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Cucumber and eggs

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yeah that's what I mean... it sounds like they're going out on a wonderful adventure... but arent. My kids have been in the garden all day playing in the snow but I also haven't posted on Instagram claiming to be going for a walk 🤣
Wish we had snow!! We had a little bit for a day and kids had a blast on the sledge, my middle daughter is a year older than Ronnie and we couldn't get her in the house!!
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Guys can someone please fill me in about a crisis team? Been so busy have missed the last 20 pages or so . Thanks you horrible tattlers x
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You reminded me there of the time I let my toddler pick her own winter jacket...a peppa puffer jacket the colour of pepto bismol 😭 and covered in grinning peppas. I’m definitely not the Hinch type of mum where my kids fit an aesthetic 😭
Lmao oh noooo 😂😂😂 Bet she bloody loved it though which is the main thing!!!
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My two penneth birth wise - my first ended up needed the ventouse. Second was induced but then ended up needing an emergency section. To be honest (😆 sorry) I didn’t find it that painful afterwards. But that could be partly due to having emergency surgery at 32 weeks & having to recover from that, made the section pain not so bad in comparison. I did a bit of lounging around after the first op as they said I could go into early labour still. Afterwards, different story, several trips to GOSH needed so was walking loads, having to help with the pram in the tube stations with the OH.
To keep on topic .....
In the theory of Hinch, I should have known that all wasn’t going to go swimmingly as I didn’t have sickness throughout!
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Why does she need more storage for 3 bloody people? She is absolutely beyond! Spending because there is something seriously lacking in her life!! What a way to live! Shes absolutely reckless and such a bad influence to her followers!!
Gotta put all that #gifted crap somewhere, there's no room left in the loft now they've shoved Ma Baker up there
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So she’s a ‘cleaning’ account, yet she supposedly has done all of her cleaning over the 2 days she’s been off Instagram????
I really couldn't be arsed writing down a list of what I've done every day. I just don't get the point of it? 🤷 Fair enough if you need to right a list of some important stuff you need to do so you don't forget. But why an "after you've done it" list? As that's basically what it is.
You want congratulating or something? Give yaself a fucking pat on the back then. 🙄🙄
It will all be recorded and become her content for the week!
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What a joke.
She looks fuck all like that in real life aswell, bloody nora

She's gonna shit herself when the second comes along, she hasn't a clue
No Janine will do it all while heaping her with praise to keep her happy so the money keeps rolling in
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I’ve had 3 EMCS and with one of them, hubby was in the army and was deployed three weeks after. I was left alone with an older child as well as a newborn to cope with on my own. I bled continuously and heavily for roughly 4 months each time. I had sepsis with the second. It was absolutely horrendous. I agree that people like to make out C sections are easy and I hope for her sake she doesn’t fall into this trap thinking it’s easier.

My hospital in Essex will do whatever you want

There’s also a condition called Supine Hypotensive Syndrome where you can compress the Vena Cava and restrict blood flow to the baby.

SVS thank you I couldnt remember what it was called but I remember that distinctly from my trauma course 😬
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All the second born's I know are polar opposite babies with strong wills, headstrong & stubborn little forces to be reckoned with after their soft laid back first born's 🤣
My first born was an angel
Very few tantrums
I even managed to work from home with her at 9 months. She just sat on the bed while I worked

then came second baby
My god she was a shock to the system
And to top it off my angel first born hit her terrible twos early
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Toddlers learn at different rates my nephew didn’t speak till he was 4 and had 4 older siblings to learn from as well
Yes, my youngest was very slow at talking. He had his siblings to attend to every demand so why would he 🤣🤣
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Jumping on the bandwagon. We are a family of 5 and always have a ton of washing
I do darks,
dirty whites -as in my sons socks and white pants and my husbands works vests. I wouldn’t put them in with nice white tees etc
Bedding and towels together or separately depending on how big the load is.
And the birthing business, I am one of the lucky ones, I had an induced labour with my first because of pre eclampsia but was only 4 hours start to finish. I had an epidural but I think it was because I was 23 and scared it would hurt so had one just in case.
My next two babies, I had silent labours, thankfully I knew my body and just knew I was in labour. With my third the midwives didn’t take me seriously and said ‘I was just in the early stages’ thankfully another midwife (an older one- does older make a difference?! ) checked and I was actually 10cm, she broke my waters and my baby literally flew out, midwife literally caught her using the umbilical cord.
Funny though it was such an easy labour I went into shock and didn’t hold the baby for ages coz I was shaking so much I was scared I’d drop her!
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