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Hang on is she claiming she’s left her Christmas door display up until today? Fucking hell how do us normal regular folk cope with children and Jobs I don’t know how but I still fit in taking the Christmas decorations down. Must be her 6 day working week keeping her so busy. What utterly shit content?

Does that count as her five a day or her declutter jar?
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What bloody leverage does Freda the Fiddle have against the security guards ??? This lady didn't have a ticket but got in to meet Queen Hunch anyway???
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Why does anyones house need that much Zoflora. The stuff fucking stinks !!!! Especially spring time smells like piss. All the family are gonna have headaches from the amount she’s sprayed all round the house
Even zoflora said themselves it’s not a cleaner it’s a disinfectant
And then she chucks the dirty cloffff outside where the camels could lick it!???
she’s a twat today.
On molly maes insta. “I’m so happy inside for you” what a weird thing to say!!!View attachment 1962203
Haha. I'm surprised there's not more comments like this tbh.


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Think it should read, ‘thank you for continuing to support me financially every single day, so that I don’t have to get up to go to work like the shoppers have to, and I get to do whatever I like. Let’s keep on scheming together - our plan has worked - you really can pull wool over peoples eyes - here’s to the next adventure (con)’


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This was shared on grim fairy story .clearly on a come down and rather be buzzing they met their cult leader..they’ve been reading here and throwing the shitty #bekond around.
The amount of times that gets used when truth /facts are spoken🙄
My vision goes straight to the fat serial killer bloke in the middle. You can just tell he is one nasty piece of work. A true Hincher
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Awww I'm sure those poorly children in hospital, some who won't make it home and all those children in foster care who don't have a stable home, will really appreciate reading a book about their perfect life moving into a huge house with alpacas. ❤ You're so thoughtful Soph !
Inspiration to many xoxoxox
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Jamie Hinchliffe is a childish, weak, insecure man and a piss taking bully.
That definitely was a fake cough, he even lunged forward to get his wife's attention with it, a private joke, while she was greeting Elle.

Elle actually looked up at him uneasy a couple of times while she was chatting with Hinch. Could be she is aware he's stood there being a prick or that she would like some space to chat to her idol alone without him hovering over Hinch.
Apart from that it was a nice enough meeting I suppose and hopefully it has satisfied Elle because there is not much further the friendship will go other than the odd like or generic comments from Hinch on her posts.
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Instagram has been flooded with grown women frothing over a stranger who has made millions out of them flogging them tat for years. It's genuinely concerning. And frothing over her bum of a husband who frankly, looks like a badger.
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She isn't ugly at all. She is an attractive woman that doesn't need to filter her face.
I think the problem with Hinch is that she is the reverse of the Roald Dahl Matilda quote

“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

She’s what happens to someone with bad thoughts!
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I see 1 of 3 scenarios here, all cruel and unnecessary and all with an outcome of publically shaming your children.

1, Cereal was spilt and that little sofa is their naughty step. There's no reason to be on that for spilling food though, cos.. just life with small people.

2, It's all fake and Ronnie has been briefed on the let's pretend. That's just setting him up to lie like his mother though and bully his brother and blame him for everything regardless. It also means that due to Lons age and not understanding, she's gaslighting him

3, It's all fake and Ron had no idea on the plan, meaning she's gaslighting them both.
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Now I don't mean to sound harsh, and yes I know he has or had a speech delay but apart from that I really don't think he has anything more than just that. He speaks very well in my opinion. I just think that they spent enough time with him learning and teaching him. Him reading the menu and saying words clearly was brilliant. And I reckon that was down to the school. NOT the parents.
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I'm not replying to any individuals, and I'm not getting into any arguments.
But I've just been scrolling back a few pages.
And I won't be acknowledging it again,but all because the girl thats being mentioned alot has learning difficulties people arent allowed to voice concern? She's aware enough to run a full page, reply to comments and dms. Shes not being forced to do it. And she doesn't get spoken about negatively. Its all concern. I havent come across a single comment where people have been disrespectful about her.
No one drags the girl down. That's not what we're about over here.
But, people, including myself, have voiced our concerns about this girl and how people around her such as parents or carers are letting this obsession grow.
Someone yesterday said they hope Sophie and the team are actually on guard because learning difficulties or not, her obsession is strong and that's dangerous. She may be harmless, but her obsession isn't and there's 2 little boys touching distance away from people with such strong obsessions. The videos she's put up are uncomfortable to watch. That goes for all the sheep though, they all have dangerous obsessions.
But this girl has gotten so distressed on so many occasions, and uploaded it for everyone to see. Nah, her carers shouldn't be allowing this to carry on and Sophie shouldn't be drip feeding her obsession with a like here and there.
Exactly this. No one should be feeling parasocial relationships, Mrs hinch does not love your child or any of the hinch army. She has to say them things to keep them all on side because without them she is nothing. She cares about money over her kids welfare so she certainly doesn’t care about some fans who are two sandwiches short of a picnic
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The thing about this is that all this book signing has shown is that she CAN NOT transition away from being a cleaning influencer and her whole audience is still the same cleaning obsessed people. She has not suddenly become a children’s author regardless of the fact that she has a book out.

There were not organic loving, no screen time, vegan, montessori going, wooden toys only parents there believing that it was their child’s dream to get a signed copy.
Her audience is the same demographic that it always has been. Lower income, vulnerable women who suffer from genuine anxiety, people who can’t understand the whole point that Mrs Hinch was created was to advertise and make money by sales people.
She has not achieved a successful children’s book. She’s sold a book to the same audience.
She said the other month ‘I ain’t even a cleaner’ well her audience that turned up show that she still is and can’t transition away from this…..

It’s still the same peoples hard earned cash that lining her pocket. And puffin will see this!
well said 👏🏻 and she fucking HATES it! This is a class thing for her, she is itching to be a mumsnet, middle class, yummy mummy but she cannot shift off her roots. She’s a chav and thats going to be a lot of her audience
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