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Nothing to do with her bad business but her parents didn’t embrace each other at the glorious announcement presumably Mad Barker knew but even so she didn’t cuddle the old boy to congratulate him very frosty!
Ma knew.Do you remember the nativity snow globe she delivered randomly?
I want to watch the post of pa finding out again.IMO frosty knickers showed him nil emotion,just tried to climb in the screen to get to her princess.Soph was for sure the first cash cow cos without her her pa would have fucked her off years ago.....she hasn't cuddled him ever...there I've said it 🤭
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Why does she always make
Those annoying sounds like she’s about to burst into tears every time Ronnie does something?? Does she not live with the boy? Does she not see him doing this shit EVERY DAY?! surely she can’t be on the verge or tears all day every day?
Don’t get me wrong, I am a mum, I adore my girls, and I’m the first to wipe away a tear at certain pivotal life moments (school plays etc) but day to day shit like pouring some dog biscuits?? Get a life! Or if this is genuine, get yourself to the docs cos this is not a normal level emotion!!
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If I gave my child a bog brush, she would look at me like 'wtf mum'. Its not normal! I liked the alternative advent calendar but christ, give the child a bit of chocolate. I actually can't wait to see the changes she will have to make when hes at that stage of not listening and won't tidy his room.
I can't wait until he's a teenager and his room stinks of Lynx Africa and the floor is covered in crusty socks 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she'll be carted off to a psychiatric unit!
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Chatty Member
She’ll use the pregnancy to gain sympathy now. It will be all about poor vulnerable Zoph being pregnant in a pandemic. What was the point in hiding it for so long, now it’s rammed down people’s throat every single post?!
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If she had a photographer inside her home to take these photos in December, then pretty sure she’s had Xmas with her family. The virus hasn’t disappeared. For someone with supposed anxiety, she sure doesn’t act like she has it. She’s been out more times than we have as a family. Knowing you are pregnant and you have a little boy, and allowing someone to come inside your home (which is a safe place) to take photos of you all - surely you just wouldn’t risk it? Why take an unnecessary risk? You can’t fix stupid...or vain..yet again she sends out all the wrong messages to her sheeple..
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I can’t be the only one that finds it weird that she’s given Ron a toilet brush... I know it’s clean and just for him but how will she teach him that he can’t touch the real one but he can play with that? She can’t tell him off if he starts playing with the one that’s been stuck down the bog now surely because he won’t be able to understand?
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Not fussed

Chatty Member
There’s women all over social media sobbing because some random bint that they’ve never met is up the duff and I didn’t even cry when I found out that I was pregnant. I must be a right heartless bitch! 🤷🏼‍♀️
I didn't cry either. Both times
First time was a completely unplanned baby and I ended up shouting from the toilet "I'm fucking pregnant!" in a state of shock.

I am a heartless bitch though. But I will never understand people crying over a stranger having a baby - that's what she is, they may think she's a friend but she wouldn't piss on her hinchers if they were on fire
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Everyone keeps saying Stacey is copying Mrs hinch but I think it’s the other way round. I’ve only recently started Stacey but Mrs hinch literally copies everything she does. The black mirror 😅 the montages, the thumbs up, even the flipping jewellery and nails. Mrs hinch NEVER used to do that until she became “best mates” with Stacey. 😅
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Surely no one else would bang him?
I cant decide if he has a face like a slipper or a flattened jacket potato?
Sheep won’t even question it though 🤦🏼‍♀️
made the mistake of talking to a friend of mine who’s also a fan of hers briefly about what the main gripes with her seem to be. Wish I hadn’t cos I then had to defend this place (didn’t name it tho lol just said a forum) from the typical “sounds really mean don’t people have anything better to do than bitch my motto is bE kInD” 🤓🤓🤓

it saddens me that people take a genuine mantra like be kind (which I fully believe in) and misuse it or misconstrue it. I was trying to explain that it’s the other way round ans people are only talking (ok bitching if you want!) over the fact Hinch doesn’t seem to be kind and in fact manipulates her followers!

eg I also mentioned jameela Jamil who has a similar thread outing her for faking half of her righteous crusader for everyone’s rights bullshit and has been expose to have bullied Caroline flack. Calling someone out is not bitching - not unkind bitching anyway!
i love that I have read on here about people coming to this forum and then seeing the light about Hinch and others! It’s so easy for people to get sucked in to their fakery!
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Nobody's life is perfect but she has it a hell of a lot easier than most people it would seem
Yeah, no money worries, roof over her head, food to waste, but there are families with a lot less who seem happier. Her life is fake and staged, the thought of having to maintain that must be exhausting. I bet that picture of her buying the egg chair haunts her.

Just been round the block a few times. In my experience the people who go to great lengths to tell you how fantastic it all is don’t last. The ones who quietly get on with their relationship and grow together are the ones who succeed.

We’ll just have to wait and see.
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Feel sorry for Ronnie why can’t she let the poor sod have a big boy room now full of colour and let the new baby have the already set up nursery
She’s such a selfish twat
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Is she drinking a can of monster energy drink? Shes turned the front of the can around to hide the label and it definitely looks like it?
It’s appletise. Her favourite drink she banged on about for months. They obviously didn’t take the bait and gift her, so now she isn’t giving them any more free air time
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Grown women are actually crying because a nearly 19 month old managed to feed the dog without spilling any, WTAF🙄😬please get a life you seriously sad individuals!
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When the decorations are next out we will be a family of 5

no you won’t you moron you will be a family of 4
Henry is not a child Henry is a fucking dog
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Was just reading the SS thread and a lot of people are speculating that she is also pregnant (talking about being tired and sleeping a lot) lots of people are assuming they planned to get pregnant together to do baby ranges/shoots.
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