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Bet ‘handsnomes’ has had a lovely morning/afternoon away from her, poor fucker will hear her voice and check himself back in for an overnight stay
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Where the fuck is Ronnie Bless Him? Why are you sitting in the fucking floor with your dog and his blanket? You have totally lost your grip on fucking reality if you plan on sitting arsing about with his paw all fucking night! I was in a bad mood because of you this morning but it's worse now! You're beyond anything that is remotely normal! I hope Henry fucking bites you!😠
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It might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think she’s as obsessed with Henry as she makes out, think it’s all a complete act! a lot of people said the dog would be pushed out when Ronnie arrived and this is her way of proving them wrong, like ‘look at me, I still give my dog attention’
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On the video of Ronnie in the bath, he goes to reach for his watering can and she just has to get her grabby hands in to get it away 😬 how does she expect that poor child to ever learn anything when she just won't let him 😖
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1. Does she really wash 6 baby grows alone?! Ah I forgot cos it's on 30 it's ok.
2. Why does she sound pissed off at Onslow for the sun being too bright?!
3. Nice little flash of a Sophie and Stacey mug there. Weren't sure how to get it into a story then Soph?
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I’m not an animal lover at all. I sympathise with family and friends when they lose pets or pets are really poorly!

Sorry but this is ridiculous he had his teeth cleaned, you do not need to sit with him 😂🤣
Good job Ronnie has dad at home is all I can say!

She has no clue AT ALL!!!
Some people have working husbands children and a house and a SICK animal to care for!
Some even have SICK children to care for and I do not mean a cold or bug!

She has pissed me off!!!!
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I think today was all a ruse to cover up the real reason for Henry’s trip to the vets.

I am reliably informed, the actual purpose was, to undertake DNA testing after concerns were raised that Henry and Ronnie aren’t possibly real brothers.
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So what hinch is trying to tell us is that the large heavy table with a glass top blew over!! Yet the wooden bird feeder in the corner hasn't budged an inch.......F#@ off hinch, you nothing but pathetic liar who's after a new gifted garden set. Go and buy yourself a new one you greedy cow.
Hinch is the perfect example of what is wrong with society today, she thinks the world owes her a favour and wants everything handed to her on a plate.
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Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a while and you guys are hilarious. Deadsnomes had me in pieces 😂 Ive followed Hinch for a while but honestly I never understood why so many people loved her so much????? Did no one clean before her ?? Idk. She really bugged me today about her dog being at the vets so over dramatic. Reading through all these threads has also made me realise just how clever she is, she knows exactly what she is doing. I will keep reading in the back ground, i love catching up on my work breaks but jeez you guys are fast !!! All the best xxxx
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Chatty Member
I’m really sad for Ronnie, why doesn’t she lay on the floor like that with him? I know we only see snippets but I’m sure jamie would post more pictures of them together if they actually were!

I had such bad PND with mine for the first 6 months of his life that a year later when I look back on that dark time I Can’t actually remember any of it! Make the most of him being this small because it won’t last forever!
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Please tell me she hasn’t made a whole song and dance about Ronnie having so much stuff she’s giving his clothes away for the poor boy to be dressed in pants that are too small 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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Fuck right off, laying on the floor like that, Jamie if you are reading this, your wife is crazy!!
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Chatty Member
I couldn’t be arsed to read the last 12 pages of us all saying where we live, so I’m just gonna say what a fucking drama queen!!!!
It’s horrible when your pet has to have anaesthetic, but Christ she milked that for all it was worth. Soph, he had his teeth done. There’s fuck all wrong with the chubby little bastard.
My cat was hit by a car last year. Have you had to take your pet to an emergency vet, Soph? Have they taken one look and recommended euthanasia? Have you thanked everyone of the gods that you have pet insurance cos all the surgeries and vet care came to almost £4,000? Have you bollocks!
You don’t know what a stressful time at the vet is. Oh, and I can guarantee he didn’t give two shiny shites about his teddy either 🙄
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