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Just saw her q&a so had to pop in to give my 50p

you’re in your thirties and can’t even stand a holiday with your children & husband without flying your mum& niece out. You need help Slotha
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I'm watching Shiny Happy People tonight, I don't know if any of you have watched it? But it's basically shining a light on the horrific abuse that kids, now adults, suffered in order to sell a brand. The brand being the perfect, God fearing, duggar family . They basically sold their kids in order to get fame and money. Now their kids are speaking out.

I honestly think in 20 years time we will have a similar documentary, but this time it will be the kids of influencers. Those kids like Ronnie and Lonnie are going to be recovering from the abuse that their parents put them through. All in the search for fame and money. We are going to have years of documentaries, books, chat show appearances, all from these poor kids. Im callinga bingo now. Im coming back in 20 years to claim it!
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Chatty Member
Blimmin heck is she on holiday or at rehab? No natural interaction with her kids, just faded photos.
How is this woman making money?! Everything other ‘story’ is an Amazon link. No ‘GRWM’ holiday addition, what makeup to wear when it’s really hot, no ‘outfit of the day’ - just a video of a washing line and some toothpaste sized travel wash.

I mean she could’ve even done a ‘hinch’ clean of her villa?!

the fact she didn’t tag SSS in the boys photo, nor SSS reshare her story speaks volume. Which makes me question - why show that photo at all? Contractual obligation?
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Do you think she made him become the full-time parent so she could work sit around on her arse all day eye-fucking herself and snogging camels?
I know you probably all get SO sick of me saying this whenever the topic arises 🤣. If Jamie had gone back to work full time, they could have easily afforded full time child care for Ronnie and Lennie. Either that or had Fiddle look after them day in, day out (which is what happens anyway!). I really feel Jamie HAD to give up his work because something went on resulting in Sophie not being allowed to be around her children unattended. All Sophie cares about is money, money, money. I imagine she would have sent Jamie back to work to earn as much as possible so they had more pounds to spend. Something went wrong, I fully believe that! X
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Well-known member
When websites try to work out fake followers vs real followers, how do they do that? Is it based on which following IG accounts actually EVER like anything/interact with anything OR just which ones interact with her content?
I follow Hinch (like I guess a lot of you guys might?) to just see what she's posting and be able to relate it to this chat tbh! But would I be counted as a "real" follower by a website.. or would I be "inactive" as I never interact with her posts (although I suppose I obviously do look at her stories).
Does that make sense? Sorry I probably sound like i'm waffling there.
Also and if that means we are "real" followers - it's arguable that of her real followers, not all of those follow her because they actually like her content!
Also also (catching up over here!), I still cannot believe she's actually away right now as she's not addressed the fact that southern europe is basically on fire. I reckon you are all right that she was away a while ago. Surely she'd do the whole time stamped/temp stamped posts with the obligatory "It's so hot here, I use [insert undeclared AD] suncream on my kids"

UNFOLLOW HER and any other idiots on the Internet who make money off your story views.

All these stories can be watched at varies sites.
They also last longer then the 24hr on insta
Stop giving them stats for paid jobs.
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Chatty Member
Head on over the Iconic's website, then you too can look like a wax work model that's been left in front of the fire and is starting starting to melt.
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She deleted them when another ‘influencer’ was caught out and cancelled for her behaviour online. Hinch basically pooped herself because she is guilty for being a nasty biatch too. But we have receipts of her nastiness.
Her mum is a massive cunt. The irony of talking about lack of brain cells when you look at the "offspring" she produced 😂
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Chatty Member
Fucking hell. Give the woe is me quotes a rest love. What could she possibly be going through that’s deserving of quotes every night, while she is supposed to be on holiday?! She has got some serious issues. She’s obviously flapping about the fact her sheep are dropping like flies because they are seeing her for what she truly is. We loveeee to see it he he! Stupid woman. I’ve never known someone so self absorbed and narcissistic! X
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She never shows herself hugging the black llama (Richard? Ralph? Whatever!). I think it’s because he doesn’t take her shit and she knows he’ll spit in her face! I like him. Be more Richard, I say!! 🤣
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If that's true, if, then she needs to really look hard at her diet and dental hygiene. She's 33 for fucks sake, healthy teeth shouldn't be just cracking out your head from an olive stone.
Teeth breaking is a side effect of weight loss surgery. It's due to malabsorption.
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The two green Monstrosity dresses are clearly child free nights. Well they would be for any parent who has to constantly help their 2 year old and 4 year old to cut up their food, wipe their faces, etc. you know what I mean. That’s not the outfit you wear to parent at a meal time.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
Predictable as a dog having a shit that old mad Freda was there. And the cling on. They never ever go away as a family of 4, always gotta have someone in tow haven't they.
Then again, Soph needs her carer to wipe her arse when she goes to the bog, so it's always obvious the old witch is traipsing along with her umbilical cord permanently hanging out her fanny.
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“I feel nothing but contempt for my husband but I want everyone to think we’re still in love, for the brand”. In one post ✅
The way she describes their relationship is like two teenagers who’ve been togther a year or two.
Never any more substance other than ‘he makes laugh everyday’ she says the same about the boys too. ALL the time 😴

I just find it strange, or it could just be down to her shit vocabulary. Either way that is not a loved up couple. Just two people hiding their issues for the gram
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Chatty Member
Of course she had her mum there. Truthfully, how does Jamie feel about always having his mother in law hanging around? It's wo weird that two adults can't seem to go on holiday as a family of four. I don't think I've ever met anyone who's always had to bring their mother along, everywhere! Sure, we went on the occasional holiday with my gran/aunts/uncles/cousins as a big group, but for the most part it was always just the five of us (mum, dad and three daughters). The hand photo is so weird. Makes it seem like it was just the three of them and no Jamie. Maybe he was off having a sulk that they were there, again!

And stop calling Ronnie a toddler! He's the same age as my son who will be going in to Big School this year! Is she still going to be calling them toddlers when they've fucked off to Uni??
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Ron’s journey why even post about it if you don’t want to tell people what’s wrong with him such an attention seeker at all times. Ffs he’s not dying she drains the life out of me imagine being married to her!
My sons ND I would never put tinker juniors journey on my socials so everyone would pity me why would anyone pity her.

Leave the poor kid alone and yes stop treating him like a baby treat him like he’s four and a big boy. Stop taking pics of the kids sleeping it’s not right I hate what these people do to their kids.
I don’t believe the kids like being dressed the same my little girl is three in a month and she already tells me she’s wearing a princess dress everyday and loves fun clothes. My boys liked Spider-Man and paw patrol clothes let them choose their clothes stop trying to mould them into who you want them to be.

I detest she’s using Ron for content it’s disgraceful.
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