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Hopefully this lady has a big enough account for me to not get into trouble for posting this. So sorry if I’m not meant to.

Her toddler had just done a poo and walked it through the house.

Does Mrs Hinch have to deal with this? No. No she doesn’t. She doesn’t deal with her son at all. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


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Random rant incoming..The main problem for Sopha and her attempts to clone her best frenemy SS, is that SS & Swash have a basic fan-base outside of Instagram. They have other strings to their bow, albeit very reality tv based these days. SS has Loose Women, which is probably a fairly secure gig & is obviously something Soph would even sacrifice her first born mutt child to have. But we all know that will never happen, we’ve witnessed her car-crash tv/radio appearances. Her whole “fame” is on Instagram & it’s going to dry up (hopefully) sooner rather than later & taking excessive days off from her job is going to backfire. The world of social media is a fickle place & she’s never going to be offered the reality tv jobs, she’s far too much of a work-shy princess to do them anyway. Soph needs to get off her bony backside & put in some real work on her account if she wants to stay “relevant” & her attempts to branch out are complete failures (she’ll be pushing a half-price lorry load of Rose Blunderland in the next few weeks 😂). She’s a very boring spoilt little princess & even the sheeple shoppers will one day see the light 🤞😀
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Does anyone else find it unnerving how she concocts all these whole 'fantasy' stories and reveals and scripted conversation disguised ads. How is Jamie so oblivious (or perhaps he himself is just as warped) that she is a serial liar and fantasist. How on earth do people in her orbit believe a word that comes out of her mouth?

* Blue balloon has been in the back of her shots (as if she would have revealed the gender alone on her own with no one knowing she's ME ME ME)
* no ones been told she's pregnant for 6 months
* they all had a big online Christmas reveal
*Jamie went to visit his parents whilst she stayed home alone - surely Jamie would have loved to make a big deal to HIS parents like you constant has to do with her's.
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This makes me sad she is , sorry Jadawg is dismantling the other bedroom for a second nursery and not giving Ron his big boy room.

When I think about who has 2 nurseries in their house. The actual Queen doesn't.
I doubt Jamie will do any of this. He’s too bone idle. She’ll get “a little man” in and it’ll all be done within a couple of hours. It’ll look shit regardless because the cunt has no imagination and is tacky as fuck.
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Her latest story with Ronnie just shows everything that is wrong with her.

Some may disagree, but why spend so much of their time teaching him how to pour dog food into a dog bowl? Oh that’s right, because then she can post it on Instagram for some content & to please her sheep!! In my opinion she’d have been far better spending that time to actually teach her Son useful things, like how to say mummy or daddy for example. But no, she continues to treat him like a little puppet and would rather teach him things that she can use on Instagram because we all know that’s her top priority. Shameful..
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Does her eyelid always look like that? She looks like she has been punched!
Katie Piper was disfigured when she had acid thrown at her. Such an inspirational woman. I believe she has had an operation recently so may explain why her eye is puffy?
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made the mistake of talking to a friend of mine who’s also a fan of hers briefly about what the main gripes with her seem to be. Wish I hadn’t cos I then had to defend this place (didn’t name it tho lol just said a forum) from the typical “sounds really mean don’t people have anything better to do than bitch my motto is bE kInD” 🤓🤓🤓

it saddens me that people take a genuine mantra like be kind (which I fully believe in) and misuse it or misconstrue it. I was trying to explain that it’s the other way round ans people are only talking (ok bitching if you want!) over the fact Hinch doesn’t seem to be kind and in fact manipulates her followers!
I know I can only speak for myself but I have never DM'd her, or commented on any of her IG posts in any context whatsoever. I come on here for a giggle and to talk to people who share my views. Yes some of it is bitchy but the only way the dinny tart is going to see it is if she comes on here for a snoop. And if she does, that's her problem and not mine. Does that make us trolls?

If Grinch doesn't like criticism she can always stop posting every aspect of her life and family on a public platform. Or easier still, avoid looking at Tattle.

To quote the Queen of Maldon herself - IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T LOOK AT IT!
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Wouldn't it have been nice on that photo if she had bothered to say how nice and grown up Ronnie looked, what a lovely big brother he will be etc rather than a stupid comment drawing attention to the dog? ???? 😤
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So I just watched Staceys story and I can’t believe how much more advanced Rex is. Ron is like a baby not a toddler coming up to 2. It’s actually shocking
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What’s the point of that message? Why get her bump and engagement ring in? Just showing off as per.
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The link to the tiktoker I shared on the other thread! It’s an interesting watch, she’s 26 now and her mum blogged about her since she was 8! She’s probably the first product of the generation of the mums that use their kids for social media performance parenting. She goes on to talk about how it has damaged her and sounds like the relationship between her and her mum has broken down.

hinch we all know you read tattle, cover them poor kids faces and let them have some privacy!
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Why are all these people expending all this energy on hating her though?
It’s not hate, we just see through her bullshit and enjoy discussing it together. No different from her fans raving about her on their pages, just a different point of view. Have a read of the Wikipedia and make up your own mind.
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Not fussed

Chatty Member
Thanks cos I mentioned this to someone and they come back with well she has more followers than some celebs ........ point missed lol

Have any o you lot been following this woman Hinch for a long time? I’m curious if anyone can say she’s always been x from day one, or no she’s changed loads, Orr oh she used to be very sweet etc. Is it a case of money / IG fame gown to the head or so we think she was always this fake?
ive literally never follows her at all. I went to finally check out the craic after seeing her name everywhere and of course thought let me check here too!

the funny thing is aye, I actually got the “fake manipulative anything for money” vibe from j saw Rosie Brag on Xmas day with Hinch lists book and thought bruv... that sounds like a “slap my name on anything for the £” merchandise item. It cant be that diff to a normal notebook?
I followed her from the start. I'll be honest I bought a few bits she recommended though I never went as far as having a "narnia" of stockpiled zoflora - thankfully I saw the light early on.
She's very different now. Even the way she speaks is different and if you went back and looked at her old highlights you'd see the change.

She did used to come across pretty relatable, or at least did to me. Pottering about the house while waiting for Jamie to come home from work - I had a young baby at the time and was on maternity leave so found myself a lot of the time doing the same whilst waiting for my husband to come home.

Then the swipe ups started. The gifted days away, gifted everything.
I follow her personal page too and when you dig a little deeper she's definitely not what she makes out. All this crap about saving hard for their house, certainly not my idea of saving hard. She appeared to not sacrifice anything, in the time before they bought they were still on multiple holidays a year and spending a fortune.
I'm still on the fence about whether this was all planned from day one.
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I don't agree with those saying that Grinch 'stole Stacey's thunder' with her pregnancy announcement. Sopha wouldn't have known that engagement was coming and she was obvs pregnant long before xmas eve. If anything I think she was considerate* in holding off announcing her pregnancy to allow Stacey a week of enjoying the limelight. Imagine if she had gone ahead and told everyone on xmas day like she probably originally planned 😂

What a funny world we live in. At the risk of sounding older than my 30 years, the days of announcing an engagement/pregnancy via phone call or letter to your families are long gone 😂🤦‍♀️ Thanks to social media some people consider cooking a lasagne something that is news worthy 🙄

*Can't believe I called Hinch considerate. Forgive me Tattle! 🤮😂
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Baby bunch blue cushion... original baby hinchezz or replica baby hinchezzz
That child is purely there for her content now isn’t he? I really hope he turns against them both when he’s old enough to realise how much they have exploited him
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