build up, shots of his personalised teddy, being hand fed at home, her laying on the floor with him - all being filmed for the gram. If she was as concerned as she tried to portray, surely making sure you get good shots in for your stories wouldn't be a priority 🤔
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FFS. ‘Ronnie Bless Him’ has had me in stitches every time I’ve read it and now ‘fat fucker’ :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Surely she didn’t actually think that she was going to be able to sit and wait for Henry?? As if the vets don’t have other poor bloody animals to attend to as well. I bet they had a good old laugh when she left though.
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