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Chatty Member
Fucking hell what the fuck did we all just watch

do you know what really fills my disgusting little rotten troll heart with joy? every time they record anything, any big life event, every happy occasion, it will all be tarred with the thought of ‘what will the trolls say about this’

and they deserve it because they are such vile individuals-They’re so obsessed with what people think and they’ve sold their souls for their own pathetic selfish gains

say what you like Hinch and inch ya set of twats- pretend you’re happy and pretend you enjoy your lives but I wouldn’t accept ANY money in the entire world ever to have my life scrutinised in such detail by so many people.I am content with the life I lead in anonymity with a profession that contributes a great deal to society and children who I know are content and their needs attended to. Cannot imagine a much worse life than that those of pathetic scum influencers like these 2 dregs
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So, that high five. Did she keep her hand up in the air too long to:
A. Show off her generic rings
B. Make it easier for Tattler to screen shot her nails for future timeline references
C: She is generally just as awkward as fuck with everything she does
D: All of the above.

And Soph, you were abroad 18 months ago hun. France counts. Dopey cunt.
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i hope Stacey and Joe don’t answer their phones tonight. I’m cobcerned about the Hinch’s excitement at that shower fitting four people.
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🤢🤢🤢🤢 when he said oi oi about the hot tub later ....think I just vommed in my mouth!!!
Their sex life is literally as dry as the Sahara desert
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“I ‘ope I’m not going get turned down tonight mate innit ha ha ha ha All The Best”
Imagine that poor man from the hotel listening to that!
He must think he’s got David Brent staying. It’s toe curling.
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I watched that on mute because I can’t bear the sound. I’ll get it out of the way now - Lonnie is very cute and smiley.
yes agree she really doesn’t know how to dress him herself so she stalls for time doing it. I doubt we’d ever see her putting the top on 😂.
Two things though from that clip:
1) Lonnie’s age. Someone said he looks older than 2 months 3 weeks. You see I’m not sure if he actually looks younger… I don’t know. I feel like something odd is going on with his “ageing”. Like he hasn’t changed much recently as If he’s stuck In a time warp of pre records. I can’t articulate it.

this then links to point 2 I reckon
2) we don’t ever see Lonnie “doing anything”. I’ve said this before. No tummy time. No lying on his playmat. No interacting with Ronnie. I looked back at photos of my second (similar age gap between mine as r&l) and all my photos of this age are baby on playmat next to toddler playing with toys. Baby in bouncy chair whilst toddler passes him toys to play with. Baby on his tummy whilst big brother lies on his tummy to stare at him and make him laugh.
I’m now wondering if the lack of what Lonnie does other than sleep and get dressed is because it would reveal his age….
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There is a classic thread going on Hinch Army Cleaning Tips. Apparently he wants to see her again 😂😂
View attachment 714329View attachment 714330
she deffo had to many cocky ts, I’d put money on them being pornstar martinis.

Him calling her girl feeds into her infantile behaviours. The whole family enable her to behave child-like all the time, it’s pathetic.
how long have they been together? I know he is allegedly only 43ish(I still think he is closer to 50) but if they’ve been together a while the 12 yesr age gap gets creepy. Proper power imbalance. Always said I had finding girls outside McDonald’s in a corsa vibes from him
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
I actually see some of the old Soph in that screenshot. And that's not a bad thing as she was quite attractive back when she had more weight on her and no fillers, botox etc.
It's sad that she feels the need to manipulate pictures of herself when she posts them. Yet Inch shows the real Sophie, which is much better in my opinion.

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Saddest looking salad that i ever did see sopha.
RIP George foreskin 2020-2021
“cooked frozen burgers”
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Totally agree I’m a SAHM and read and spoke properly to my son everyday and the house looked like a Smyths toy store daily. We took advantage of the free nursery hours provided so he could socialise with his peers and get used to a pre school environment for confidence for when he went to school😊
Agree 100%👏
My kids don’t go to daycare and we plan to homeschool them when they reach school age. However, I have my degree in early childhood education and teaching English, as well as almost 2 decades teaching kids. My husband was a math teacher, and both my parents and my husband’s parents were all teachers 🤣 we feel very supported and confident in teaching our children, and we’re lucky to have access to a lot of resources. We also live in a rural area with few schools close by. Bottom line, everyone’s kids are different, all kids have different learning needs and our stories are all unique…but ma & pa Hinch have NOT shown themselves to be competent educators. Mind you, I’m not saying you have to be teachers or have education backgrounds or resources galore to be more than capable of educating your kids very well at home.

They are incurious, lazy, status quo junkies. Not great role models for developing critical thinking skills and building a solid knowledge base that you might get in a quality educational environment— in or out of a formal school setting!

My career has been exclusively working with immigrants and refugees to the US, mostly people speaking and learning English not as their primary language. Most of the kids and families I’ve worked with live in utter poverty, but they work HARD to get their children the best education opportunities they can. The Hinch’s money and “social capital” would go a long way to providing greatly for their kids in terms of access to excellent education and support. Yet I’ve seen so, SO many people do infinitely better with infinitely less.
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Their set up is so werid. Not normal family life no matter how much they try.
Ronnie doesn’t live there. 11am in the morning & not a peep?
Just her hanging onto Lonnie like he’s some kind of comfort blanket for her

They don’t use the ‘just down for a nap’ excuse anymore. He never was, he was living with Ma.

Ill never forget that time she said he was sleeping but 5 mins later he was spotted at the park with freeds. The person who spotted her was a hincher & diddnt understand why she’d lie

He’s been living with freeds for ages, I’d put at least a £50 bet on that!

Then I’m assuming the person who saw him at talking tots in June, saw him with Ma.
There way of dealing with Ronnie is just shit
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They are the weirdest couple I have ever seen. Everything they do is for nothing. Nothing makes sense. I don't get them.
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VIP Member
Please let this be the big house reveal 🤞🏻

ETA she can’t act surprised because she will have bought the damn thing, not him 😂
Sadly I reckon it’s just an Inch reveal.

He’ll have booked a posh hotel to try and get his end away and she’s turned up looking like a chavvy teenager who’s going on a date to the Odeon and for a quick fumble on the swings.
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Hiding the fact they’ve got her parents and the cling on niece there I imagine.

eta - where’s the baby? I couldn’t ever eat without having to hold the bleeding baby when they were that age. Unless he’s in his bouncy chair or being held by another family member……
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Soph: Jaimeeeeee,ha,ha,ha,ha, tee hee hee
Jaimeee short for James:Wot geeza innit?
Soph:Jaimiee,remember when we took but didn't take my hole familee to that place where we all stayed together but not together?:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::p
Jamie:Wot?The one you shelled owt loads of money for? 'Ad it's own swimming pool? Oi,oi,I liked a bit 'o that.
Soph:Jaimee, I love it when you humiliate me 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anyways,my ma wasn't even there,I know that for sure cos I posted it.
Jim:She was though weren't she?You told 'em all yr pa was there too?
Sof: oh yea-wait a minute till I work myself up into a frenzy..🥴🥴🥴🥴...would 'ave got away with dat if that f***ing nosey F...y hadn't seen him.
Jimbob:well we do live in underpopulated villarge.I mean wots the odds?-no really wot are the odds?
Tell me wot the odds are soph?Take a punt-have a bet.Gwann.
Sofa:You are soooo funny in a worrying sort of way:you make my heart race.
Inch: race,race? Wot are the odds?etc.
Slotha: I'd just like to do a swipe up for the shoppers who can't afford 5 grand minimum for a little jaunt this summer.
🍆:dat's my special girl.Go for it Oi Oi.
Princess Pratt:I can't reveal where we are going you bunch of plebs,but I want to pass on this offer...🖕
I week in a field somewhere in Devon.Bring your own tent.£915.00.17th September.Full payment due.Will accept klarna.
Fanny:I kid you not. (Well apart from the optional payment plan)
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VIP Member
And God c
One day when God was resting an idea sprung to mind
He thought 'I'll make a species to baffle all Mankind'
I'll start with just one brain cell that's more than they will need
They won't have much vocabulary and have no urge to read
Now these special people need a world just of their own
So I will make a place for them so they are not alone
I will call it 'Instagram 'where all these species meet
They will worship nobodies and fall beneath their feet
The species will at all times defend and fight off foe
Whoever dares to question to 'Blockland' they will go!
They'll worship little children that they have never seen
And beg for recognition from the latest Insta Queen
But they will have some rules, that they must not disobey
The houses that they live in must be 50 shades of grey
They are allowed some colour a hint or two of white
And crystal chandeliers to brighten up the night.
Their children must be named after wines or superstars
Like Chardonnay, Deniro, Beyonce, Bruno Mars.
So God was quite contented with the species that he made
But there was only one thing that made him feel afraid
There was a danger lurking for these poor brainless sheep
A danger oh so deadly that robbed him of his sleep
He felt a sense of doom an approaching certain battle
With the educated, erudite inhabitants of Tattle
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Active member
Who's seen Married at First Sight? 😂
Genuinely felt like I was watching an episode when they're first alone and are awkward as fuck.
Just walking around the room randomly holding a rose, ogling toilets, grabbing mug shots and having a staring competition with a dead bird.. anything to avoid physical contact with that cunt, Inch.
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