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It's her sureness of herself, for me, that she thinks she can constantly vanish for days on end, (and upload nothing but smelly camels and the dullard robot twins that no one wants to see when she does make an appearance) that she thinks it won't harm her dying "career".
You have to be uploading creative new content everyday, or other people will snatch your spot (ahem, Trollomon)
At this point I'm convinced she's realised she can't compete and has given up trying.
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Cassy Role

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How long has she spent putting Christmas decs up?? Talk about dragging it out. Why does she think anyone is interested?? I’m not a humbug by any means. Me and mine love Christmas but all this time spent to have them up for a few weeks? Literally no one else who works and or has kids would be able to spend so much time on it. Her all over though. Christmas = Stuff, stuff and more stuff.

Also, the imposter syndrome is because she’s not earned that house. It’ll never go away until the day she’s booted back to grey skull and her main road house with a big garden is just a distant memory.
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Oh god, “book” number 2 is going to be some shite about “The Hinch Bros (Ron, Len n Hen) or “It’s good to be different” shite alluding to Ron’s journey/diagnosis (for fuck knows what).

What she SHOULD do is write a book called “The mysterious disappearance of Len’s curls” 😂😂
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I suffered with depression and anxiety 7 years ago and have been on antidepressants ever since (brilliant btw) let me tell you, if she was anxious or depressed she wouldn’t be getting out of bed for weeks and certainly wouldn’t be putting on makeup, decorating trees, staircases, making shitty Christmas gift bags and all the other crap she portends to do 🤬 Sophie you ain’t got a clue!!!
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The ONLY reason she put that story up is to fish for compliments as usual so she can go finger herself over them while looking and eyefucking herself in the mirror.
She fucking loves herself! She is full of herself day in day out, posting pics of her sat in her cupboard pouting at camera, wearing skintight catsuits pretending to be scary spice, squatting in tight leggings with her arse towards the camera while 'cleaning' fuck off..with your tend insecurity.
Well after having kids I've struggled to lose 2 stone on and off. It yoyos but you know what, I don't care about being sexy, I'd rather my son has memories of us having fun, not his mum sat in cupboard ignoring him while doing makeup and eyefucking herself to RnB music trying to cling onto her younger days! 😅
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So Hinch goes out all day, comes home and ignores her actual human child to lay on the floor and cuddle the dog?
I go out all day everyday because I have an actual job and work for a living but when I get home my dogs are both so pleased to see me that they come straight over to sit with me on the sofa. The fact that she is having to be the one approaching Henry and having to sit on the floor with him in order to cuddle him makes me think it’s all bollocks. If Henry wanted cuddles he would come to you!! Stop forcing your agenda on every living thing in that house!
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I sincerely hope Instagram shuts down and all these influencers have to get a real job and actually participate in real life. So out of touch with everything. She's not worrying about bills, Christmas, house repairs just mucking about with Christmas decorations and feeding some bloody chickens
The thing is, I actually think she is worrying about all of these things. And that’s why she’s at silly o’clock most mornings posting stupid quotes on her story. Her contract amount has drastically dropped… you see her promoting next to nothing these days. Other than that Desenio print company (sorry if spelt incorrectly), Popsa and a few make up companies and Shark. She doesn’t get invited to cleaning events anymore, there’s nothing new, nothing exciting. I really think her income is rapidly decreasing, as is her popularity, and her engagement on Instagram. That’s why she’s buying so many bots. I’m not a fan of SSS but she is absolutely smashing it out the park in comparison to Sopha. She’s the one that’s stolen all the contracts that Hinch would have got a look in for, before. Now they go straight to her bessie mate Stacey. She’s the ultimate troll 🤣. But yeah, my opinion is she is beginning to worry about her money. She may have a lot in the bank still but it’ll be nothing compared to what it once was / what it could have been if she didn’t buy Not a Farm. And if the money isn’t rolling in, savings soon get spent. X
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Trollomon is following Norwegian air line. I reckon a trip to Norway a La Lapland incoming for her clan.
Hinch won’t be going anywhere. She’s got no content.
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So did sopha buy a new bowl especially for lons new hair cut or did she finally find a use for the wonky mug?
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How can someone who posts so randomly and then post the some boring content on repeat gain 10k followers in a month 🥴🥴
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OMG this is hilarious! You are right where you’re meant to be Hun…On the way out 🤗
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Is Monday now a day off? First it was Thursday, then Tuesday, recently she’s also needed to take the weekend to go out be with the boyssss. But now it’s Monday. Does she ever “work”?

It’s more consistent than her traditions!

The amount she spends on bots is obscene. Do you think her goal is 5m before she bows out? What a waste of money.
It's gonna take her a while to get to 5m 🤭 Happy Monday everyone 😄


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Seems even the “fans” aren’t pleased anymore, years ago that would already have a hundred comments defending her, which way will this go? Huns jumping to her defence or people agreeing saying how she has changed? I know what my money is on
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I bet she took her pencil case of highlighters to that big meeting and her packed luncccchhh

Fucking wet wipe. Career my arse
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I'm actually so disappointed that we'll never know what became of her going it alone with a home range. She was so sure of it, or she wouldn't have posted about it. And then nothing. It's going to eat away at me.
Be patient little Pumpkin, like the mystery of the non existent animals (the Great Sheep Denial of 2023), all things come to light eventually. And I guarantee there won't be enough crunky snacks, cokes or tranq darts to go around after the fall out 😂
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She'll be up having tummy shivers over the lack of likes and interaction for the shit tree. Probably running herself a cool barrrrf as we speak.
Tomorrow it will be a photo of the 3 camels lined up for the billionth time, with her informing us that rainy weather is her favourite!
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I don’t know about you guys but I’ve never lost something I didn’t have in the first place.

She was never sexy. Never. She was never sain either, nor honest, humble, kind, fair, sweet, hard working, classy, tasteful, intelligent, active, curious etc etc the list goes on.

The traits I’d give her are : dull, ambitious, narcissistic, selfish, manipulative, lazy, deluded and above all - cunty.

Im fanku.
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VIP Member
I'm actually so disappointed that we'll never know what became of her going it alone with a home range. She was so sure of it, or she wouldn't have posted about it. And then nothing. It's going to eat away at me.
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