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I hope rons teacher sees that video and pulls her to the side and tells her she shouldn't be filming him while he's doing his homework. She's not fully focused on helping him as she has that damn phone in her hand. She should be giving him 100% of her attention not filming him. I know the teachers at my 6 year olds toddlers and the school I work at would say something (I don't work at my kids school) she's absolutely shit as a mother it riles me up
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@Wize Owl recap is just....chiefs kiss!

But I do have to ask....who's living at Greyskull again? And is it true that her and SSS have fallen out because she's pregnant with a baby girl, and SSS is the only one allowed to birth girls?
I don't know about that but I'm still not sure if that was a parcel on her dads hospital table
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Is that the
New golden girl in the brown patterned dress🤔
Looks like Poppybelles has sold her company , wonder if the new owners will lick Hinchs arse as much
Looks like Poppybelles has sold her company , wonder if the new owners will lick Hinchs arse as much
Looks like Poppybelles has sold her company , wonder if the new owners will lick Hinchs arse as much
Looks like Poppybelles has sold her company , wonder if the new owners will lick Hinchs arse as much
You can say that again 🤣
She’s off so much, she could be anywhere. Next week might be half term so that is probably “Centre Parks”

Giggling in the office saying that it needed to sound like a 5 year old had written it 😂😂

As if Len has the language and comic timing to do that 😂😂

She didn’t acknowledge it at all.
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They are opening the doors…no sign of her with the other invited Huns. The only one who looked vaguely like her, is this one in grey.
She won’t be there as she’ll not have her tend bestie to hold her hand
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Go on Mr and Mrs grinchliffe. Do tell us wha tyou no about the Israeli war. Do tell us what has happened. Not what you've seen on molly mae post or daily fail. PLease🙏 do enlighten me what they have previously done to Palestinian woman and the bombing came about,who the hamas are(clue it's not a type of cheese).and also what a jew is and how they are involved and the previouse years conflict? ✡ will be up on her bloody wall via a projector tonight.
Bloody cretin. Grief tourist. Jump on anything wont she. Simply because she seen posts on her minions pages.
although I was expecting. "Holding my babies tight ( with a pic of her the dog and flooooooofffs) or I no what it's like to almost lose a child via a motorbike! I'm with you giyyys.
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She did not just mop the floor then use the same mop to do the benches did she 🤦🏻‍♀️😩 absolutely disgusting
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We are such foolish nusty trolls…. OF COURSE Lon doesn’t know the 3 little pigs from a book (read aloud to him by his mum who is a published author don’t ya know)
It’s from a CARTOON.
Mom of the year there that one 😂
Also does he not need to be in bed yet?!
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For everyone like hinch and the other instacunts ✌
Lol. I don't agree with everything Hopkins say but she hit the nail on the head with this one. Made me howl!
Nobody really knows. There have been some veiled quote posts but they seem to be back commenting on each other's content. My suspicion is that they were useful to each other and now Stacey is more popular, and got her longed for girls, she's left Hinch in the dirt. They are both grifters, and seems like they are now competition to one another, doing very similar content, only Stacey has the brand deals and Hinch has lost most of hers...
Yeah agree but I think she was persuaded to leave Gleam and go to YMU with big promises. But the real reason was because she was competition for one of YMUs brightest stars, Stacey, and they encouraged her to join them simply to pop her in a box and let Stacey fly ahead without competition. Which has happened. Hinch now has no brand deals whereas Stacey has ranges, deals and TV work coming out of her ears.
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Swedish chef

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SSS and sticker sister put out a statement last night and I can understand because they are of Jewish descent why this is so devastating for them but what the fuck has it go to do with Hunch or
Is she jumping on this bandwagon next with her silence. Can't be good for their sales.
Edit to add.. how are they going to come back from this as someone above said are they waiting for the horrible situation out there to end. They won't be able to contain themselves for much longer
Just because instahunz have an opinion doesn't mean that need to share it. Although I did see SSS post and it was carefully worded as not to cause offence, the cynic in me thinks it's because she doesn't want to upset brand partners and income streams, the humanitarian in me thought it was an appropriate and sensitive post.
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jan f

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Mrs Hinch #672 £10 on rotting crop, Sopha’s door is such a flop

Fankyou to @seen-the-light for the “Chief’s kisssh” new thread title 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Thread suggestions are taken from anywhere on each thread. Please keep them short and swear free and clearly mark them with Thread Suggestion.

▪The Wiki is the pink button at the top of the page
▪Thread 500 is a must read, especially for newbie Nusties.

Well, what crap delights have we had from Sopha and the Cling-On-Clan since the last thread recap.....

Firstly, she shared pics of her snogging RoyOiOi. To be honesssssscht he looked like he’d rather be anywhere other than being snogged by mummaz 😳 I would say “Blessssh’is’arrrrt” but he’s a cocky arsenal hole 🤭

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We then saw her ex-bestbubs4eva SSS Trollomon trolling Sopha with the cute dolls house she made for her little girl 🌹’s birthday present 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 It was MUCH better than Sopha’s one she tend made for Ronblesshim’s Christmas present..... which was never scheeen again. At least 🌹was seen playing with it. I bet Ol’Fiddle was busy that night with bitty and “Get Wells” 🤭

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There was some schpeculation that her and NoNob had gone on a trip to the Lake District. Well, she did write on the lissst (To show off her book of listsssh that she wants hunzz to buy) that she was going to pack for the Lake District. If they did go it will be probably be shown sometime in 2024 as if it’s actually happening then. They should have taken Fiddle with them (Probably did) and then the Lakes could have copied Loch Ness and have its very own Loch Fiddle monster swimming around, fiddling with everything and shouting “Get Well” at the locals and tourists 🐍🤭

We then had “Snippets” of her day week month.... she packed up Ren’s clothesssh and then realised she had to pack up Lon’s as well because of them being dressed the same toddler twinsssh.

She then showed some kind of vomfesssht she’d made which had broccoli, mash, fish and some kind of sauce that looked like custard 🤢 She didn’t show them eating it, she probably fed it to the Spice Gurrrrlsssh Chickensssh. I wonder how many are left after that.... Pat is still unaccounted for, missing from content for weeks and not mentioned by Sopha..... never scheeen again.

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We then had #bunnygate She did a story asking where she could find a replacement for Lonnie’s favourite cuddly bunny.... that wasn’t even lost 🙄 No doubt hoping the manufacturer Jellycat would send her freebies..... it would serve her right if all the hunzz and botsssh she has left following her all managed to get hold of one and sent them to her..... can you imagine the whole length of the vulva driveway covered in gifted bunnies..... they would all never be scheeen again.

She then decided to tidy out the small cupboard that doubles as her wardrobe and make-up room. To be honesssssscht I’ve blocked out most of what happened from my memory because she showed her and NoNob discussing and holding her thongs 🤢 She then lit a candle in the cupboard 🙄🚒

Ronald’s record player 😔 really do hope the little fella enjoys it... his mummaz clearly doesn’t “Ron, shall we turn it off yet” While sat there cackling like a seal into her barfffroom blanket at the floofheads (Llamas/camels) peering into the orrrrrrangery 🙄 Instead of creepily filming him stood with it, why not spend the time ordering some fun, children’s records from AmaZON..... next day delivery is available, hunnnnnay 🚚 Mind you, it too will soon be never scheeeen again.

They then built a scarecrow for the autumn door disssshplay, or rather Ickle Sopha-Rose did 🙄 Instead of using old clothes from their wardrobes or from charity shops she ordered them from AmaZON and filled them with Llama pee and ratzzz 💩 covered straw. She even drew a face on him that looked like NoNob after being caught in Willy Hill🤭 She asked the Hunzz to name him. The best they or rather Sopha could come up with.... “StrawBarry” 🙄 FFS. Just call him “Big Freda” and move the shitshow along 🤭

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Finally..... It’s AmaZON Prime day guysssssh. An AD for Maybelline, putting make-up over and already made-up, filtered to fuck face 🙄
Click the link shoppersssh hunzz
Here’s ickle anxiiiiiiety ridden Sopha-Rose, who has tummy shiversssssh and doesn’t go out anywhere.....

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Guide to nustie’s chat:
▪Sopha-Rose - She picked Rose herself when she was a teenager
▪Tophie or Sopha-Six-Toes - Due to pics that very much look like she has 6 toes, probably caused by her trying to filter her feet a tend size 5 that she insists she is (Deffo not)
▪Hunzz - her shoppers/sheep/fansssh
▪6 days a week - is what she claims she works....yeah right 😂🤣😂
▪NoNob - Jamie short for James, her husband that doubles as her cameraman and security guard.... referred to as NoNob because of photos of him in women’s underwear when he dressed as “Janine” during his stint on Fash FC. He has NoNob in the pics 🤭
▪Fiddle, Fruitcake-Freda - her mummaz who’s around 24/7. Provides bitty and calms Sopha with her tranq gun when all goes tits up and Sopha’s sulking in Hennerz barrrskit
▪Hennerz aka Audrey (Due to looking like Audrey Roberts from Corrie) Fatdog Slim, Chicken Strip - her dog who’s partial to hunting through their bins for leftover kebabs and NEVER GETS WALKED. Sopha said the weight on him is from eating too much at Christmas.
▪Toddler Twins - Ron & Lon, she insists they’re both toddlers and that they look like twins so dresses them identically.... what a twat.
▪Weepy Al - her farrrrver. Hardly seen as he’s so busy making her schplintery furniture in the workshop.... or out hunting for used floorboards and bits of wood.
▪Bumbuminnit - came about after a trip away where there was a bidet and Sopha didn’t know what it was... NoNob answered “It’s for your bumbuminnit” 🙄😂
▪Arsenal Hole - came about after a comment left by one of the hunzzz.
▪Chief’s kiss - a recent addition from a bumbuminnit kissing comment left by one of the hunzz on a grid post.
▪ATV - Sopha ALWAYS says “All the best” Given that NoNob often wears a vest it’s become “All the vest”
▪Blessshed be - a crazy hunzzz provided that one in a rant about trolls. She also said they eat crunky snacks, drink 10litres of Coke which they stuff down their greedy fat throits.
▪Oi Oi - NoNob’s favourite phrase as well as “All the best”

Hope that helpsssh (Another favourite phrase from Sopha) I think that will do for now.... except to say that as far as we’re aware and we couldn’t really care Sopha’s not pregnant. Her sister, Mamfa & clan are living at the old house “Greyskull” and we’ve no idea and also don’t care if she’s still friends with tend bestbubs4eva SSS aka Stacey Trollomon (Who does an excellent job of trolling Sopha)
Oh how I’ve missed the huge recaps at the beginning of a thread 😍 love it
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What's the bets she comes back on insta (once she's back from her holiday, where ever it is this time) she will reel out a load of bollocks that the reason she has been quiet is because Ronnie has another illness she has been struggling with and has stomach shivers over.
So far he's had RMD (rhymtic movement disorder) motorbike disease and apparent (drip fed) autism.
She always follows a quiet period with a woe is me, my child is sick post......
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After making such a great deal out of her DryRobe, I think she already has a discount code up her sleeve. It would be so embarrassing for THE narcissist that is Mrs Hinch to be turned down. She would feel humiliated. Lots of influencers have been gifted their dry robes so she knows this company will give her a discount code. So much for supporting small companies eh?

The filter on her made her look alien like. The nose - the eyes! YOU DON’T LOOK LIKE THAT!!!!!!! Also 100% that chicken was placed on her back. It was to get attention, attention for that Dry Robe - all set up. This is what her & Jamie do all day..they sit down scheming, hatching new ways to sell and manipulate the gullible & vulnerable followers.

Btw has anyone actually ever seen Sophie on a walk? That coat was pristine. No mud splatters. No Alpaca spit. No dog slobber. Not a mark on it! She’s such a 🤥 just like Stacey Solomon, label lady, Miss greedy, PTWM - they are all the same. Wanting everything for free. Wanting attention. Exploiting their children online. Using filters. Lying every-time they open their mouths.
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No way does Jamie dress those kids in the kitchen, nor change their nappies there. It’s a real inconvenience, especially when one is at school and in uniform, to bring all the clothes downstairs. It’s eat breakfast in pjs, then upstairs to brush teeth, wash faces, and comb hair and change into that days clothes. She’s staged it all in the kitchen because let’s face it, her kitchen is empty, so having a few pots lying around, pjs & nappy on floor, and a couple of toys makes her think it looks all messy and lived in. It isn’t. You can tell that home is an Instagram home controlled by a narcissist. It doesn’t feel homely, lived in, cosy & no evidence that two little boys live there. She had a cleaning advert to do as part of her contract, so faked it all so she could fulfill her contractual obligation and be paid. What a way to live your life! Oh and the fact she thinks PTWM is something all parents should aspire to says it all! Her and PTWM are all the same -fake and exploiting their kids online. They are disgusting parents. Certainly not the family values I follow.
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Great thread recap. “Shouting get well at the locals and tourists” had me laughing like a seal into my pasta. Fanksssssss wisssssccchhhhh owllllllllllllll.

Fuck me she loves herself with that filter on doesn’t she. Jesus Christ. If she was pregrated cheese, she’d eat herself 😉
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I wonder if YMU have told them to stay quiet for a few days. Seems people have more important things to worry about than whether some bint from Essex has cleaned her toilet.

Just shows how vaccuous and pointless her account is. Can disappear for days on end and nothing happens as a consequence.
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