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Ohhh my lord. So much from that ‘morning mess video’

1. Her selling point seemed to be ‘I just give the surfaces a quick spray and omg Guyschhhh it’s sooo quick & easy this spray’. SAME FOR ANY FUCKING SPRAYING DOWN AND WIPING - the product is NOT unique to that you absolute thicko.

2. One plate with a few crumbs on, fucking give over. I’m living with the in- laws atm and we had six of us in the house overnight, (assuming it’s the same with the HinchCliffes with GetWell and Geppetto there) and the kitchen this morning after the morning rush was an absolute tip and we’re typically a very tidy family. I’m wfh today so I cleaned and took me about ten mins. Sopha’s non-chaotic kitchen would have took her all of 2 secondschhh

3. I like this flash mop for quick cleans guyschhh. What? How many different types of floor cleans do you have? She’s just desperately trying to think of things to say and coming up with points that have zero substance.

4. Ren and Lens placemats are fucking horrible. How the fuck are they kiddies placemats?My fucking Nan would turn her nose up at those fucking hell.

5. Cloffff , waschhhh, LOVE ITTTT, obschessssched. Just ugh, learn to speak properly

6.Mopping the floors which likely have alpaca shit traces on there and then using the same mop head for the benches , that is fucking disgusting.

How can such a short video be so fucking awful haha. Some would say why watch but the car crash is just funny. How someone gets paid so much and does so little by just filming themselves wiping a surface is beyond me. Stop the world I wanna get off.
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Asking dryrobe for a code lying cow SHES ALREADY GOT ONE!!!! If anyone believes that they deserve to be fleeced!
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or JusRollWithIt

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The way she showed that zipped inner pocket, went around the coat and came back to it and said “there’s another zipped pocket there.” It’s the same fucking pocket you idiot. She was flogging something she knew nothing about, and had never worn. If it was an actual “farm” coat, she’d have the cuffs dirty, the inner lining stuck with bits of itchy hay and she sure as hell would not be worried about a little chicken shit on the coat. She’s so fake and terrible at her job.
Also on that point, “size 5s”

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I find it fascinating to see her magically changing waist shape. In her cleaning reel shs was almost like a barbie doll with her cinched in waist. In that white PLT outfit she was much broader (not fat - just wider at the waist). I’ll never get over how much time she must spend filtering herself into oblivion.
I don’t know how she has the bloody time! I gave birth to my baby girl 11 weeks ago and I’m the biggest I have ever been by a hell of a long stretch. I have moments where I look in the mirror and absolutely despise what’s staring back at me. But on the flip side, as my partner always says… would you rather have the body you had before, or the body you have now and our daughter? And it’s as simple as that. I’ve longed my whole life to be a mummy and that’s what’s important in my life, not my size and I just have to remember that.

She has two (twin 😆) boys. I know there must be something weird going on behind the scenes as to why she’s never alone with them and her interactions with Ronnie and Lennie are very strange. But that doesn’t change that she’s their mum. I understand that being on her phone and editing montages is part of her “job” - I use that term loosely! But if that was me, I’d do as little work for it as possible… meaning I wouldn’t be spending god knows how long filtering myself into someone unrecognisable. I’d edit the clip together and get back to my family. No matter what I thought of myself and my size in those unedited clips. Her priorities are so wrong. X
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Who kicks dirty nappies across the floor? Just chuck it straight in thee bin. No reason for that nappy to still be there
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Sorry if I’m being a bit thick here but when Hinch was schilling her tat at Tesco, she used the “HinchXTesco” tag and now she’s using it with HB. Does this mean her new stuff is going to be sold there? Would explain the sudden HB bum licking she’s doing at the min and the same old “look at me working in my fave shop ever that I’ve just laaaaved since childhood” routine same as when she announced she was working with Tesssschhhhco. Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?
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Spraying so many different chemicals just to clean the kitchen is insane. Just use one if you have to.

Wipe down the sides, the toaster, the sink, the cooker. It's been 5 years...clean something else 😬
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Back with the same old shit and showing her kids private homework that we have NO right to see. I'd rather she fucks off again
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Wears the dry robe coat to deal with the animals...lying bastard. That coat looks pristine, absolutely no way that's been near any animal, esp "farm" animals. Not one speck of mud or dirt on it, bit like her white wellies.
I get god knows how many bits of straw and bits all over me feeding our guinea pigs their hay, let alone how much there would be feeding three alpacas!
Also she's so tired she doesn't know what to do with herself? What a piss taking bastard she really is.
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I have so many questions ...

1] Why are the boys hair products in the kitchen when they have a bathroom each?
2] Do they get dressed in the kitchen? Either way, why not show them where the laundry basket is and make them put their dirty clothes there? They're old enough.
3] WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK is there a dirty nappy on your kitchen floor?
You really are a filthy cunt Soph, and this doesn't make you relatable, it makes you a joke.
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Who is her Israel / Palestine preachy at post even aimed at ? Doubt people in Hamas follow a size 5 footz , dog shagging not-a-cleaner on Insta for tips on how to wank off their taps or get discount codes for Shark.
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A few years ago I was at my best friend's mom's house. Her house is just a little bit bigger than Soph's and we were talking about how hard she works because her husband, like Jimbo, didn't. She told me all of their monthly expenses were right around 25,000 (USD). She is a top real estate agent in Dallas.
Anyway, my point is, if I were the hinchs, I'd be freaking out. She's awful at her job, has a big overhead and that money is going to be drying up. I'm sure they're all getting "tummy shivers", if not ulcers. I would be if I were depending on her to bring home the money.
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The latest story about the 2 free cinema tickets offered by Sky she can’t even promote that properly!! You have to be a Sky Cinema customer ie: pay for Sky Cinema as an add on. If I was watching that and didn’t have Sky Cinema I would be wondering why when I go to My Sky App it’s not there!!

We have Sky Cinema so have the free cinema tickets. She is absolutely useless at selling!!
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Chatty Member
"who doesn't love a freebie?"
Well we all know you do Soph, in fact it's a miracle if you pay for anything
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