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New Hinch version unlocked:- 'Harrassed Mum Hinch'

But you know what, guys, even though my husband is a useless prick who wanted 90 mins to himself, and my son (who I couldn't wait to hear his little voice) wouldn't shut the fuck up, and my other toddler wouldnt leave me alone to chop some carrots, it's just been a really speshhhhal day and a visit from the world's scariest looking rabbit was just magical. Remember, fake Easter only has to make sense to you and your family.
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I've never known such a depressing and negative insta account.
It's been going on for weeks now... constant sulking and tantrums (from Sophie Rose not her children).
She's proof that money doesn't buy happiness.
Fucking cheer up, you miserable bitch!
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Just catching up after a busy day in the toe household. She just can’t get it right… Easter egg hunt plastic eggs🤷🏻‍♀️. Peter f**king rabbit 🤦‍♀️. Poor Henry stuffing a years worth of doggy treats in one mouthful. I could go on but I’m sat shaking my head.

Me and my mad mutt went for a 2 hour walk through the woods this afternoon. When we got home she ate her tea then retired to her bed (curled up in a ball on my feet!) I didn’t feel the need to make her a f**king Easter basket because wait for it…… she’s a dog. And she doesn’t give a shiny shit that it’s Easter.

Football appears to be one of jimbobnoknobchavytracksuitslob enjoyments and guess what Sofa. He’s allowed to enjoy things. It’s 2 hours max where he can shout at the tv and enjoy himself. I personally enjoy football and have no problem with it on tv but if mr Toes puts golf or darts or snooker on I’m out of here. I get a bath or watch a different TV read a book or play on my iPad. Try it Sofa it’s quite therapeutic.

Last night I had one too many appletisers. And realised a bit late that I hadn’t set up the egg hunt. So under the influence of apples I tiptoed round the house hiding clues and mini eggs. I just about got away with it today (a couple of clues were in the wrong order 🤦‍♀️) but littlest toes is easily distracted and can be pointed in the correct direction!!! Both mini toes were excited to run round the house collecting chocolate eggs (not plastic crap) and following clues. And the bonus was that they missed a couple which were in the dishwasher and I found them whilst they were at football with Mr Toes (yes I actually allowed him to go to the game) well when I say allowed him. I packed all 4 of my boys into the car and waved them off. Shut the door and collapsed on the settee ala Sofa!!!

Guess what I didn’t film any of this or post a woe is me rant. Instead I took the dog for a walk. Cleaned the kitchen and the soaked in the bath.
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The joy of an Easter egg hunt where mummy points out every (plastic?) egg at close range. Rather defeats the fun of searching, I’ve seen even tiny kids enjoy trying to find the eggs themselves. Then there’s the five eggs you find a year later wedged in a really obscure hiding place and looking rather past their best.
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This is why I actually hate Christmas, Easter and all the other shit we are meant to love. It’s just all about buy, buy, buy as much as you can. Now we also have baby showers which wasn’t even a thing here once but nope we had to copy the Americans didn’t we
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Yes yes yes.
I love the chat here but I hate watching her stories because I can't stand that she's never in the moment. Everything, everything is pre-planned, rehearsed, scripted and probably filmed about 10 times. It's such an exhausting, bizarre and just plain sad way to live your life and engage with your children.
If she didn't have such an active thread, I wouldn't watch her anymore. I've definitely took a step back recently compared to the earlier days!
Those poor boys , their life is brutal.
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Cassy Role

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Appreciated the honesty from SSS stories about her holiday, Hinch never explained to her sheep how expensive her hotel was. From the details of SSS it was £30k plus before discount😮
Nah she’s just as shady. Just better at it. The whole holiday was a poorly declared #AD. Bet Hinch is seething that a few years back that would have been her gig. Her bestie is hoovering up contracts suitable for the pre SS friendship version of Hinch left right and centre.
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Wize Owl

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Guyssssh.... I don’t need to set a 15 minute timer ⏱ to describe what I can see in this pic, I can describe them in two words.... Vom Lardy ✔🤩🤭


Oi Oi.....Socks + flip flops combo 🤪🤢🤣
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So she's just admitted that she's been shoving her kids in the playroom all day whilst she does what exactly? The way she worded it, I can literally picture her marching them back to the playroom by the arm and shouting at them to stay there and play nicely, shutters down and all, whilst she sits on the sofa liking mm posts and looking for ideas to copy to make herself seem more interesting. Disgusting woman. She only plays with them or gets them doing something when she can film it.

Ps anyone feeling sorry for Jim yesterday shouldn't. Remember him coughing at the book signing to take the piss out of someone with clear difficulties? Yeah. That's him. They're both vile creatures.
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The filter on that blather is terrifying

also “don’t be fooled by the montages I put up guyzzzz” - well stop being toxic and putting them up then???
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She’s just nasty isn’t she, that roller rant and subsequent video she just comes across as horrible. It’s doesn’t come across as amusing, it makes me feel sad for her kids. And that Easter egg hunt looked like the most boring Easter egg hunt in the history of Easter egg hunts.

Good job she managed to book the Easter bunny in the last two days though eh
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Not-a-Farm is like some weird garden, shit splattered compound.
The boys can't be left to play without any supervision for any length of time due to those bloody floof heads (and said shit) domineering the "laaaand'.
The Vulva driveway gate, separates them from a busy rat run & dangerous hair pin bend right in front of it.
They are always dressed identically & never have any friends over to play. Hinch wouldn't like that would she, as she can't even cope with her own children.
Play is always controlled, by her. Everything is.
Inch .. grow a pair of balls! Oh..that's right you pathetic thick mannz, you don't have any and wifey is keeping you in pocket money.
Sopha is one big, annoying, messy headache! What a life!
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I messaged the hamper lady saying it was a shame her hampers weren’t shown sooner as she could have gained a lot more business. She replied defending Hinch to the nines. You just can’t help some people I guess
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I went to our local Sainsbury’s for a shop today & had a wander down the laundry aisle & realised they do not stock anything Hinch related - none of Hinch’s latest washing stuff, none of the “spray, Hinch, done” 🤢 stuff (although they had the normal spray, wipe done) but absolutely nothing with her name on. I was delighted to be spending my money there
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She could have saved that small business (which in this case in genuinely a small business) so much grief by just saying “these were gifted for my lucky boys. I’m not getting paid to promote this business but wanted to share it with you in case you need anything similar in the future”. Instead she has to be sly about everything, and then take it on to their page because she is pissed off that someone picked her up on it.

She keeps telling us how grateful she is for everything and she will never forget etc etc. However her actions suggest that at her core she is a complete bitch.
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I think I just countered 17 stitches in that little 4/5 min video! I could load up my camera and sit and talk about my day for 5 mins (and a whole lot more) without needed to edit it and stitch it all together easily, this is meant to be her fucking job!
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Just watched that latest one with the sound up.
I don't get what the problem is? That's all normal stuff with kids? And my dog is exactly the same, especially if it's cheese or meat. He's a greedy Labrador who will wedge himself between me and the cupboards to beg.

She sounds like she's having a passive aggressive moan at J-Dog. Obviously not been a good Easter Sunday for them today, probably because he dared to ask for 90mins peace to watch the football.
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