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@Ispywithmylittlei i was too late to quote from last thread but...
The lady who made the outfit Ron is wearing in the announcement photo has commented everywhere the picture has been posted (every IG repost, newspapers etc) that she can’t believe & is so honoured ron’s wearing her creation. Literally seen a comment along those lines a few dozen times now.
I could be wrong but it smacks of uncredited gift to me & the seller is trying to make up for it hoping to get noticed.
certainly can’t knock her for it, I just hope Hinch hasn’t shat on her like she has with so many other small biz’s. No £24k? No mention. Mean.
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I honestly find it so bizarre that this fame hungry monster waited however long it’s been to announce her pregnancy. All I can think is

1. She was supposed to do it Christmas Day like the last time, probably more attention and engagement than any other normal day but obviously Stacey and Joe ruined that for her.

2. She’s probably had an issue with being pregnant. The morning after pill story (I know we can’t take that as gospel) and saying she’s not ready for another one a bit back. The way she’s never left on her own with the kid she’s got.

I honestly think it’s the second one. She’s seemed very unhinged for a long time. I don’t like the woman at all. But I do hope she’s actually OK for the sake of herself and her babies. I can’t see Inch being bothered about her mental health.

Once the kids get to school age and people aren’t as invested in her I do think she will really struggle. Will probably be in a magazine in 5 years time saying what happened to Mrs Hinch? And there will be a sob story about how fake ruined her life.
I’ve never believed either the anxiety or unhinged theory myself
I think she’s like a lot of young women these days ( a lot not all of course) who are extremely self absorbed to the point of obsessed with themselves
She was larger there then followed the transformation from little old Sophie to Mrs Hinch
Suddenly it’s adoring fans, freebies etc etc
She had the big fuck of wedding that a lot of these dingbats aspire to a new home
Unlimited income to spend on tat and of course the freebies
There then followed ‘the little Prince’
Suddenly things are real, someone else is getting the attention, she’s flustered, I think it’s just not what she expected. I think she thought babies slept like cats for 23 hours and they were a pretty, silent prop. When he was a baby he was cute and immobile Now he’s a toddler and it’s boring for her, boring and irritating as he’s touching stuff but not saying anything, he isn’t the little showman Rex is but then Sophie you do have to put the time in with them, unless he has delayed speech which you know a lot of toddlers have.
Then there is the pandemic she’s struggling for content what can she do she’s even more bored so bingo she’s in the tub club
She’s back to top dog ( sorry Henry) in the limelight, mummy and Jamie and those others fussing over the princess and she can milk this for another 18 months
I know women like her, it’s all hair and nails and Botox and self love and unless the child is asleep for 12 hours and silent they are naughty or exhausting
They are pathetic vacuous examples of womanhood who play at families and the unbelievable thing is people are thick as pig shit and think she’s something special, I do think the majority of her followers are simpletons with something missing from their lives not to see her for what she is
A saleswoman who has struck lucky who manipulates her Instagram feed constantly, who lies and flouts the lockdown rules and who only really truly loves herself first and last and nothing will convince me otherwise

Anyway that’s my take on it 😘
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FFS not another picture, it’s getting a bit boring now! I do t think Kate Middleton had this many seperate photo releases of her pregnancies & one of them was for the proper future King.
Of course Henry doesn’t care, he’s a DOG! Although when he hears a new baby crying he’ll certainly care & be thinking, ‘I’m the son of a celebrity get me out of here!!’
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I honestly find it so bizarre that this fame hungry monster waited however long it’s been to announce her pregnancy. All I can think is

1. She was supposed to do it Christmas Day like the last time, probably more attention and engagement than any other normal day but obviously Stacey and Joe ruined that for her.

2. She’s probably had an issue with being pregnant. The morning after pill story (I know we can’t take that as gospel) and saying she’s not ready for another one a bit back. The way she’s never left on her own with the kid she’s got.

I honestly think it’s the second one. She’s seemed very unhinged for a long time. I don’t like the woman at all. But I do hope she’s actually OK for the sake of herself and her babies. I can’t see Inch being bothered about her mental health.

Once the kids get to school age and people aren’t as invested in her I do think she will really struggle. Will probably be in a magazine in 5 years time saying what happened to Mrs Hinch? And there will be a sob story about how fake ruined her life.
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I thought this. It’s a fucking dog love what do you want it to do? Join a brass band and bark down the streets of Maldon? Get a grip woman

Oh my god what is so funny about a dog just sat there with no expression? She's a lunatic, her sense of humour is just weird. She's constantly laughing at things like the postman putting a letter through the door. You can tell she never leaves the house.
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The heart rate thing is a myth. My midwife told me that my eldest was a girl based on their heartbeat.
Shock of my life when I saw Willy and balls on the screen at his 20 week scan.

I think she's having another boy, already knows and if planning to announce on valentine's times day in a soppy sickening post about how lucky she is to have three men in her life to love (four if you're gonna count fatty fleabag)
For the cause of Tattle, I’ve just made a phone call downstairs to maternity and ask my friend who works in there about the heart rate thing.

her response was “it’s about as accurate as the governments numbers on covid deaths”....... 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
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No point in any of us lot trying to guess the sex. Only her mum has that kind of innate power. She probably sensed what the sex was while
Jamie was still sweaty and panting.
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Thanks cos I mentioned this to someone and they come back with well she has more followers than some celebs ........ point missed lol

Have any o you lot been following this woman Hinch for a long time? I’m curious if anyone can say she’s always been x from day one, or no she’s changed loads, Orr oh she used to be very sweet etc. Is it a case of money / IG fame gown to the head or so we think she was always this fake?
ive literally never follows her at all. I went to finally check out the craic after seeing her name everywhere and of course thought let me check here too!

the funny thing is aye, I actually got the “fake manipulative anything for money” vibe from j saw Rosie Brag on Xmas day with Hinch lists book and thought bruv... that sounds like a “slap my name on anything for the £” merchandise item. It cant be that diff to a normal notebook?
In the beginning she seemed very genuine. She’d thank people who gifted her items and was very focussed on the cleaning aspect. Then she was gifted more and more, never took the time to thank people, would swap her “favourite” products at the drop of a hat when more money was offered for an alternative product.

Her fate was sealed when she showed no consideration during any of the lockdowns. Flaunted her wealth despite her Hinchers struggling, went wherever she wanted despite restrictions, was caught lying repeatedly. People like to call us trolls but we are mainly Hinchers who have actually picked up in all this. That and the fact she shows no remorse over using her son for her “brand” when he’s a sweet innocent baby.
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‘Celebrity couple’ my new favourite deluded comment 🤣 but I can’t believe she’s waited until she’s so far into her pregnancy to tell her dad 🤔
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My god, she really thinks she's on the level with Kylie Jenner, hiding the pregnancy doesn't she 😂 Big woop, alot of people said it on here Sopha, sorry to piss on your parade 🤷‍♀️ The hypnobirthing podcast in the background when you were lay on the sofa, the balloon behind the sofa. You ain't as clever as you think you are
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Hi tattlers,
Been lurking for a while now- first time poster!

Does anyone else find it a bit strange in the ridiculous pregnancy reveal montage that she hasn’t really included Ronnie in it at all? I mean, I know it’s a picture of him on the grid post and he’s in the weird white clothing family pic with the dog, but she hasn’t shown any videos or pictures of Ronnie feeling her bump or her trying to explain the concept of being a big brother to him? Just her lying on the sopha on her own patting her womb or eye fucking herself in the mirror. When she revealed she was up the duff with Ronnie, the grid post was her and inch crouching down to Henry showing him the baby scan of “his little brother”? Surely that is way more intimate and meaningful than what she’s shown with Ronnie and his unborn (actual human) sibling.

I just feel like if I was a new follower I would think this was her first pregnancy the way she is harping on and barely including her already-born kid. It probably just shows the lack of time she actually spends with him.

I also feel like this new baby is going to have such an affect on poor Ronnie. She clearly doesn’t spend enough time with him (without her phone in her hand) and there is obviously a lack of bonding between them. When the new baby comes along she is going to have less and less time to spend with Ronnie, making their already distant relationship even more distant. This new baby will definitely be her favourite and I bet she won’t even try to hide it either, she might actually try a bit harder to bond with them and poor Ronnie will probably be shoved up to the loft to keep Trace company.
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Not commented for a few days as all this baby talk and speculation does my head in but just came on to claim a BINGO on Tufters passing his intensive pouring biscuits into a bowl training. Next challenge climbing up on the chair. Go on my son you can do it.
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I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant and at the same hospital as Mrs Hinch.
I've been to all of my appointments unaccompanied as currently they do not allow partners into antenatal appointments - only scans. I was admitted for some time due to complications and was only allowed my partner to visit for one hour a day on DAU.
If I so much as see that she's being treated differently because of who she is, I literally will have a breakdown as the last 6 months have been horrific doing this alone.
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