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Swedish chef

VIP Member
Nothing, I wasn't referring to being ND, I was replying to someone else who said that the amount of children with both physical and mental health problems was frightening, as in a higher number than you'd expect. No offence meant to anyone.
None taken, carry on hens
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With respect, this is all absolute rubbish. Autism may be a spectrum and a diagnosis looks at a range of factors, these are reaching. You're putting a diagnosis on normal behaviours, this is becoming such a common thing now and it's infuriating. We need to stop medicalising absolutely every little personality trait.

1. By this logic, everyone can be deemed autistic as long as they have a "special interest" in something.
2. Again, is every hun who has this colour scheme now autistic? What evidence do you have that this is a "sensory aversion to colour"?
3. Permanent anxiety that is put on for the Gram. Influencer "anxiety" always follows similar rules, they play up to it for relatability.
4. Also relatively common. Again, you're applying a label to something that happens in a lot of families. I know it gets questioned a lot on here, but family members chipping in to help with childcare isn't unusual.
5. More common behaviour amongst influencers being labelled.
6. Probably the only trait I actually could take seriously. Still doesn't make her autistic.
7. I'm getting bored of repeating myself here. She clearly has a select group friends, let's not pretend here.
8. Again, a fair one but genetics is complex. Having an autistic child doesn't automatically mean a parent is definitely autistic.
With respect, you are going through each of the points as if they are in isolation. None of these points on their own make a person Autistic, but if a person has several, it's a pattern. I am not qualified to diagnose her but equally you are not qualified to dispute her diagnosis.
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I'm also worried about the waiting lists now. There's a strong genetic basis in my family paternal side pretty much are all autistic with diagnosis . It still took ages on the waiting list luckily she's had it in primary school.
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You know what this is gonna do... cause a flurry of people thinking that's it I'm autistic too and asking to be put on the pathway for asd diagnosis. Causing a crippled system to become more crippled . I have two autistic children and care full time for my autistic brother I know deep down I am autistic too. I won't get diagnosed because it won't bring me anything my life is what it is.

What I care about is that I had to pay private for one of my children's diagnosis after being kicked out of two schools . Having to drive around the country finding her adhd meds because of a national shortage one of the reasons for this shortage is an influx of people getting diagnosed. So Hinch go fuck yourself
I've been struggling to get a diagnosis for suspected ADHD and autism for years now but I work in pharmacy and I've seen tons of private prescriptions for stimulant meds come in. I've watched a Panorama on the increasing private clinics for ADHD and they're over diagnosing the condition and making the situation worse for med shortages.I feel your pain for your daughter.
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I never ever comment on these Hinch threads as I unfollowed her years ago and the sight of her gives me rage. however something is driving me MAD and I need an answer. Back in 2018/2019 when she was up and comimg
There was an account on insta who hated her and used to share more normal person cleaning etc, she was a younger girl, partner was a plasterer so she was always cleaning the shower etc. what was her bloody name?!
Meg Potts aka abitofmeg

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Well-known member
I never ever comment on these Hinch threads as I unfollowed her years ago and the sight of her gives me rage. however something is driving me MAD and I need an answer. Back in 2018/2019 when she was up and comimg
There was an account on insta who hated her and used to share more normal person cleaning etc, she was a younger girl, partner was a plasterer so she was always cleaning the shower etc. what was her bloody name?!
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Right - I'm sure it's been debated 100 times here already but I will just add and conclude my take on this. WHETHER she IS indeed autistic or NOT, is absolutely IRRELEVANT.

None of us can make a diagnosis (or maybe some of us huns are actually medically qualified but still, none of us tested her). The majority of us believe she is a narc, and as @Danielle0120 correctly pointed out, she is more likely to be diagnosed with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

None of this shite changes the fact that she is a manipulative whore, an incredibly deceiving cow, a money and fame obsessed bitch, and above all a terrible mother who uses her children for attention, cash and self pity.

Last time I checked, the above do not qualify as autism traits so let's not be fooled by her last attempt to justify her lack of basic humanity towards her children and as she likes to define them herself 'her followers'.

I know it sounded OTT when @katesbess mentioned rapists and murderers but she was right - being diagnosed with any form of mental or physical condition does NOT justify any wrong doings. Like when Oscar Pistorius allegedly shot his gf in the bathroom because his legal team decided to go for the phobia he had of buglers does not justify his actions.

She took that route for a very specific reason and debating whether or not she is autistic, in my opinion, is absolutely irrelevant.

She and her team made a very conscious decision to name the child about it and I can guarantee you 100% this is a commercial decision.

She or they, very specifically decided to drop that and then keep quiet until they deem it ok to make an online appearance - to then promote or announce something. It is emotional manipulation.

Click on the link below for a discounted subscription if you want more info and please remember to subscribe to my channel so we can help millionz of people

Spot on. It would be unlikely she’d get a NPD diagnosis as she’d have to willingly go in to get one.
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Simply, she's made about 1.2 1.4 million between end March 2022 and beginning April 2023. Last of the Tesco contract, TV appearances on SSS show and the Farm book deal. Since the financial year end, everything she's hinted seems to have fallen through, meaning the accounts published next year will be very interesting.

Also, re employees.
Unless she has employed them as actual employees of Mrs Hinch the business, they won't be "on the books" per say.
If she is employing them casually as a nanny/cleaner then it will come out of the salary she pays herself from her profit. She's not spending her business cash, without withdrawing it as a dividend (like she did for the house), as the figure would go down significantly and the money she is spending wouldn't be classed as at hand/in bank. That's the business account cash, not her personal money.

That's assuming she pays herself a salary as director.
So in s
Simply, she's made about 1.2 1.4 million between end March 2022 and beginning April 2023. Last of the Tesco contract, TV appearances on SSS show and the Farm book deal. Since the financial year end, everything she's hinted seems to have fallen through, meaning the accounts published next year will be very interesting.

Also, re employees.
Unless she has employed them as actual employees of Mrs Hinch the business, they won't be "on the books" per say.
If she is employing them casually as a nanny/cleaner then it will come out of the salary she pays herself from her profit. She's not spending her business cash, without withdrawing it as a dividend (like she did for the house), as the figure would go down significantly and the money she is spending wouldn't be classed as at hand/in bank. That's the business account cash, not her personal money.

That's assuming she pays herself a salary as director.
Simple terms, as this year's been crap, do you think she's got enough to pay 4 wages and the upkeep of that house etc🤔
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Active member
And reversing videos to make it appear his fine motor skills were more advanced than they were at the time, and Inch holding him upright so it appeared like her could stand when he couldn’t. No ND is going to excuse that behaviour from you Hinch, you are still disgraceful.

Went off Makeup BFF a while ago. As soon as they see the £££s they all change for the worse
Omg yes I forgot about this! So sad :(
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