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So you lot have summed that up but adding my tuppence.
Firstly, I would have taken my children to the optician and dentist years ago. My children were under 2 so they know what to expect.
I would explain what is happening and why.
The optician would refer us on if they couldn’t get a good result, which they haven’t so more lies (family member is an optician). When my daughter had a serious eye condition at 3 my family member caught it because my daughter wasn’t frightened of the clinic.
They have many ways to test, not just the letters. School will give a basic test and refer on. She didn’t bother to ask her health visitor. Just asks for attention not for actual medical advice.
Sometimes children do need to learn to sit and behave. She uses his potential ND/journey to let him get away with shit and more importantly to dissolve herself of any responsibility for teaching him how to behave.
He fell asleep as soon as he came out? If that is true, he is doing that as a mental shut down to avoid her crap. She was probably having the meltdown.
She looks pissed. Jamie gone to bed without her? Again.
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Look. Look at me. Look how skinny I am. Look at my hair. Look at meeeee. Eye fucking away and even touching herself 🤢

It his has to be some sort of stretch and skinny filter surely?! Her whole shape is wrong and just not anatomically viable.
I see ol' giraffe neck is back too 🤦🏼‍♀️

Also that outfit is just pure hideousness. I've seen bowel movements in work that colour if you can call it that... Colour 🤮
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Late night blether was to take the attention off Stacey's holiday videos show her kids are really enjoying themselves and having fun. Unlike the Hinchliffe toddler manz on their holiday.
I think she also uses Ron to protect her. There’s a lot of cake gate attention atm and influencers must be worried thinking they’ll be next. Ron helps protect his mummy from media scrutiny - that’s what I think and also to get sympathy from followers too. She uses her son.
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I’d love to know what her really important deadlines for work are? I’m an accountant, she wouldn’t last 5 minutes in my office in January 😆
I am sensing some sarcasm here, which is a little unfair…. She has many important deadlines such as….
1) Which shade of grey would you like the blanket to be?
2) What shade of griege should the plate be?
3) What 5 pre-records will you be posting today?
4) what pity party stories have you got lined up and how regularly should we roll them out - weekly, fortnightly or monthly?
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I went back and looked because as per usual she did the dip and spin when she went past the nappy caddy. I’m always a bit baffled about that nappy caddy. The fact that it’s kept in the utility room. No changing mat in sight. Surely she doesn’t use the fold up portable one round the house? If you saw the changing mat by the caddy you’d think ok they change lonnies nappy in the utility room because it’s near the playroom. But again. No Mat. I think it’s kept there for the child care. Whether that’s a nanny or fiddle/mamfa; their job is to collect the caddy and take the boys to the playroom where they are contained for the day whilst mummaz “works”.
I’m guessing thsts a thank you card tucked in the side pocket? I just find it a bit odd and I’m sure it reveals more about her childcare set up than she cares to admit. She’s got that caddy set up like you would for a baby who needs their nappy charging 10 times a day not a 2 year old who can say “I did a poo” and is likely on the cusp of those initial stages of using a potty/ one of the many many toilets. I don’t want to turn this into their toilet habits actually. It’s definitely more a comment about her and the way she controls things.
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Surely Len will be wearing a school uniform throughout the day to match with Ron 😂 two of everything remember 😜
I think Ron starting school is at the root of her odd behaviour tbh. She’s babied him for ever and we all know when kids start school they change and grow at a rapid rate. They develop strong relationships with their teachers and friends and that influence impacts there personality massively. She will no longer be able to have 100% control.

Secondly, she knows she can no longer hide behind the excuse that he’s a toddler - he’s a young boy who is in desperate need of real parenting. The parenting that leads by example and guides their child through life. Our kids are not possessions, one day he will be an adult and have to have the skills to navigate a job and life. Ron has not been taught how to share or be kind because she isn’t, she doesn’t know how to be that herself - so surprise - Ron shows bratty grabby behaviour.

I honestly think Ron’s issues are 100% down to shit parenting. If she behaved like a normal human being, he would be a completely different child.

I genuinely feel for his Reception Teacher, not only has she got to try and rectify their parenting mistakes but she is going to have to deal with a demanding, diva parent.
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I wish someone would explain to me the point of this woman, if she is selling an aspirational life it’s not something I (or I’m guessing anyone one else on here aspires to

Completely fake from her hair down to the beams in her house.

There’s a new book out by Jane Fallon about an influencer selling out her family called Over Sharing and it has Hinch written all over it. Wouldn’t be surprised if like the family in it, Hinch and Inch live separate lives, just performing for the camera.
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The weird thing about the Hinch house is that it’s not minimalist. There is plenty of clutter in every room it’s just that none of it is practical.
There’s no bottle of water, reading book or lip balm on the “bedside cabinet” but there is a pestle and mortar. There are no towels or toiletries in the bathroom but there are blocks of wood with farm animals printed on them. There are no family photos but there are empty frames with the original inlays still in them.
It looks like she’s been given a house to stage for a potential renter or one of those house lottery competitions.
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Chatty Member
Surely with an income at the peak of their brand they would have had a financial advisor? If so maybe something more modest or tasteful could have been bought and long term investments considered.
Maybe as she seems to spaff away money daily and jimmynojobs alleged predilection for gambling neither of them think long term?
I work in investing and her spending sets my teeth on edge. She’s mad to put everything into a house, cars and massive credit card bills. I have a property like hers and the maintenance costs are ridiculous but she has zero income security. She’s one new fad or woke shutdown away from obscurity.

I get the vibe that Jamie gets fed up of her spending habit. One of them should be investing at least half of what they earn for the rainy day. Do they genuinely think there’s 30 more years of mileage in selling cleaning products? I think they’ll hugely regret their poor financial decisions in the not too distant future.
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Batch no2 the playroom
We all know she stages mess but this is definitely staged.
It’s the middle of the summer holidays and despite me repeatedly telling my 6 and 4 year old toddlers to put away things before moving onto the next thing; our playroom is constantly an explosion of toys. However it looks nothing like that. Where are the collection of figures (in our house various batmans, iron mans, pj masks and too many paw patrols for my liking) arranged into an avengers meeting? Where are the cars all lined ready for a race? Where is the half built train track?
None of this is play.
It’s stuff tipped out. Look at it carefully and it’s not arranged in a way that suggest play. Even the uno cards are just lobbed about. Even if they don’t know how to play a game they’ll usually line them up or make some sort of pattern with the cards. Nope.
She’s just spent the last however many stories showing a house that looks ready for a viewing. A house that has not had anyone sleep, shower or eat in it that day. It’s more immaculate than a show home. Yet the playroom is a tip. It’s her throwing stuff around.

Point 2 - that room is the most overwhelming playroom I’ve ever seen. In that one corner she had a Wendy house (designed for outdoor use); a play tent; play kitchen; play workshop; table and chairs. I wouldn’t know what the hell to play with if I walked in there. Most parents know that you rotate toys. You spread them out (why not have the toy kitchen Ronnies bedroom). She’s stacked them all on top of one another so that there’s actually not any space for meaningful play. Yet their bedrooms are empty. It’s utterly depressing.

Also note the punch bag. Is that for Ronnie to take out his anger on?


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Chatty Member
Literally all she says on that house tour is ‘i just love it’ or ‘I’m obsessed’ or ‘I can’t believe it giyscchhhh’
HOW the fuck has she managed to get companies to work with her. How.
She hasn’t got any descriptive vocabulary in her locker at all. Her sentences she just keeps repeating the same shit over and over again. The world has gone fucking mad.
Looking forward to the demise of the insta influencer generation I shall be the one dancing on all their grifted graves.
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