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No trip to a swanky hotel? No boat trip on the Thames? Anyone would think we were out of lockdown….
ETA - she went out more in lockdown than not 😂
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Just emailed a work colleague and signed off “I’m Thank You”. Clearly spending too much time on Tattle 😄
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Each to their own but if my husband told me he’d organised me a surprise for our anniversary I definitely wouldn’t have thrown my loungewear on. Surly you’d use it as a perfect excuse to pamper yourself and get dressed up after having a baby.
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Why does she always seem so pissed off at Jamie? What’s he done wrong because it seems like he’s majorly sucking up to her and pandering to her and she’s just always grumpy and refusing to play. Maybe that’s more to do with why she’s having such a long maternity leave?
I think he’s scared of her. I can imagine her going into absolute rages and he’s trying to keep her sweet.
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Chatty Member
‘And there’s TWO sinks. You know when you come a place like this and there’s TWO sinks’ What is that sentence? ‘For washin ya bum bum init? Yeeeaahh!’ Shut the fuck up you useless morons. All she says is awwww awww I luuuvvv ihhht and does those horrid giggles every 2 minutes. Like an actual 2 year old ‘CHOKLIIITS LOOOK’ 🙄
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I think Jamie gets a bit of a hard time on here - please put down the pitchforks 😂 but hear me out

Yes he's no hinch, but he's supporting her "business" while she's off, trying to keep her relevant, whether that's for his own financial gain or if it's genuinely for the financial security of his family and yes, maybe he should be back at work earning money for his family, but I'm sure there are plenty of parents out there that would love to give up work to spend all day with their kids.

He seems to be the one that's interacting with R, maybe he's not the best at it - but he's the one you hear cheering from the side lines at the baby ballers thing R goes to (even if it is recycled footage), he was the one in the pool, with Fingers, he was the one with R at the park or even when he was playing with the tend poo :rolleyes:. Hinchey only posts staged photos, or videos normally of just cuddling R, or for a cheeky non declared ad

I think Hinch is struggling, whether that be with having 2 kids or kids in general; having an older child who seems "behind" for lack of a better word, in his development compared to her bestie's SS; an ED or just with life in general - whenever she is on camera she shies away, barely says 2 words, or it's like a David Attenbourgh clip!

Maybe I am a bit naïve, or maybe I hope that he is a genuine, supportive husband of a wife who is struggling.

I'll see myself out 👋
You've fallen for it exactly like they want people to. Jamie's desperation for fame seeps out of every oily pore, he's tried in the past on his own but that didn't work, so now he's trying by hanging on to her coat tails. I suspect all the time he's been behind the scenes telling her what to do.
I don't think Hinch is struggling, that's all part of the plan to gain sympathy from her followers, and again, they want people to think that. But if you saw those videos on Stacey Solomons page with Hinch prancing around in front of the mirror in Victoria's Secret, having a great day out, you'd see the image she and Inch try to portray on their own pages is as fake as always.
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I honestly can’t keep up with this thread so I apologise if it’s already been said but it makes me so happy how she is so flustered being a mum of 2 I can’t cope 😩😩🤣🤣😂😈 I’m. A mum of 3 and I genuinely used to feel shit watching her when she first became big on Instagram stuffing unstoppables in her pillows and scrubbing her sofa with a brush 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 she can’t even brush her hair now and she’s only got two and. A husband with no Job 😂the reason she so quiet is bcos she’s not doing no cleaning at all I absolutely love it 😂😂🧙‍♀️Sorry got that off my chest now 😌
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I do wonder how much is actually just Ron maybe needing additional help and how much is down to their crap parenting. And before everyone thinks I'm being a cruel bitch, I’m not talking about anyone else’s kid, I have an Autistic nephew and know that autism isn’t caused by parenting, this comment is completely about Hinch and Ron and their situation. We don’t know Ron actually has autism or anything like that. What if his delays or differences are purely down to not being stimulated enough by those pair of planks. Either way they’re not helping him. They need to pull their fingers out and be far more proactive than they’re being. Time flies with your little ones before they know it, it’ll be time to start looking at schools for him.
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If that suite is 2 nights then it’s pretty clear Lennie isn’t breastfed. Even one night is a push at 8-10 weeks!!

do they not own any nice smart casual clothing? Not even a nice pair of jeans? They dress like absolute chavs
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So the happiest couple in the world have gone away on a romantic, child free break to celebrate their wedding anniversary and what's she doing? Sitting on her phone, going through her messages and uploading photos which she just knows will be followed up with sickly sweet messages from her adoring fans! What does it say about their relationship when she's happier to be on her phone rather than switching it off and concentrating on their special day?
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I’m not surprised she doesn’t send him to nursery. I think realisation has probably hit that she’s exposed and exploited her son SO much, to MILLIONS of people, even whilst he’s been in the bath man. 😔 I despair. She’s probably realised that it is actually dangerous as fuck now leaving her kid with strangers, with the potential for someone (for example) sell pictures of him for money and/or fame. Had she kept him private like a mother is responsible to do, maybe he could live a normal life like other boys and girls. I feel so sorry for these children, and SS children who are truly created for content, and to fund their lifestyle. Just go and get a job for fucks sake.
Possibly, but I work at an agency that represents actual celebs, like proper actors who are on TV and in the theatre and they are all able to send their kids to nursery and do the school run themselves with no problems.
I don’t disagree with what you’ve said about the kids being exploited, they definitely are, but if someone who’s on TV and is a household name can manage a normal existence then I’m sure Ronnie can. They’re just too Fucking self centred and lazy to make it happen for him.
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Henny Penny

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her make up friend taking her son out to the cinema and for food on his own as she wants to spend time with him before he does more hours at present school. Why doesn’t hinch see what others are doing and think she should be doing the same? Unbelievable that in 2 years she’s NEVER taken Ron anywhere on her own!! That’s actually really worrying! I would t be able to count the amount of times I’d done that by this point! At least daily for journal activities like shop, park, school run etc
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The difference between her photo and his video!
On his video she looks like a drag act of herself.
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I know this has been mentioned lots but it really is strange that we never see Lonnie doing anything at all other than being carried or dressed. I would have thought she would be saying swipe up for this water mat guyyys, so many of you have messaged....etc. At that age my little girl was always on her play gym with black and white books etc it's just so so odd! There's also never any sign that Ronnie is up and about in the house, no running through a video, making noises in the background...even the 'toys' that are left around are very carefully placed. Surely there have been lots of opportunities for pictures of Lonnie on the mat and Ronnie playing near him atleast (if not with him) which they know the sheep would go mad for. It's all very odd!
Yeah, I agree it is very odd we haven't seen any of the must have hinch baby items.

You'd think inch would also film his son doing tummy time or whatever as well to make a point about how strong his boys are or whatever macho shit flows out of his mouth.

And I made that point about ronnie/background noise a little while ago. You never hear him singing nursery rhymes/playing with toys or anything. Like just now I had the doctors ring me.and I could barely hear her over my child "singing" wheels on the bus and "playing" his drum. 🥴

Thats just with me having the one child. God knows the amount of noise with two. But their house always seems so lifeless. They are so lifeless.
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