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Chatty Member
I read this far too fast and I thought it said jimbobnojobneedsablowjob 😂 which in fairness he probably does! 😂
"He is very well looked after in that department, get your facts right, thank you very much"
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They are like Dave & Denise from the Royle family, mugshots in a bowl tonight for a change, yummy 😋
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Think you are right 1k a night for that suite😳😳😳
You're bang on the money here @Status:PiningTheBog ! They're in the Marryat Suite and it upwards of £1000 per night to stay in that room. If the sheep can't see that they are literally being fleeced now, they never will. They'll just say how hard Soph and Jimbobcleanyourbumbuminnit work and how much they deserve the world!
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So if we believe SS is telling the truth that she’s 33 weeks pregnant. Then on April 29th when she claims hinch came to pickle cottage she was 18 weeks pregnant and could easily have known through private scans that she was having a girl. It’s also highly likely that hinch would have known she was pregnant.
and then on 13 july when she claimed to go to hinches house she would have been 29 weeks pregnant. But it’s hard to believe she looks 29 weeks pregnant there. So who is lying?
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Treated myself to a coffee in Costa earlier
and there was a couple sat eating toasties with a knife and fork. I wanted to bang their heads together!!!
Did one of them pass you a note saying how adored you are?
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
So if we believe SS is telling the truth that she’s 33 weeks pregnant. Then on April 29th when she claims hinch came to pickle cottage she was 18 weeks pregnant and could easily have known through private scans that she was having a girl. It’s also highly likely that hinch would have known she was pregnant.
and then on 13 july when she claimed to go to hinches house she would have been 29 weeks pregnant. But it’s hard to believe she looks 29 weeks pregnant there. So who is lying?
I really don't get all the secrecy and the constant games of now you see it now you don't bump. Hinch was absolutely rife with it throughout her pregnancy, and was forever photoshopping her bump or putting something in front of it. And then SS becomes pregnant and she's just the same. It's totally baffling to me why the fuck they do it.
Just enjoy carrying your child for the 9 months and embrace it. Not fucking lie and manipulate pictures. Some of us aren't lucky enough to even get pregnant, let alone BE pregnant. Sorry for the rant but this kinda thing really pisses me off big time.
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oh yes I totally agree that they aren’t helping themselves! I just think he’s taking advantage of her vulnerability.

(cannot believe I’m defending her, please don’t kick me out!!)
There's nothing vulnerable about her at all, it's all a character!
Mrs Hinch, and now Inch are both characters in this game.
Let's act thick, vulnerable and naive because then people will like us more and relate better, that bringing more engagement.
Don't fall for it!
This is the woman who can sit in a board meeting with Dunhelm after blagging anxiety and MH issues and converse with them like she's done it all her life and be more confident than a lot of normal people.

They're sales people, they adapt their personnas to get sales and money by lying!
When she doesn't realise she's being recorded she sounds and acts completely different - we've seen and heard her snap and Inch and R.
Once she knows and isn't in control of the narrative or how she looks and sounds she changes back to pathetic.

Controversial maybe, but I'm not even convinced she has an ED.
Without a filter she looks healthy, in selfies posted by crazed fans she again always looks healthy.
I would bet 50 quid now that's she eats perfectly well and she's just a faddy eater.
Shes vain and lazy which perfectly explains all the surgeries - meanwhile anyone who has suffered will be reminded of their struggle and relate to what they see, but thats where she has you feeling sorry for her. It's very clever ill give her that.
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Chatty Member
"Fake fruit, Fake fruit"??? No Hunnayyyyy its real fruit... She is so used to all the fakeness now she doesn't know what is real and what isn't...
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My little boy was born at 24 weeks, so obviously had some ‘delays’ 🙄 hate that word. Speech was a big one. He wasn’t talking a word at 2, scored really low in his SALT assessment. Youngest of 6, so plenty of interaction and I was a SAHM and literally obsessed with the child 😂 I did everything I possibly could - he was funded to attend nursery due to receiving dla for being on oxygen and as much as it killed me sending him in, when all I wanted to do was keep him home with me, off he went - we went to portage groups, sensory classes, anything to stimulate his little brain and aid his development. He had a follow up 6 months later and scored ‘at or above expected’ for his age 🥰 it’s shit hearing that your child has delays or struggles - it still stings now hearing he has rubbish fine motor skills 🤬 but for me, all I’ve ever wanted is to help him achieve his own best. Happy to report at 5, he never ever shuts up 😂 it would be better for Ron (not every child) to have time where he can be stimulated and gain support if he needs it. Pre school was the best thing for my little one. He’s now thriving in mainstream school which I could never have thought he’d do before. He has his struggles still but they make him more perfect to me if anything, and more determined that I will help him achieve whatever he wants.
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Burger with no bun ✅
All 3 types of peppers ✅
Salad ✅

Definitely not doing some sort of slimming world crap again 🙄
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Ohhhh for fuck sake get ready for Sophies slideshow.
I feel like I need a poo after watching that wedding clip.. It's literally gave me a bad stomach 🤮
I'll say it again and I'll say it every time they mention their wedding, the wedding was tacky as fuck. Her hair was awful who the hell did that? Her dress was awful.... Everything about that wedding sums her up perfectly. TACCKKkKkKkkkkkYYyyYy
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What a fucking state. Imagine turning up to a posh hotel like that, looking like you’ve just rolled of the sofa…. Oh wait she probably did!
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There's like 0 chemistry between them, she acts like she can't stand him. It's awkward.
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Why does she always seem so pissed off at Jamie? What’s he done wrong because it seems like he’s majorly sucking up to her and pandering to her and she’s just always grumpy and refusing to play. Maybe that’s more to do with why she’s having such a long maternity leave?
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Chatty Member
You know you don’t have to be married to try for a baby though don’t you???
Well yeah…but she says in her Me-moir that they started trying after the wedding and was worried when she didn’t fall pregnant straight away. It was worked out here by us TROLLS that she fell pregnant just over a month after the wedding, meaning she only could have not fallen pregnant on one cycle.
That does not even nearly equate to the fertility struggles like she made out and it’s disgusting that she would use it as another ploy to gain sympathy
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Chatty Member
If she was such a good sales women with potential why did she give it up to sit in their flat all day when Jamie was at work and learn how to do extensions at an evening class?

There is a big part of their story that makes no sense to me at all
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